Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats to you and your wonderful children!!! And Thank you for being here and helping me navigate the deep (at times confusing) waters of college application process:)

@Momtojandk - Looks like your twins are bright and trust them to make the hardest choice they have ever had to make in their young lives. When push comes to shove they know deep in their heart where they want to go. If you have trusted them thus far you can trust they will make you proud wherever they end up choosing. Sending you good vibes.

@educationfan ā€“ Wonderful news about Georgia Tech & your son certainly will contribute a lot and get to pursue robotics and so much more!! Great program. Very happy for you!

@educationfan Congratulations to your son! We have streamed a lot of hours of FIRST Robotics matches over the last month.

Congrats @educationfan on G Tech? Great school for engineering. I wish we lived closer as my younger son might be interested in the same academic program as your son. Congrats on the FIRST success too, exciting.

Hey has anyone in here gone thru Track & Field recruiting with their kids? I may PM you with some questions.

@Momtojandk, if it was my kid, Iā€™d be hugely opposed to her starting college in January, unless it was at a school that has lots of kids start then, with a real orientation program, etc (and even then, it would never be my first choice). Particularly if she already feels like sheā€™s more mature and independent than the average graduating senior, having her miss out on the freshman fall bonding is just going to make it really difficult for her. Iā€™m all for having our kids make their own decisions and take responsibility for their choices, but I suspect that no high school senior can really adequately process how different their college experience might be if they do something atypical. The fact that a college will allow you to do something out of the norm doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s a great choice. What about pitching the idea of taking the rest of next year as a gap year as an opportunity to decompress from the rigors of top-level figure skating training and competition?

@soxmom, I think youā€™re absolutely right and I just texted her that. She would be setting herself up to feel even more alienated from other kids.

It helps so much to get other peopleā€™s perspectives.

@RightCoaster My daughter was a recruited D1 track athlete. I donā€™t know if I can help with anything, but feel free to message me.

@educationfan congratulations on your sonā€™s decision and also for regionals! <:-P <:-P

Creighton University, Deanā€™s Fellows program, class of 2021! Posted a little more detail about our visit and decision on another thread. Good luck to all still deciding and congrats to all who have already placed their deposits!

@LoveTheBard So, is it official?

@thermom 3 cheers for Hamilton!

@texasmissy Love the Demon Deacons! Congratulations!

@Momtojandk It has been stressful enough going through this with 1 daughter, I canā€™t imagine doing it with 2 daughters at the same time! I donā€™t have any pearls of wisdom, but just want to offer hugs and support.

@educationfan Congratulations on Georgia Tech! Iā€™ve enjoyed reading your posts, as I have a S22 who is currently interested in ME.

Congrats @NEMomof4 on Cre

Congrats on all the new decisions.

Congratulations @texasmissy @educationfan @NEMomof4 <:-P <:-P <:-P

Hugs @Momtojandk =(( >:D< In case anyone missed, clicking ā€˜Helpfulā€™ means ā€˜Hugsā€™ on this thread.

Iā€™m just so excited for everyone, too many to catch up on! Congratulations on all of the amazing decisions!!!

Congrats to all the deciders and hugs to all the parents of the indecisive.

My new avatar.

Sitting on a plane to Columbus to visit tOSU with S today. Heā€™s narrowed it down to tOSU and Virginia Tech. Hope to have a decision before the weekend.

Any ā€œmust doā€™sā€ for our visit today? We have a private tour of engineering but we are pretty much winging it for the rest of the day.

Breaking news, Vandy sets the record for the youngest admitted student!