Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Yes @thshadow , UC Irvine.

@nw2this - Happy to oblige.

@itsgettingreal17 - Congrats on Dā€™s selection. Somehow, I didnā€™t see UGA comingā€¦happy for you both!

@eandesmom - Congrats on UVM!

@socalmom007 - Hereā€™s hoping Cal Poly works out for everyone!

@Testingearly - Weā€™ll be like ships passing in the night; weā€™re there Wed. through Friday.

@Cubanmom3 - Welcome back and CONGRATS on the Rodriguez! D. also loved the campus and the school, as well as the built-in community that the Rodriguez scholarship brings. Wash U. shot up to the top of the non-HYPS/UChicago options, eclipsing all of the other schools offering merit. Weā€™ll see where the chips fall.

Welcome to @Hankster1361 and any recent de-lurkers!

Congrats to all whose kids have decidedā€¦

As for prom, were D to go (itā€™s not at all clear she will want to), I canā€™t imagine that our expenses will go beyond the cost of the ticketā€¦

@mamaedefamilia itā€™s interesting, S and I were just chatting about this yesterday, but as it related to the HS experience versus College. S was commenting on how when he started HS all the advice was to join join join, try everything and get involved and how very grateful he is, that he did. And that he intends to do the same in college.

He mentioned what a great HS experience heā€™s had, how it has come about and been shaped by his activities and how many people he know have not had a great HS experience and he feels pretty strongly the getting involved (and yes, one deep faculty connection or two) has made all the difference.

Congratulations who have decided! <:-P <:-P :D/ :D/

Congrats @eandesmom on UVM @itsgettingreal17 on UGA

Lots of Hugs to those of us who are still waiting b-( :x X_X :!!

I agree that New Haven has all the vices of a city but not much virtue. Old campus is beatiful though, and they bought some of surrounding area and cleaned up.
It is a lot better safety wise. I donā€™t think they hear gun shots at nights anymore. Some dorm rooms used to have bullet holes.

Weā€™re in the middle of this ā€œpromā€ thing now. DS17 and his mother worked on the ā€œprom proposalā€ board this morning. I, of course, played a ā€œsupervisorā€ role and delivered my usual sage, insightful advise. That worked for about 10 minutes, and then the ā€œworkersā€ lead an uprising and tossed me out of the room. How rude! :-L

All because I insisted they use a hedgehog sticker. Yes, it had nothing to do with the ā€œthemeā€ (something to do with the GF being an artist), but it was a HEDGEHOG! Clearly, everything is better with a hedgehog.

Anyway, the Hedgehog-less prom proposal happen this afternoon, and he's all set for the prom. We're spending way too much for the tux, tickets, Limo (sharing with 3 or 4 other couples), but at least the dinner will be held at the house of one of the parents (on the balcony).

Weā€™re going to an accepted student day at UF (Florida Days), on April 17th. Mainly itā€™s an excuse to see DD14, buy some swag (can never have enough swag!), and hang out with Albert and Alberta (they are awesome). :-bd

The two day orientation is in June, were they separate out the kids from the parents and have separate ā€œsessionsā€. The kids get to learn more about UF (without the parents asking embarrassing questions), go through orientation, setup bank accounts, group and then individual advising, register for classes, get their student ID card, etc.

The parents will get to join them for some of the sessions (like the break out by college), but most of the parent only sessions will be around finances, safety, etcā€¦ I feel itā€™s really about getting us parents away from the kids and out of the way. That and making sure we have a complete understanding of all of the methods we can use to give UF our money. At least Albert or Alberta may show up, because there is no way I can stay awake on another bus tour of Gainesville. I-)

My D hopefully found a dress she likes online. There were a few options and I had her order 2 and she can decide which one she likes best and send the other one back. They are both about $75 each.

When we were talking to her about her friend group and who is taking whom we said, ā€œand is taking youā€¦ā€ and we were told, ā€œno Iā€™m taking , I wear the pants in this relationship.ā€ So Iā€™m wondering why Iā€™m buying a prom dress.

Also my mom is visiting and she started talking about the big activity for all the retirees where she lives and itā€™s Pickleball! She said the city just built these courts at the community center for all the pickleball :smiley:

Hey @Dolemite sounds like your mom has it going on and is keeping up with the hot and trendy pickleball dad that is sweeping our nation.

Did I tell you that son17 and his friend thatā€™s going to London with him are going to try to start a pickleball lesgue for the 200 kids in their group?
I guess theyā€™ve already started talking about it in the NEU groupie chat thing, ha.


Ha, was supposed to be fad! But I probably should play pickle ball at some point. Racquet sports come naturally to me for some reason. I think I passed that gene down. My dad was an excellent tennis player and we had some epic ping pong battles growing up.

