Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@RightCoaster May be urban myth, but I have heard of kids getting more financial aid over the summer as FA offices figure out their balances and discover a little extra.

I would NOT count on it, though.

@youcee They have those pods that fit on top of carsā€¦

@eandesmom right now my husband is FREAKING out about the crime rate in that neighborhood. Any thoughts?

@Fishnlines29 and @RightCoaster ā€“ my older D has used amazon in europe, but not the US version. She set up a separate account for her countryā€™s version, and it has worked just fine for the limited things she has ordered. She noticed that shipping costs and product availability were vastly different between the european and US sites.

Congrats!!! @STEM2017

@STEM2017 Good point, I forgot about the crying part for the younger one. The older one we now just say see you later (or maybe itā€™s the other way around). When our first one started college, he was unusually distant on dropoff day. I think it was that he needed to show he could be independent. We were a little taken aback TBH. Ever since then itā€™s been more normal and heā€™s not afraid to be seen with mom and dad at school. Looks like the younger oneā€™s school moves in over 4 days, so maybe there wonā€™t be overlap, athough that probably means there is a 90-100% chance there is. We may be doing lots of back and forth through LA traffic for a few days. Ugh

@Ynotgo Theoretically we should be able to do it since weā€™ve packed a weeks worth of camping gear in the car, but somehow I remember it being kind of full for kid #1. But shorts and t-shirts donā€™t take up much space so maybe weā€™ll be OK. Older one will need apartment stuff this year, so even though itā€™s furnished Iā€™m sure there will be more stuff needed. Weā€™ll just have it shipped to your house ahead of time for storage. :slight_smile:

Congrats @stem2017! Was that something he applied for?

On the subject of dorm mountain - DH and I are watching a move-in day video from the most-likely school. Absolute CHAOS, but the kids look pretty happy.

Move-in day advice I think I read here: Talk beforehand about where and how you will say your goodbyes. Do you want to hug out at the car, in the room, etc. It can ease the awkwardness.

@jmek15 I think they give a lot of Discovery Fellow awards out to OOS kids. The app was embarrassingly simple. He just wrote a 140 character Tweet about what he would do with the $5,000. I guess they liked it.

Amazon in Europe: I have separate Amazon accounts for Amazon.comĀ (US) and Amazon.deĀ (Germany); I use the latter very occasionally for German-language stuff you canā€™t normally get over here. Interesting thing Iā€™ve found: You canā€™t use gift cards on (and I understand itā€™s the same the other way around), and a credit on the one canā€™t be used on the other, and I canā€™t see what Iā€™ve ordered on one when I log into the other, but I use the same email address to log into both accounts, and when I recently changed my password on it also changed my password on to the same thingā€”so they are linked somehow.

Not sure itā€™s terribly helpful information, but it is weird, so thereā€™s that.

DH and I didnā€™t think we should spend the money to both drop off in Scotland, but we both want to go. So Iā€™m buying us both tickets. Sigh. After this year, sheā€™ll fly alone, so it is a one time cost.

@dfbdfb the Amazon info is helpful. I need to figure out some sort of cash management for my son for his few months over there. Iā€™m hoping to learn some tips from other NU In parents that have done this. My son has a passport and will be 18 when he heads over. I have to figure out banking or wiring him some money. I need to get him a credit card in the next few months. I was just going to send him over and tell him to order stuff he might need from Amazon, but I hadnā€™t thought about it in detail.

@RightCoaster do you have a card with no forex fees? Can you trust him to use a second card on your account responsibly?


Well, it is in a very urban area. And depending on which way you walk or where youā€™re living that crime rate will likely very quite a bit. That said itā€™s also an extremely busy popular area full of hip restaurants and clubs and fun little boutiques in a couple of really nice hotels.

My SS11 lived in 2 different apartments over there while attending Seattle Pacific University. He did move after a year. While he didnā€™t have any issues at the apartment or while out and about he did have a car break in.

Bear in mind this kid has his car broken into everywhere so he must do stupid things, I think itā€™s happened 4-5 times!

He wasnā€™t right next to campus either. I have a close friend whose S is a freshman there now (and they live in bill gates neighborhood so really could be picky but arenā€™t that way at all). Iā€™ll likely see her Monday and ask about the dorms but she hasnā€™t said a word about that aspect. Her S has a car there, lives in the dorms, works in the city and then near his folks on the weekends. Heā€™s hoping to transfer but itā€™s completely die to his wanting the big D1 school experience, not anything against Seattle U. She doubts that will pan out, they arenā€™t a fan of going full pay anywhere and are happy with things as they are.

I also have a close friend who is there all the time for law school alumni stuff, heā€™s super involved, and I can get his take. Same thing with 2 different neighbors whose kids went there/recent grads. I donā€™t think H as a night school MBA student would have the best insight.

Personally Iā€™d have zero issues sending S17 there (too close to home), heā€™s got street smarts in spades. Iā€™m considering it as an option for S19, who has zero street smarts but is unlikely to leave his room or the library lol.

Itā€™s funny as locally the reputation is better than the stats might indicate.

Have you visited?

@eandesmom we have not visited. A friend went with her son last summer and loved it. For whatever reason my H started looking at crime statistics near the school and now heā€™s freaking out, saying weā€™re not visiting and D17 is not going there. 8-| Iā€™m not sure what to think. Some of the news stories heā€™s sent me are alarming. At any rate, Iā€™m about to put he and D17 in a room together to duke it out, they both deserve it.

I take all that crime data with a grain of salt. A few years ago the FBI data showed UCLA was the most dangerous campus in America. Iā€™m not too worried about sending our kid there. Does anyone really think itā€™s in a worse area than USC? (Which Iā€™d also be ok sending him to)

@RightCoaster I reccomend Charles Schwab debit account- no fees, no minimum, can use any atm - fees reimbursed, no international transaction fees. Eldest got on when she went abroad and DS just got one since his school is in the middle of nowhere. He doesnā€™t want to open a local bank account and we can fund his account here locally.

All three of our kids have a credit card (our account) in their name in case of emergencies. We allow school expenses, ie books, medical expenses and things that have been pre approved by Mom and Dad. Overall, we havenā€™t had any problems, but I watch what is billed on that card like a hawk.

@youcee I brought up USC, my husbandā€™s argument is that USC is like a walled fortress while Seattle U is open. We visited Fordham and I didnā€™t find the Bronx particularly safe, again his argument is that itā€™s a closed campus, not just open to the surrounding area.