Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Double tuition here for at least 3 years with DS 17 & DS 18 - there goes possibly around $450K!!! They hopefully will make it worth the huge investment.

Well, I coined the term, rice ** or ** beans for dinner.
S19 is in a private school so double tuition for 4 years minimum.

3 years single
1 double
3 years single
1 double
1 single
2 double
2 single

12 years straight of tuition assuming the remaining kids graduate in time as we arenā€™t helping with grad school.


@eandesmom, you win. :slight_smile:

2007-2032 non-stop college age kids. Some overlap, but mostly single yrs.

My D17 and D23 are 6 years apart, so unless D17 goes long, weā€™ll have 2 years to recover before getting hit again, lol.

Same @thermom S23 and S26!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek wins this round by a landslide (2011-2023 here assuming no grad school) but is also far FAR better at amazingly high stats super cool kids and winning big MAC!

Whereas we end up semi grateful to be at or under the EFC in the ā€œdoubleā€ years (yay for sliders???) regardless of whether itā€™s double or not.

The curse of the mid stats high ish income family kid (S)

Worse problems we know.

For the record, D got both the Rodriguez and Mylonas (Humanities) scholarships at Wash U; both are full tuition. Alas, they are not stackable, so full tuition is all she gets. Nice to have the recognition. She enjoyed her visit, and came away with an overall very positive impression of the school. Vandy was not so dandy (in her view).

She loved the campus culture and intellectual vibe at Yale, although was not a fan of New Haven and found the campus to be a bit more urban than she envisioned. She also was impressed by the students at UChicago, but possibly not as much as Yale.

Next week sheā€™s off to Stanford and then probably back to the east coast. Itā€™s been a whirlwind.

@twoforone99 Congrats on your daughterā€™s decision! How did the W&M visit go?

@firstwavemom Congrats on the UVA decision!

@jmek15 Iā€™m looking into international phone options too. What carrier do you currently use? We have Verizon and can add international for about 40/month (which has some limitations with texting) but for the length of time my daughter will be overseas, T-Mobile is running a special right now for intl. coverage that Iā€™m looking into. Since your daughter is only going for two months, an add on might work, or a prepaid card when you arrive. Usually they can call/skype and text over wifi for free, but Iā€™d want peace of mind they could use it while ā€˜out and aboutā€™ too.

@NolaCAR Thanks for laying it all out. We will only have one day D is 18 before she leaves, not sure if weā€™ll be able to fit it all in!

@DMV301 You can always copy/paste a post into a word document and save it! Iā€™ve been saving one document with all these important items I need to remember!

Orientation: Schools charge money for this?!

Overlapping Tuition: Wow, you guys are superstars. Now is a time where Iā€™m truly glad I was ā€œone and done.ā€

@twoforone99 and @firstwavemom - congratulations on your UVA decision!!

@LoveTheBard - I am frankly blown away by the number of essays your daughter wrote. Mine wouldnā€™t even apply for Rodriguez. Thatā€™s a shame your daughter is turning down the WashU scholarships. WashU was my favorite of all the schools my daughter visited. I would have a really hard time with D turning down a scholarship from there.

My D is also visiting Stanford next week. We are heading there from Quaker days at Penn. I am praying she gets a fun host at Penn and a disappointing one at Stanford.

Has anyone else noticed that the cost of attending at some schools has passed 70K? I was surprised that Yale costs 66K but UPenn 72K. Why in the world Penn charges over 6K in fees a year is beyond me. Is it for Spring Fling? I hear Penn goes all out for it.

@eandesmom Definitely not a contest. And, honestly, my kids just land wherever they are personally motivated to land. Since their budget is so tiny (I am truly amazed at how much some of you are able to spend on college), the impetus is on them. If they want to go away to college , they know they need to excel in order to receive scholarship $$. The other option, just moseying along, means living at home and commuting. Iā€™m pretty sure my 9th grader will be doing exactly that.

(I refuse to even think that far ahead for the youngest 2. I am relishing my time with my snaggly-toothed 1st-grader whose front teeth are finally in!)

