Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Fishnlines29 I google mapped it and it said Manhattan College was 45-50 minutes to nyu, 9 minute walk then the A train. My concern is we don’t know as much about the school as some of her others. I know they have a strong reputation for engineering, which would likely be good for the math department, but I don’t know much else. If anyone has any info I’d love to hear it!

Wow there is a tidal wave of awesomeness on here today! :-bd

Many hugs and wishes for some zen balance about the rejections, as well. Wallow in the suckage for a bit, I support that heartily.

Welcome to page 2017 of the Parents of the Class of 2017 Thread!

I first came here in the Winter of 2015 for guidance with the new PSAT and discovered this group. You have all been so supportive of each other and have some amazing kids. My DS is the practical type and chased merit aid. As far as applications go he was 8 for 8 and pretty much finished that process last September. Six of the eight can be attended tuition free for four years. He has spent that time since October pursuing school based and external scholarships to fund other college expenses. The “lottery” types didn’t pan out - Coca Cola, AXA, Wendy’s, Stamps, Presidential, Herman, Levine - but as far as we know he is still in the running for some significant ones that will be awarded later this year.

He decided on his college in January and we are awaiting for the status of additional aid that could make it very inexpensive. He is an outstanding student and a dedicated athlete with very many hours of community service. Even with his outstanding stats, this forum helped keep us grounded in realistic expectations. It also help me answer the questions of “why not Stanford, GT, or MIT” or even how come he is not attending the State flagship. He was accepted into the Honors college at his university of choice and it appears to be a good fit - smaller classes, personal attention, a good peer group - and all of us feel that it is a good fit for him.

I appreciate the insights and humor I have found here and wanted to express my thanks to all of you for making the process entertaining. I hope all of your children are happy in their future endeavors.

@Fishnlines29 She talked to the assistant principal who said to email him the dates and he’ll “take care of it.” Yay.

@BigPapiofthree Recently you posted that your child was accepted ED2 to Vanderbilt but you were considering declining the admission which resulted in much discussion. Did you do that? If so, how did that go?

@MSHopeful - I am a 2016 parent just silently rooting for your kids but I will say that last year my kid had the same issue with absences and a wonderful VP made some of them disappear too!! Good for you for reaching out. These kids have enough going on. Best wishes!

Happy 2017…waited all morning for the page to finally shift.

Global congratulations to all of our fine kids!

Wow, Page 2017! We made it!

Congratulations to the Class of 2017!

A lurker for obvious reasons, but wanted to say congratulations to all of your children and wish them well if they are still deciding where they will spend the next four years!

@MotherOfDragons How badly will the 85 closing impact you?

Best wishes to the DC and families of the Class of 2017 <:-P

Congrats to the class of 2017!

A prime number, very auspicious!

(Gratuitous post to get on page 2017!)

D is firming her St. Andrews offer this weekend.

Congrats to the class of2017!

Where we hoped she’d go: ???

Where she hoped she’d go: ???

Where she is going: ???

Now that my D and her classmates are finalizing her decisions, she’s having fun helping her class of 2018 friends make their lists. She says some of them are confused about the difference between EA and ED. Anyone here have good resources that explain how ED is binding and not to be taken lightly?

@Mom2aphysicsgeek we live north of the city, so unless we need to head into Midtown, we’re ok. Luckily with all the crazy traffic, there are a lot of ways in and out of Atlanta.

If you think of the city as a huge tree, the “trunk” of the tree is severed, but all the branches are still working, so I think the traffic is going to be ugly for a while, but most people I know have already figured out workarounds.

I missed posting on page 2017, not fair :((