Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats to @Ynotgo, @eandsmom - now the hard part when we drop them off at move in day…the tears will flow. Don’t forget to get your final HS transcripts asap into the schools and verify they received them. Most HS just use regular postal service so you many want to insist on certified mail.

@Calimom3 - Wow oh wow - 4 in 5 days … that is amazing … you deserve an award.

Congrats @thermom and @NoVADad99 on a decision. Choices are hard!

Thermom, maybe you need “C is for Cthulhu: The Lovecraft Alphabet Board Book” for your H. Actually, H isn’t that great in the book.

Once your kids have made their matriculation decision, have them put the school code on the booklet when they take their AP exams, and AP scores should be sent there for FREE once available.

That’s what my D did, and when she went to meet with her advisor in July to schedule her first semester classes, they already had them in the system.

No need to pay for these.

Congrats on the recent Tulane, Hamilton, Wash U ,UAH commits. How exciting for your children.

I’ve been to Tulane for Mardi Gras 2x, my friend went there. Cool place! Hamilton is a very nice place too, and I have a very successful friend who graduated from there.

Son17 set up his NEU London orientation for mid July and we need to send in another chance of $$ this week. No turning back now!

Good luck @Ynotgo with the pending decision!

@sdl0625 congrats on GW, it really does sound perfect! @NoVADad99 Congrats on Tulane. @Calimom3 wishing you luck with those final 3! We did 4 in 5 days, it wipes you out! @thermom congratulations on Hamilton and how wonderful to feel so fabulous about it.

Congratulations @thermom @NoVADad99 <:-P <:-P

S texted last night to say that he still hasn’t decided on which college to attend, but has made good progress in figuring out his plans for a gap year. Umm, great, but maybe you should prioritize the college decision given that we’re down to the last week here??

@vandyeyes “Yesterday in the courtyard of UChicago’s Booth School of Business we each separately stumbled on a second Penone sculpture of (this time multiple) massive boulders resting in trees. I nearly fell over.” Great story!! What’s meant to be…

@thshadow Congrats on the decision!! <:-P It’s been an amazing journey - excited for your daughter! You should get @MotherOfDragons to help make your avatar legible :slight_smile:

@NerdMom88 Way to go on the scholarship! Icing on the cake!

@sdl0625 Congrats on the GW decision! <:-P Foggy Bottom is an awesome campus and within walking distance of much of the city! Great place for activism!

@NoVADad99 Yes, tough choice and congrats on your son’s decision! <:-P

@thermom congrats on the Hamilton decision! <:-P It’s been quite a long road and I’m excited for your daughter!

Great weekend of decisions and good luck to all those still mulling it over, only a week left! Here’s a raised glass toasting to CLARITY!

I’ve been super quiet but just caught up with all the posts. Congrats to everyone who has made decisions! Just wanted to share mine too. MyD17 has chosen Wake Forest, so we now have a Demon Deacon in the house! I’m not sure I really saw it coming, but I believe its a good fit. I keep telling her that she is going to miss Texas football (there was no way I was going to get another longhorn in the family). She has been so adamant about needing small classes and personal attention that I am sure she’ll be happy. I’m a bit sad to see her let MiamiOH go, as they gave so much aid and placed her in an academic program that I believe was a perfect fit. However, seeing her at accepted students day was eye opening-she was so engaged and excited.

Congrats @texasmissy on WF. I have a friend with. a bright young freshman there right now and he loves it. He is quite far from home, but has no regrets and doing well. good luck to your D!

Thank you @RightCoaster The tuition is daunting so hearing good things puts my mind at ease! I may check back with you as questions arise as they will. L\

I’ve lurked here for awhile and followed many of your stories. Right now I am feeling envious of those who have closure and excited kids. We have neither yet (and given the waitlists, we might not even have it on May 1.) I am so ready to buy my sweatshirts. The below is just a vent because I’m so frustrated and worried.

DD1(17) is deciding among Wellesley, Michigan and NYU. She was waitlisted at Berkeley. She almost did ED2 at Wellesley and so when she was admitted I was ecstatic, thinking it was her dream school. (She was rejected from ED1 Pomona, which in the end was good.) And yet….she’s apprehensive, and the doubts only increased after she went to the Spring Open House, where the students were not all that positive about the school. From what I can discern, her main concerns are that it is too isolated and too intense. We live in NYC and so she is accustomed to an urban environment. She deliberately didn’t do ED Chicago because she knows many kids there from her school, and she gets how intense it is, and I think she’s worried that Wellesley will be the same way – kids studying all the time and not having much fun. I know she’s burned out from high school and I think that’s influencing her too. I’ve talked about tradeoffs, and how she can go to Cambridge/Boston on the weekends (where she knows tons of kids) – not to mention the incredible academics, and the alumnae network, and the fact that Wellesley produces these amazing woman. (I watch the fundraising video and get teary.)

Despite the fact that it’s more “fun”, I don’t see her at Michigan at all, actually and I don’t think she does either. We visited last week and while she liked Ann Arbor, she didn’t even want to stay for the Residential College tour. She’s not a “rah rah”/school spirit kind of kid.

She knows many kids at NYU and seems to be leaning towards it. But she didn’t even go to yesterday’s admitted student day! (She said she knows it well enough.) I think NYU would be a mistake for her, and that she should have a campus and get away from NYC. (I suspect she’s also anxious about leaving me.) It’s also more expensive and I don’t see how it’s worth it.

