Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@socalmom007 Yep, so about an hour door to door. Not too bad I guess, certainly better than 3,000 miles!

@stencils Yea we made it to 2017!! =D>

@LastGoRound Congrats to your son as well!

@MSHopeful Phew!! #:-S

@thshadow Still no idea?

Gratuitous post on page 2019 for D17’s younger sister!

OK. Let’s see if I am on page 2019.
Yay! =))
I am starting right on with DS2019. I already see several of us on the 2019 Parents thread. :smiley:
I have a smallish spreadsheet for him, only 5 tabs, but the List of schools is likely to be the same, the “Usual Suspects” with good STEM programs. ho-hum. Unlike with DS17, DS19 wants to apply to lottery schools but the result may be the same.

@rerunagain It is also wise to let students and parents know that the NPC are not always accurate and the numbers you run in October for an ED school with a November 1st application deadline could be based on an NPC that has not yet been updated for the incoming school year applicants. This is what happened to us. One NPC number in October that made the school affordable, another in December that had us allmost at full pay for the private college. Lucky for us the ED acceptance came with a nice package.

If you apply ED you are supposed to get financial aid information from the school with your acceptance. Some scholarship money may not be awarded until after regular decisions are released so that may be an issue for some ED students if they are hoping for those additional funds to attend.

@carachel2 Agree so much! Integrity is one of the best qualities we can model for our children.
@botcom Yes we told D that she could not assume any additional scholarships when looking at ED. Had to be what was available to her when she got that decision in December. Good advice.

Lets see if I can make it onto 2019 for S19!

Are you all planning to go back to see a few schools before your DC makes a decision? Seem there are lots of accepted student days coming up!

Anyone make the results thread - where attending & stats etc?

Going to RPI with son for accepted student day next weekend. Will probably take him to the Big Easy to visit Tulane since we missed their Top Scholars Day. Will also go to Tuscaloosa to visit UA before making a final decision.

If you are unsure of your preference of schools, do nonrestrictive EA…U Chicago admission people explained the best…“you can still date other people”

S20 is more challenging than older sister. I hope he becomes responsible soon!! I’d like to publicly acknowledge on page 2020 that I am not as on the ball with him as D17. First, I forgot to sign up for his AP exam, and had to pay late fee! Second, he doesn’t have a business suit, but will need to leave for FBLA state conference this weekend! I am pivoting and spending more time on him now!!

@SincererLove – My DS leaves on Tuesday for FBLA states - we got his new suit just last weekend. Hope all works out ok! Good luck to DS20.

I agree re EA - that’s all we did - it was very helpful to get some early answers and those schools are among the top contenders!!

@payn4ward I like your new avatar!

We’re home from UMD’s accepted students day :slight_smile: It rained all the way there (2.5 hours due to am drive time + weather), during the event, and on the way home (2.5 hours due to accidents).

We were late (see above) so we missed the first portion of the individual college’s presentation (Behavioral and Social Sciences), just catching the current student discussion and Q&A. The major (Gov’t and Politics/International Relations) session was interesting and informative. We grabbed a coffee and visited the ballroom w all the individual tables for organizations etc. Not much of interest but she was able to talk w Dining about negotiating food allergies. She met w the Arabic Flagship director after talking via email.

The University Honors session seemed very skewed to engineering and business interests. D felt out of place during the presentation and Q&A with current students.

We skipped the campus tour because of the weather lol

The visit provided some clarity so that’s good! Her decision will be announced once all the details are finalized :slight_smile:

@novicemom23kids Some started posting the decisions and merit outcomes here
But now it is mixed with short news. I think once the dust has settled we can post the final decisions, stats and merit outcomes there.
Also, we have this thread
Here, we could add next to U of Choice (Attending), etc.

@Ynotgo - 2021 is no same as 2017 :slight_smile:

@srk2017 Typical graduation year. Oh, wait, planning on an MD, so in it for the long run…

@ynotgo - I need 2025 for MD and may be 2031 for job date :slight_smile:

I look forward to learning about your 2019 kids!! We can start this all over again! Arrrghhhhh, lol.

My son19’s path to college may be more complicated than son17’s, he has set his sights higher and he wants to pursue a more difficult major.

Son17 came home today after school and he has nothing to do all weekend except chill out. He is so happy!! He might go into Boston tomorrow with a friend who is considering joining hm at NEU. I said it might be fun for them to poke around and explore a bit.

Really, even leaving aside BSMD programs and the like, just given the unpredictability of everything from medical issues to changing majors to taking time off to (f’rex) work on a political campaign to being able to get the right classes at the right times, calling all of our kids the class of 2021 is quite unrealistic optimistic.

@dfbdfb my kid is going to be doing at least a 5 year co-op plan at NEU so he’s best case 2022.

If the student has enough credits going in and/or takes some over the summer, 4 years is possible but our oldest two have needed both.

And in actuality we learned over spring break (this week) the current junior is not entirely sure she’s on track for 4 years but she “thinks so” but hates to plan that far ahead.

You can all watch while I bang my head against the wall.