Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I spent a full year TAing, grading and lecturing and didn’t get paid a dime, lol.

I think there is a certain wattage of microwave allowed (700 or 800 I think) at my D’s school.

We were going to rent a microfridge from the school, but roommate already had one from older sibling.

The bookstore at D’s future university rents fridge/microwave combos (take up only one outlet). It’s $200 for the academic year, which is a lot, but they have it set up in your room at arrival, and I wouldn’t need to move it every year. We’ll probably do it, even though I can get a fridge and microwave for that cost and actually own it.

@carachel2 Neither UCSB nor UCLA allow microwaves in the dorms. Fridges are allowed, but coffeemakers and other small appliances aren’t. Those are just the 2 I know about.

Often times there is a common area with a microwave.

My daughter could not function without a keurig, that could be a problem.

The health care poa cannot be signed until your child reaches the age of majority, which differs among states, but is usually 18. Most states have a statutory form that is available for free online. Some forms need to be notarized, some require 2 witnesses, etc. You really should be physically present in, and should be a resident of, the state whose form you use. (Having a dorm room should be enough to satisfy residency.) In addition to the hcpoa, there is a living will/declaration to physicians. You don’t need both, and if you’re just going to go with one, I’d go with the hcpoa, but sometimes they are combined into one document. You should also have your child sign a HIPAA release. Since it needs to be addressed to a health care provider (such as a particular hospital), I had D sign a few and left the provider’s name blank, so I can fill that in as needed.

Then there is a financial power of attorney, also known as a durable power of attorney. Again, most states have statutory forms for this available for free online.

If your child were to become legally incapacitated and had not signed both a hcpoa and a fpoa, you could end up having to petition a court to be appointed your child’s guardian, which can be expensive and stressful and can result in delays.

In addition, your child’s college should address release forms specific to college that let you, for example, access your child’s grades and financial aid info. For instance, there is a FERPA release.

Finally, it’s worth considering whether your child should have a will. Most college students probably don’t have enough assets to make it worth having a will, but there could be other circumstances-fear of unknown paternity, alienation from a parent or half-sibling, etc., that might make having a will a good idea.

And by the way, if you and your spouse don’t have hcpoa’s and fpoa’s for yourselves, as long as you’re doing them for your child, do them for the two of you, too!

Very helpful, @NolaCAR. Even though we have taken are of all of these, except kid’s will, very nice to have this advice in one spot. Wish we could save particular posts.

Happy to report that D has selected UVA! Wahoowa!

Old QOTD: Where she thought she’d go: Duke
Where I hoped she’d go: UVA
Where she IS going: UVA
Proud mom looking forward to many visits to one of my favorite places in the world!

@firstwavemom Congrats! We have a UVA grad in the family.

@srk2017 son17 will be on a 5 year pkan, maybe 6 with MBA, and then son 19.
So at minimum 2 years of 140k if both in private schools.

@RightCoaster - Wow. DS17 is the only child, so we don’t have double tuition issue!

We have double tuition, twice! 4 kids, uppers and lowers overlap. Dios me bendiga!

Tuition: If all goes as planned (and it never does) we’ll have 2 years of single tuition, 4 years of double, then 2 final years of single.


Given one of our kids possibly being in a 5-year program (like, a legit 5-year program, not from taking a low credit load) given her interests, we may have triple overlap one year…

We will start having double tuition in the fall. It’s like buying an expensive new car every year without trading in the previous one.

@RightCoaster If your S wants an MBA, he should work for 2-5 years first.

@firstwavemom Yay!! My daughter is going to UVA too! Currently in Williamsburg for admitted student day at W&M. I think my son might join the Tribe, we will see tomorrow. Again congrats, it is great when they pick your favorite school.

@srk2017 You’re welcome to pay for my D’s tuition if you don’t want to miss out on that double tuition feeling :smiley:

Congrats to all the decisions being made.

I liked how @STEM2017 and I gave @RightCoaster a hug for that $140K tuition bill.

We’ve had double tuition past two years, will have 3 for next two years, than 2 again for the final two (undergraduate!) years. We’ll manage. I think.

Ha, thanks for the hugs, I do appreciate it.
There is a glimmer of hope for me in that son19 is a decent student so maybe he could get some merit or sonething. I did legitimately plan on 2 kids @ 300k apiece, just in case.

Hugs, for those of you with more kids than me. I don’t know how you guys figure it all out.

I’d probably need to become a spreadsheeter :smiley: