Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@mommertons I do not think it’s tacky to share your D’s accomplishments with friends and family. Don’t second guess yourself, especially since you’ve already ordered them.

Well its official in our household! DS will be a CV scholar at Vanderbilt University in the fall! It won out over my alma mater UVA but I think it is the best fit for him and am so relieved for the decision! Anchor Down!

Haven’t been on the thread for a while - but it is fun to see all the decisions! Congrats to all of you and hang in there if your dc has not decided!

FYI, I think DD has decided on WashU. At Rose, she was a little freaked out when her host stayed up until 2am doing homework that Wednesday (and had an 8am class the next day). And I guess the reputation at Rose is that you have to work very hard. She also said it is a little bit small for her…

But who knows. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has second thoughts in the next 10 days…

@thshadow do you think that women applying to STEM schools are given a slight advantage in admissions BUT the women just can’t get over attending a school that is predominantly male and choose to attend other schools where there is better balance?

I have not looked at any Common Data sets for schools like RPI/WPI/Clarkson to see if a lot more women were accepted but did not take them up on the offer.

BTW, for the record, I am 100% on board with giving women any type of advantage in stem fields to close the gender gap.

@crazym0m - Congrats! I agree 1000% with the decision :wink: Anchor Down!


I think your comment may explain part of the imbalance.

" do you think that women applying to STEM schools are given a slight advantage in admissions BUT the women just can’t get over attending a school that is predominantly male and choose to attend other schools where there is better balance?"

I have looked up Cornell Engineering admit rates by gender. Off the top of my head (so +/- one point) 9% male & 22% female admit rates last year. These figures have come down and narrowed significantly in the six or so years I have been following it. This does not in any way mean that the females are less qualified, but they are admitted at a higher rate than males.

@RightCoaster That is an unbelievable story. I recall your son’s visits to meet with LAX coaches back in the fall. I can’t believe the coach didn’t reply for months and then sends that group text. His loss. Everything happens for a reason and your son sounds excited about NEU and his opportunity to study abroad.

@mominthemiddle Congratulations! What a relief for you and your H that D made the best decision for herself.

Congratulations on those who have decided!! @crazym0m , for a second, I thought @srk2017 is posting again!!

Any kids here who have been notified by Google CSSI? We are still waiting and I need to book my kids flight back to my home country now!!

@CT1417 , @dfbdfb, @RightCoaster , I do think fewer girls apply for STEM majors and excluding the girls who thought applying STEM will help their chances in college without a strong math and science background, I do feel the average of girls who applied are more qualified than the average of male applicants. At the root, it is still that girls need to have more confidence in themselves. I read somewhere that girls are not likely to apply until they feel that they are qualified, and while most male applicants wondered why they didn’t hear back 5 minutes after they click submit. D has organized workshop to teach girls how to negotiate…as she believes that is part of the reason for gender wage gap in workplace.

@SincererLove - Even I was confused first, but @crazym0m have sligthly different logo :slight_smile: At least we have Commodores in this group now. I am waiting for customized logo from @MotherOfDragons to alleviate this problem :slight_smile:

@crazym0m Congrats on the decision! <:-P

Congrats to @crazym0m !!! Can’t go wrong with that choice.

@RightCoaster - I honestly don’t know what kind of advantages women are given. I’m sure that at least some schools consider it a full-on “hook”. And there are some schools that don’t care at all. I’d think it’d be at least somewhat of an advantage for most schools. And I’m completely grateful for any advantage DD was given… :slight_smile:

@CT1417 - yes, females are definitely admitted at a higher rate then males. One hypothesis - which is probably not completely wrong, and also not completely right - is that women are just as qualified as men, but they are much less likely to pursue it (STEM). And the ones that do are stronger - because the low / avg male might keep at it, while the low/avg female is much more likely to give up.

I’ve seen studies @thshadow that females are more likely to self select by not applying, where a male with borderline stats will apply anyway. Even if females have higher admit rates, their stats as a group may be higher than the males also applying because females will exclude themselves from the applicant pool if their stats are in the lower 50% for a particular program.

@Dolemite, finaid was the same at Columbia as Stanford-- zero. My fault for saving for college instead of spending on things like vacations.

The decision has been finalized: Princeton!

Nice @Dolemite !!! Princeton is a fantastic choice, wow.

@NerdMom88, good luck to your daughter. Our D18 will be going to UAH for Chemical Engineering. She wanted a smaller, less overwhelming school and has felt that UAH is the one for her, right from our first tour there last summer. She also will get full tuition and on-campus lodging (as long as she keeps her grades up). She will have enough dual enrollment credits to help lighted the load, which is important with the intensity of the classes. Though she would have likely gotten into the Honors program, she felt like that would be adding more stress than she needed, so she didn’t apply for Honors. One thing she loves is that all students get their own bedroom, and that’s pretty important to her. Because of the high percentage of Engineering students, she feels like there will be a lot of students who think on her level and who she’ll feel at home with. She really likes the feel of the campus and manageability of Huntsville. (She did not even want to consider Georgia Tech, because it’s right in the heart of Atlanta.) She likes all the opportunities for internships so close by. We learned at Admitted Students Day about the research opportunities, and she excited about that as well. Feel free to message me. I hope your D ends up in just the right place for her. Is there a big difference in how close the schools are to your home?

So excited to hear the news @mominthemiddle <:-P <:-P :(( <:-P <:-P

Congratulations @crazym0m <:-P <:-P

Congratulations @Dolemite <:-P <:-P Love the avatar especially today :(( :x

@Mommertons It is not tacky =))

Congratulations @Dolemite!!

@GeorgiaMom50 I think a lot of her reasons for liking UAH are on par with what you said (except she accepted Honors when they told her she could drop it if it became too much.)

UAH is an 8-hour drive; UMD is 12 hours away. However, her sister is at UMBC and her godmother is about 30 minutes from UMD, so even though the distance is greater she’d have people nearby.

It’s apples and oranges, but a very evenly divided fruit basket. ~X( :(( ~X( :(( ~X(