Orientation-yep, Dā€™s school charges for it. IIRC it was $200 ish? Kid stay in the dorm, parents can stay in the dorm or in a hotel. Iā€™m going the adventurous route and staying in the dorm :slight_smile: (with other moms-kids are in their own). Itā€™s a 2 day thing.

We have D17 and D18, so a lot of overlap for college, but I think Iā€™d rather have it all concentrated-that was the reason I wanted to have them so close together. Get all the gestating, lactating, and stinky diaper smells as concentrated in time as possible.

Both girls are set to have their wisdom teeth out in early June. One more round on Men b vaccs for both this month, and I have to do the medical POA with BIL (attorney) sometime over the summer. The oral surgeon says she sees a ton of kids from Georgia Tech during the school year and talks to the parents over the phone from Chicago and places (far) north because the kidā€™s teeth wisdom teeth erupted and they canā€™t do their work because of the pain and have to have them out immediately. Given that the oral surgeon did her undergrad at CMU (that was how I initially picked her-and liked her very much once we went for the consult), I figured she must be the nerd go to for teeth :).

Fees: a lot of Georgia public schools have exorbitant fees that are not covered by the HOPE scholarship. I feel like itā€™s a money grab.

@LoveTheBard Sorry to hear your D didnā€™t like New Haven. Its a pretty cool place to spend 4 years. Lots of great restaurants, amazing! pizza, and some cool spots to explore. And being able to go into NYC in 2 hours is a huge bonus. Good luck with the other visits and congrats on the scholarships!

@LoveTheBard Congrats on the good news. I thought at this time last year my D would apply SCEA to Yale but after visiting she didnā€™t like New Haven very much and we live in downtown Philly :smiley: She said it had all the bad things of a major city without all the benefits.

We used to go to Yale for a lax tourney every year and my son17 always said he would never consider applying there because he did not enjoy the surrounding area. The last time we were there we drove past a car that had been stolen, stripped, and had been lit on fire. His thoughts were you are not in a big city but you have all the crap associated with it, so why bother. Just go to NYC or Boston instead. LOL. He was adamant about it. Itā€™s a good thing he did not have the stats ( not even close, ha) to be an Ivy candidate because I think the only one that would work for him would be Harvard. Heā€™s kind of picky.

@LoveTheBard itā€™s good your D has so many great choices and it sounds like she know what she likes and what she wants.

@LovetheBard whirlwind tour indeed! Good luck on the rest of your journey!

@Testingearly Yes, our COA quote surpasses 72 and is 80 by the 4th year. Arrgh. How many credits per semester does Penn include in that number?

@MotherOfDragons Well that orientation sounds fun! Dā€™s orientation is 4 days, parents are not invited except for a parent reception dinner on Day 1, so I do plan to attend that, Iā€™m looking forward to it actually!

@Fishnlines29 and @jmek15 ā€“ re International Cell Phone usage ā€“ my D went to a local wireless provider abroad and bought one of their SIM cards to put into her iPhone (we had done this before as a family on one of our trips, so she already knew a little about it). She purchased a pretty inexpensive monthly cell and data plan through that provider and uses that all over the country she is living in. This means she has a new phone number and her one from here is not in service while that SIM card is out of the phone (and kept in a safe place for when she returns). For many of her long weekends to other countries, she purchases some kind of daily European plan through same provider, which allows her to use data in those other countries.

I imagine if your kids are not going over for too long though, it may make sense to just buy your current providerā€™s international plan.

@DMV301 good info about phones, thanks. I think we decided to just spend the extra 40 bucks for Verizon international plan for 3ā€“4 months. Really, in the big scheme of things a few hundred bucks for cell service is no biggie.

Im at MIT right now while my younger son attends a soccer thing on campus. I havenā€™t really investigated MIT before so Iā€™m looking forward to checking it out.Iā€™m going to try to hop in for a tour soon. Pretty busy on campus today.

is anyoneā€™s kid on this thread going to MIT next year? I canā€™t keep track, sorry.