Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)


I don’t know anyone locally who has ever expressed a concern sending their child there. I am quite sure the dorms are like fortresses. People I know that don’t like it, don’t like how very urban it is, it’s not a safety issue, it’s a setting issue.

That’s like everyone telling me Vermont is the heroin capital of the US so I shouldn’t send my kid there.

Personally I don’t want my kids in a bubble and do want them safe but without visiting I think it’s an unfair judgement.

I agree. I think the reality of sending his daughter away is getting to him. He’s thinking, look… here’s this perfectly great school 4 hours from home… He googled crime statistics and is convinced that Capitol Hill/first hill is the highest crime area in Seattle, full or drug addicts and homeless people, how can we sent our daughter there… ugh… I’m exhausted.

@RightCoaster Look into a Capital One credit card. We got them a few years back for a European trip because the card does not assess a conversion fee on foreign transactions. I believe this is due to the fact that one of the banks involved in issuing this card is located in Great Britain? I don’t recall the details. Another plus is that it doesn’t block transactions or freeze your card when you travel, as some cards do. You don’t have to call and inform them of where you’re going in advance. So if your kid wants to take a spontaneous weekend trip to Paris, it should be relatively trouble free.

More move in day advice; don’t hang out, don’t drag on, don’t unpack - do let go, do let grow…

@stem2017, thanks for the shout out! :smiley:

@socalmom007 That’s an interesting twist.How does that fit into the plans? Was the bf accepted to a school in/ near Seattle? Is your husband on board with your daughter going to school in NYC? I’m wondering if he is more freaked out about the reality that we are all dealing with of this departure coming at us quickly. If your H is freaking out, I’m guessing he has not looked at the commute between Manhattan College and NYU? Your D17 will not be in a fortress when she explores areas outside of campus regardless of which school she goes to. Stressful, I know. It will all work out.

@RightCoaster Re: post 30616 - Yes, it does happen. My son received merit money from two schools. Each of those schools has increased the merit award. Odd thing is, in one instance, we did not receive notification. It just appeared as an additional merit award.

Re: Dorm Mountain - This week there was a parent meeting to help us prepare for college. Tips on getting through the transition process. We were told that the most common regret is bringing too much on move in weekend and not having enough space. It was suggested that with parents’ weekend being in October, Thanksgiving in November and winter break being in December, there are a few opportunities for the kids to bring things back to campus. I need to start the list but my son is a minimalist so I’m hoping it won’t be too big of a mountain. :slight_smile:

There is a really cool community service week for freshman and it would mean move-in day would be a week earlier than the other students. The time is going by waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy to fast.

@STEM2017 I am so enjoying hearing about your son’s process. =D> Congrats to your S17 on the scholarship

@socalmom007 and you’ve also got some serious money up there. I can tell you that anyone who is anyone, has their baby at Swedish First Hill.

Drug addicts and homeless plenty of other places…including SLO I am sure. Definitely outside USC and UCLA. No, it’s not a lovely college town like that, not at all. Everyone’s comfort level is different and your upbringing and exposure definitely impact that. S17 would be far more comfortable at Seattle U, then the outskirts of Meadville, PA or Erie, PA.

@paveyourpath yes, the bf is accepted at UW. I think it’s all very theoretical still because of the oos tuition, but we’ll see. We visited NYC with D17 last summer and H was on board. Now he’s freaking out about Seattle? It doesn’t make any sense to me. He’s convinced the area the school is in is the worst part of town, like we’re sending our daughter to a war zone. I think his fears are irrational. I’ve never thought of Seattle as particularly dangerous, I’ve been there a few times and found it to be a very walkable city. He’s pulling up all these crime statistics for that area and freaking out. I think is what freaked him out, it characterizes Seattle as having a “crime problem” and all of that crime is apparently in that area according to him.

DS made his decision and the deposit has been paid!!

It’s PURDUE Class of 2021 (Engineering)

:smiley: <:-P Boiler Up!

And that’s the thing @eandesmom D17 always wanted an urban college experience, she wasn’t interested in the college town thing. This whole turn of events is throwing me for a loop. Not sure why gives Seattle an F rating for safety, right along Chicago and D.C…

@socalmom007 there are WAY WAY worse areas, I’ve not looked at statistics mind you but there are parts of town I wouldn’t live in. As for Seattle U, I would imagine the dorms are fine and then if you moved off campus, there are plenty of other “safer” parts of town that are easy bus rides or, if you pay for parking at the college, very drivable. Parking is a nightmare in that are though. Capitol Hill has many fine areas. First Hill, not so much and yes, it is where they meet. There are a fair amount of commuters at Seattle U.

SD14, who is at SLO, would have actually gone to Seattle U in a heartbeat if they’d have recruited her for their soccer team. She really wanted to play for them.

Once the list of open spots comes out, you could consider checking out Seattle Pacific University, it’s in a different part of town and likely considered safer stats wise.

I’d at least go visit.

Congrats @jmek15! Wonderful to have the decision made. On to buying swag? Or booking hotel for move-in day? Or just relaxing for a week and not thinking about college?

@socalmom007 I asked my H (who also went to SDSU, SJSU and CSLB and took classes at USC).

He looked at me like I had 3 heads and replied

“it’s not Watts!”


That’s exactly what I’m saying @eandesmom !!! We know bad hoods, I do not get the sense it’s like that at all!

It’s not. It’s a city. You don’t do stupid things like walk down broadway alone at night. But it is the spot for many many young adults to go hang. I can’t imagine campus doesn’t have some serious security.

I ran all over that campus as a kid and trust me, the area was not developed like it is now back then.

Personally I would think that’s a great combo and soooo much easier flight wise!

SLO is a better school but I’d take Seattle U over her NY choices personally.

LOL @CT1417 we actually did just book a hotel for move in day! Swag to follow shortly.

Now that the decision is made, I just started thinking about summer and realized we actually have to get things settled quickly. Especially immunizations and the like. May will be crazy busy then S is off to his job as a camp counselor in June until he leaves for a trip to Costa Rica in August (Happy Graduation!). He returns from Costa Rica 3 days before move-in at Purdue, and the drive will take two days. We will probably be stopping at every Target between Massachusetts and West Lafayette. And why did I think things would be easier once he decided?!

@eandesmom us news actually ranks Seattle U higher than Cal Poly, which D17 is pointing out…

@jmek15 CONGRATS!!

@jmek15 congrats! Go Boilermakers!!!

Wonderful choice

Awe, D17 was accepted to Purdue… looks like such an amazing school! Envious!!!