Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I just hope our DS’s does not stay in school till 24th grade :))
It is difficult to explain to the kids =))
Hindsight is 2020 page!

@thinmints - she is deciding between 4. God willing she will pick one of the three on the east coast.

D got accepted by Stanford tonight. I am a very unhappy mom. I truly do not want her going across the country. My H is over the moon because he thinks Stanford is the future. I feel like you guys are my virtual friends at this point so any negatives you can point out about Stanford would be greatly appreciated.

@Testingearly I think it will be hard to find anything wrong with Stanford!

Too many palm trees?

Just posting on the 2021 page before it too passes me by. :O) I hear Stanford is a terrible place, @Testingearly (Not really, but trying to help you out.)

PAC12 is a wuss league :slight_smile:

Well, we’re done now. Are the application fees to Stanford tax-deductible since they are basically a donation?

Our son had amazing success with his results - accepted to all 5 UCs he applied to (3 Regents scholarships) plus Cal Poly. I thought he should get into all of those, but I didn’t think he actually would due to the randomness of admissions. So to be viewed that consistently by all the UCs was amazing.

We took a little risk by not having a true safety, but it worked out since 4-5 of the schools I considered likelies. Well-written essays plus focus on two ECs that were woven throughout the essays were what I think made his application strong. Sometimes it was a little nerve-wracking not having a safety and I had to step away from the site for a while until the first acceptance came in.

I won’t include his lottery school in the where he/we thought he’d go answers since we never invested any emotional energy in that (learned our lesson 2 years ago).

Where he thought he’d go: UCLA, although USC was later added to the equation. But he never got too attached to that because we told him up front even if he was accepted it might not work out financially. Turns out we didn’t have to make that decision. During the process he got excited about Irvine, Santa Barbara, and UCSD as the acceptances rolled in, but UCLA was always the hope.

Where we thought he’d go: UCLA or UCSD. As above, USC also came into the equation - the hope was one of the two LA schools.

Where he’ll end up (barring a major change): UCLA. Really a pretty straightforward process this time because he got into all the UCs he applied to. Basically the same place he was hoping for a year ago at this time. The whole family is very excited about it and think it’s a good fit for many reasons.

As for attending accepted student days, our plans have narrowed to two visits to UCLA - one for the Engineering open house and one for Bruin Day. Should be fun.

Thanks to all the parents here who provided useful info, support, and good humor.

24th grade that is SCARY @payn4ward, I hope the same thing!!

So much good news congrats to all of your amazing kids <:-P

Big Hugs to those with disappointing news and hang in there to you waitlisters ~X(

All of our decisions are in and we are going on 3 visits and then hopefully a decision but not until our last visit on 4/21.
I found it interesting that DS was either accepted or declined no waitlists which I am actually thankful for.

Kudos to those with decisions made and good luck to those still deciding. May all of our DC be blessed with clarity once they step foot on the campuses. :D/

@Testingearly I grew up hating Stanford, and can go back to that after today :), but if either of my kids had been accepted there it would have been a no-brainer. The only negative I can think of is that they have a hard time selling out their football stadium which is weird since these days they are really good and the new stadium isn’t that big.

@Testingearly, uh, it’s too nice? Won’t be able to equal the lifestyle after college?

Maybe if you are liberal, you don’t want to be that close to the Hoover Institution?

Sorry, that’s all I got.

Re Stanford negatives, maybe their golf course is a little tough and long for the average player? Actually it’s good enough to be a qualifier for USGA events, so maybe not a negative.

I’ve finally caught up this week! Wow, so much has happened in a few days. Congratulations to everyone with great news and those with disappointing news, I hope the sting has worn off and the kids can now focus on their acceptances.

@Fishnlines29 Thank you! We are really excited for S17.

Excellent advice from @mommdc about advising the kids of 2016 to run the NPC.

@socalmom007 Are you and your daughter familiar with NYC? I asked because you mention the commute between Manhattan College and NYU includes riding the A train. It’s not a straight door to door on the A as the commute will involve walking, a train, walking, a train, walking. Just make sure your daughter understands what the commute is going to be like and specifically how comfortable they are going to be making this commute. I also think that 50 minute commute becomes longer on the weekend when the trains are on a weekend schedule. I wish them luck as I’ve followed along and know how much they want to attend schools near each other.

@STEM2017, @IABooks, and @youcee thanks for trying to help. I’ll start researching tomorrow but I’m looking for things like Stanford’s quarter system makes getting summer jobs very difficult or if you are not a techie you are a second class citizen on campus.

@paveyourpath we visited last summer and traveled to tour schools, nyu, Fordham, St. John’s in queens, etc… She’s been to NYC one other time. I think it sounds miserable, I wasn’t particularly enamored with the city, certainly not to live there. She loves it and loves the idea of mass transit. We’ll see. I still think the parents are going to say no to the finances. I HOPE they’re going to say no. As for my girl, she always planned to go to NYC for college. We only have the contingency of staying near home because she wants to be near the boyfriend. Not sure what’s going to happen, need to see what his parents say then go visit again.

Hey wow @Testingearly on Stanford! Amazing.

The major problem I see with Stanford is that there is not a Dunkin Donuts nearby. Total Deal breaker!!

I don’t think they have a Pickle Ball club either so son17 did not even bother applying.

But @RightCoaster, [url=<a href=“!%5B/url”>]Pickleball![/url]

For the record, I posted my link before @RightCoaster raised his objection. Posts passing in the night.

What do they say about Stanford students? They look like calm ducks just cruising around but below the surface they are paddling like mad–something like that :slight_smile: . BTW, I went to Stanford. It’s a fabulous place to go to school (and I’m not even talking about the academics…)

@Testingearly Congrats on Stanford. You sound like my DW - she’s basically announced where D is going without a decision actually being made. She wants her an hour away and not halfway or all the way across the country.

It’s been a while. Congrats to all your awesome kids! May their college memories last as long as their college loans!

24th grade: I used to joke that I knew it was time to finish the dissertation when I had to explain to little kids that I was still in school, in the 21st grade. (For the record, I received my PhD after the 23rd grade.)