And what happens if she gets off the Berkeley WL?

(Her interests are in the social sciences.)

I want her to choose Wellesley AND be happy about it.

DD2(17), who wants to study political science/law, is currently training as a figure skater in Colorado. Her realistic options now are UMass-Amherst and UCSC. She was waitlisted at GWU and that is her first choice by far. (She got offered the Paris Scholars program at GWU, where she can study in Paris for a year at AUP and then transfer to GWU as a sophomore if she meets the GPA requirements. She has pretty much decided against this option.) I agree that GWU is the right place for her and support it even though it’s more expensive.

But she is now saying that whichever school she ends up at, she wants to defer until the winter term so she can finish this year’s skating season. She hasn’t had the success she had hoped for in skating and now she is in a good training environment, she wants to end on a high note. She says she will go to school in the summer so she can graduate on time.

After years of supporting her skating (despite hating everything about it), I am just done with it. I think it is a mistake to miss the first term of college. But she is an unusual (and mature) kid, and is actually dreading living in a dorm. She’s lived very independently these past few years due to the skating and doesn’t think she’ll fit in with “regular” kids. (Her first choice was NYU so she could live at home, but she was denied. Also denied from Fordham.) She really wants a single wherever she goes and has even said that having a single is the most important factor. So she wants to defer, skate, and then get a single?

I’m just beyond frustrated with both these kids and exhausted after a year of dealing with the admissions process. At the same time, I see how stressful their lives are, and how much pressure is put on them. And they are certainly more tired of the admissions process than I am (especially DD1, who had a lot of rejections along the way.) But in my day (!), we just went to college and adapted. This all seems so indulgent and does not seem to be leading to any increased happiness with their choices, at least for my kids.

Thanks to anyone who read all of this. I know I’m late to the party.

@texasmissy Congrats on Wake Forest!! <:-P What does your daughter want to study there?

@Momtojandk Twins? It’s tough when they haven’t decided yet, but they have some great choices! I wouldn’t count on the waitlists and if you are holding out for those, I assume you need to put a deposit somewhere by May 1st? Correct? My daughter has committed to NYU and we were on the square all weekend - it was beautiful in NYC yesterday!

@Momtojandk, maybe they can both take a gap year, do something else, and then reapply with fit foremost in mind?

And this time they get to do most of the work, while keeping the family budget in mind.

@mommdc, you’ve really identified the problem. It seems as though DD1 doesn’t see herself anywhere right now. It;s not as though she was denied from her top choices – Wellesley was her top choice. So maybe she has to re-evaluate the right fit.

I’ve told DD2 that she should take a gap year but she’s very goal-oriented and doesn’t want to take an entire year off.

@Fishnlines29 - Thanks for your support. I love NYU and I’m sure your DD will be happy there.

@Fishnlines29 She wants to study political science. Super excited about the Wake the vote program and joined the equestrian club team (despite not riding seriously since a devastating knee injury that ended both volleyball and jumping)…

@Momtojandk My daughter was WL GW and was shocked… Considering her other offers it didn’t make sense and sounds like that is your daughter’s case too. I have read here that many schools do offer January spots for a variety of reasons including anticipated attrition. I wonder if its worth a call to admissions to see if they would consider her as a January admit (and make you both happy)… Skating could end up helping in the end. just a thought… and i totally agree with you about us going overboard about :fit" and the like. My first visit to my alma mater was orientation. It was terrifying and overwhelming and it took me a long time to gain my footing. In the long run I’m glad i did it, even if it wasn’t a very good fit. Besides, what’s not to like about college? I’d do it again in heartbeat at any of my daughter’s choices. Any one. Of course, i’d love a gap year too- instead I think I just committed to a few extra years before I can retire :wink:

@texasmissy I will pm you.

@Momtojandk I’m sending virtual hugs.

There has been improvement over the years, but it’s still tough in many schools to start in January. The orientation may not be as robust. Also, friendships among the freshman have already been formed, clubs and other groups are mid-way through their agenda for the year, and it can be harder to find your place with them.

Plus, there’s much less likelihood of getting a single room!

Maybe your DD2 should weigh all of this against her priorities and see if she can either commit to this fall or take a gap year. I know it must be extra tough on you to work this out with her from a distance. Just hang on another week!

My DS has made a decision… GEORGIA TECH it is!!! Cannot begin to tell you how happy we all are:) He was accepted to a good number of great engineering schools (UC Berkeley, UMich, UIUC, Purdue, UF (in state safety), but Georgia Tech has won!!! He will study ME with concentration in automation and robotics (GT is second only to MIT for undergrad ME program). Robotics is my DS’s passion. He’s been actively involved with FIRST Tech Challenge. His team won the Southern Super Regionals last month. This past weekend they were part of the winning alliance for Jemison division at FIRST Tech Challenge World championship, partner in the Finals alliance matches, finishing second. Incredibly exciting season from both robotics and college application perspectives LOL Feeling blessed!!! Can finally put down enrollment and housing deposits:)

@momtojandk My D has a friend that did a spring admit this year, as she graduated from HS early. She was able to get a single, but in talking with D, her friend sorta feels “left out” socially, coming in mid year, and if she had to do it again, may not have done so. So it is possible. Also so sorry she was WL at GWU. You may like someone else suggested, see if they will do a spring admit for her, which would solve your issues.

For D1, i dont have any advice. Knowing that for both your D’s this has not been easy, big hugs.