Congrats to everyone on recent decisions and hoping everyone is getting closer! :slight_smile:

Today my D has made a final decision and we submitted the enrollment deposit for her to attend
Washington University in St. Louis! We had some great news after she attended the scholarship weekend and she will be part of the Danforth Scholars Program.
As @LoveTheBard mentions it is ā€œbuilt-in communityā€ and as she says itā€™s like going away to school with a bunch of new best friends.
The next step is registering for a summer orientation program! I could not be happier with her decision! <:-P

Huge congrats on a great decision and awesome scholarship as well!! @HSCounselor2 ā€“ so happy for your D!

We had epic ping pong tournaments too. lol. I remember one of the first Thanksgivings my S/O attended at my parentsā€™ house, he was amazed my whole family (including my in-laws) could all play very well. Luckily my S/O fit right in!!

To show how far it went: my brotherā€™s wifeā€™s sisterā€™s husband won that year!

@LoveTheBard wrote:

Go forth and spread the word. We are all CC disciples.

Congratulations on the commitments, @eandesmom, @itsgettingreal, @hscounselor2 and any others I may have missed!! So exciting to see where all these amazing kids will land in the fall.

S finally asked someone to prom. He doesnā€™t have a GF, but spends a lot of time with a large coed group. I am not sure if they are going as friends or they are dating, but I did remind him numerous times that some effort on his part is necessary. I think/hope he was torturing me when he initially said he would send her a text!! I offered lots of low-key suggestions that were received with eye rolls but he got the message. he wonā€™t share what he actually did, but it was in person and she said yes. He has a tux but we have to check fit as he has grown a bit since last year. Otherwise, All I have to do is order the flowers once I know her dress color.

Itā€™s finally spring in southern New England!! Only a few traces of snow left and I saw crocus blooms yesterday. Been a long, cold winter!

So I went to MIT the other day for the first time in a long time. My younger son was attending a soccer camp there so I had some time to wander around and joined a tour. Really busy place. Itā€™s a pretty neat place, although I didnā€™t find it particularly attractive. Tons of kids around though and it has to be the most diverse school that Iā€™ve visited by far. Kids from all over the place. I liked the vibe there. The kids that live there have a pretty good set up. Can walk over the bridge to get to BU/NEU zone and the back bay area. Easy jaunt over to Harvard Square. When I lived closer to the city I spent more time in the Harvard Sq zone than MIT zone, so it was good to check out whatā€™s been happening in the MIT area.
I listened to the admissions team basically telling the kids your chance of getting in is approaching zip, ha. Lots of super qualified kids, with near perfect stats and well accomplished too. So, for you folks with kids that got in this spring, CONGRATS!!
It was the first time my younger son had been on campus too. We only stayed for a little bit when camp ended because he was tired, but he really wanted to check it out. He is determined to get into tech focused school. He was the youngest kid at the camp, most were juniors hoping to get recruited by MIT/BU coaches, and the kids had flown in from all over the country, crazy. My son said the MIT coach has a hard time trying to find great soccer players that also have the academic chops to get into and handle MIT. But they are out there.

So, good visit for me. Iā€™ve realized after touring some urban schools again that I made the right decision to pick a different type of school for myself back when. The hardest part for me about living in the city is sometimes I just want to get on bike and go for a ride, or go play golf, or sit outside without a bunch of noise. I really enjoyed being part of a nice big campus, with great weather and access to stuff I wanted to do. I find it hard to believe son17 wants to live like that at NEU! I donā€™t think son19 loves the city all that much either. I think heā€™s more of a nature person too, and Iā€™m convinced if I take him out to CA to look at schools he is never going to look back.

@HSCounselor2 Congrats on the decision to WUSTL! <:-P

@jmek15 Iā€™m sure he will have a blast!!

Congrats on WUSTL!!!

Another wrinkle over here, D17 finally got an admissions decision from U Mass Amherst, accepted with a decent scholarship, putting it in range. The bf was accepted back in January or February, so having heard nothing, we assumed sheā€™d be rejected. I donā€™t think his parents are down with that choice regardlessā€¦ but can this just be over yet???

@socalmom007 And the plot thickens!

@HSCounselor2 Congrats on WUSTL! Lovely school but without a merit scholarship, not affordable for our family. Congrats on the Danforth!

@socalmom007 The suspense regarding your childā€™s decision will rank up there with @lindagaf 's daughterā€™s process last year! (happily finishing her first year at Bates)

@socalmom007 Whoaā€¦that changes everything. Oh my goodness, what a rollercoaster. It really should have itā€™s own thread.