Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@jmek15 Congratulations on your son’s decision!! <:-P

And thanks for reminding me about immunizations! I have to double check that with D’s doctor and also, get her dental cleaning in…

AND thank you for remind me @Mom2aphysicsgeek to get the power of attorney paperwork done. Man I really need to put together a new spreadsheet!! So much to remember before she goes away!

@socalmom007 I’m guessing that’s become her favorite since she can attend with her b/f!! Hey, it’s a great choice :slight_smile:

@Dave_N I just saw your note about plane travelling after I last posted. I mean, will your daughter come home between semesters? I’m guessing the kids need a lot less than we all think, they will be able to do laundry. For us, I’m thinking 2 suitcases plus her backpack carry on. Pack light, pack tight, roll everything, it should be fine. Plus your daughter will have the convenience of a Target?! I’m sure she can get anything she forgot there!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek I am an estate planning attorney. I did D17’s health care poa in our home state. It should be honored in the state she is going to college in - nowdays most states accept other states’ estate planning documents, though there can be some idiosyncrasies, but I plan to double check before she leaves.

Congratulations @jmek15 on Purdue! Great choice! <:-P

My daughter made her decision and put money down on UVA!!! She is so happy! She is trying to temper her excitement since her BF didn’t get in. I’m kind of relieved because she is only 30 minutes away.

Heading to Williamsburg this afternoon for my son to take a last look at William and Mary. He is also considering UVA. I offered my kids to apply to any school and they both are staying instate. My hats off to those of you sending kids far away!

No dorm pile yet but I have been looking at PBteen for bedding and such. No swag yet either but that can be remedy easily.

Yay @twoforone99 !! UVA is a fine choice! Bonus that you have such a great school 30 minutes away. We have a friend with a son who has decided UVA is the one too, they are thrilled. Good luck with your son now.

Pbteen is great. They have sales and you can get notified if signing up for email list.

I got D a white light weight twin comforter from JC Penney and got a duvet cover and sham from PB teen.

The duvet can be washed more easily than the whole comforter (at school).

Congrats to everyone making decisions!

Capital One MC and ATM debit card have worked (almost too) well for my D who is abroad … in all countries she has visited, including the Netherlands, Denmark, Switz, Czech, Italy, France, and others I might be forgetting. You don’t even have to call Cap One before departure to alert them re travel (though we did) – you just make a note on your account online. You can also set up alerts such that you get an email every time your credit card is used for an international transaction. Maybe stalky, but I like that (for the fraud protection and otherwise). And tell kid to take cash out at bank ATMs, not random ATMs in stores, etc.

Re move-in by plane, in addition to BBB order-in-advance-pick-up-in-store, we used Target and Container Store as well. Container Store also gives 20% off (might have to register for college student benefits online). Target was perfect for all those toiletries, medications, cases of LaCroix, cleaning supplies, lamps, Command strips, desk supplies, any small shelves/bins/drawers you might need, mirrors, hair dryers, pillows, memory foam pad,etc. (DD is definitely NOT a minimalist. I imagine DS will be.) Order online in advance, and they’ll have a huge cart waiting for you at customer service. Targets get very hectic and shelves start emptying near campuses at move-in. Nice to avoid wandering the aisles as much as possible.

Also, re bedding, I got all that stuff here at home (sheets, mattress pad, duvet cover, towels, etc…) because I really wanted to wash those new items here before having DD use them. We just stuffed them into a suitcase for flight.

And, finally, I’d also suggest that fly-in parents consider booking soon a rental minivan to pick up at airport. We booked early and got a much better rate than when I looked over the summer closer to move in…

Don’t forget about using space saver bags for reducing volume size in luggage. The ones that you can roll to get out the air (no need for a vacuum) work well for college kids.

Does anyone know if you can extend the Target 3-day pickup option? When I order stuff here, it gets put back into stock if I don’t pick it up within 3 days. D is a planner, and I know she won’t want to wait until 3 days before we arrive to pick out what she wants. Does BB&B have a similar pick-up window?

D has already started shopping for possibilities (she was accepted ED so has known where she’s going since December). There is a possibility that both Ds have the same move-in day (at schools 3 hours from each other, though one is on the way) and I’d like to avoid taking 2 cars.

With BBB, you select a pick-up date. And the best part is that you don’t pay until you pick up, so you can pre-order a whole bunch of stuff and then pick and choose what you really want when you arrive.

@RightCoaster I’m pretty sure @theshadow was just Riffing on an earlier poster’s “Not UA” response(which, in itself was in response to all of the UA “talk”) combined with all of the recent, positive Cal Poly talk. I’m sure it was in no way a judgement on the school.

…which is why I thought it was funny =))

You’ve all just given me a bunch of stuff to obsess over that I didn’t even know I needed to think about! @-) As S15 is moving into an off campus apartment he’s hoping to be in two weeks early, so hopefully no overlaps here. As for D17… she may just be going to CC and I will run off to Fiji with the money H thought we were spending on college. Would serve them both right. D is a planner and OCD, I’m sure once a decision is made, if that ever happens, she’ll figure out the logistics of ordering what she needs. Being a numbers girl, she has my credit card numbers all memorized, not always my favorite thing. :smiley:

@RightCoaster - that was strictly a joke… If you don’t know why, you need to re-study the last 100 or so pages of this thread… :slight_smile:

CONGRATS @twoforone99. Go Hoos!

@RightCoaster — I am guessing that as long as your son’s phone works as soon as he arrives, all other issues can be resolved.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek @NolaCAR I too looked at the healthcare POA stuff for Alabama. It appears the notary must also be in Alabama. We ended up just doing the one for our home state and will revisit after he turns 19.

Move-in: One year at UCSB we were driving away and a big Suburban stuffed to the gills was driving in pulling a U-Haul trailer. Kids walking by on the street were stopping and talking to them like “How in the world are you going to fit all that stuff in a triple?” They have these carts you put your stuff in at the drop off zone. Our son’s was not quite full. Other people, mostly girls, had 2-3 carts overflowing with stuff. I have no idea where it would all go.

In January 2017, the most recent month I could find:

"There we no crimes reported at St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 8SQ, KY16 8SQ. in January 2017.

All crimes are displayed within a 1 mile radius of St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 8SQ, Scotland. In some instances crimes stretching over Village, Town or County boundaries may be included in your results."

Not bad for a town of 16,680

At the international admissions session a US parent asked about campus security or if there were escorts available for people walking back to dorms after dark. The response was that first of all, after dark, starts at 3:30 pm in the winter, and no, we have no need for such things.

Those plaid knickers they wear on the golf course there are a crime.

Without obsessing, what do we have?

Move in by plane? Facing that with S17 - first one to do that. He thinks he will go by himself and I can just order stuff to be shipped to him. Think again DS. First caveat is we won’t know the actual move in day until his residence request is approved. He is looking at two potential Themed Learning Communities. These move in 2 days earlier than the rest of the Freshman. There may also be a week long adventure for one of these groups - still trying to find out about that and what that means for move in. Fortunately being a boy means less clothes than D16 - so a checked bag for two of us should cover that. Will do BB&B or Target plan for linens; toiletries; carts; micro/fridge; etc. Asking for money/gift cards is a great idea - added that to my list. Also laundry is free at Mines - so he has no need for extra/excess clothes - no excuse not to do laundry. The two things we definitely will wait to purchase until we are in Colorado are boots and ski gear. He is in need of both and the ski gear will need to be for Colorado snow more than New England snow. =))