Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

1a. Learned that there were known state cutoffs for NMF and realized younger son had a shot at it.
1b. Learned from some stats linked to here that UCLA really liked a lot of AP courses, which was contrary to advice we had heard from a talk by a principal at the HS (he wasn’t specifically talking about UCLA or UCs). Realized younger son needed to take more than older son did. And also take some different APs than older son took, based on info from a link that was posted here.


Aww, you thought of us :slight_smile:

As of breakfast this morning, D was still waffling. She has been to MIT 3 times (all over nights) and knows what she likes and doesn’t like about it. She missed all Stanford’s admit events and doesn’t have as clear a picture of it. So, she is still trying to gather info from the web and other people’s decision criteria on social media.

Little things like Stanford’s freshmen class trip to Tahoe and images of hiking and biking the dish are are calling my CO snowboarder girl. But we haven’t found any evidence that Stanford offers as many opportunities. On the other hand, she feels that segregation (not just racial but all types) at MIT is extreme and promoted by University. An example of this is Puerto Rican students from the island all live together in a different dorm than Puerto Rican students from the States. This is just a small example, there are many more.

Still :!! , just flip a coin at this late hour.

@STEM2017 Congratulations! What a wonderful outcome! I am curious how a “spirit yell” can turn into a mascot…Very interesting. Love the updated avatar.

@klinska you know how (selfishly) happy I am about the change but I’ll say it here too!

@RightCoaster UGH on the LAX team blowing things for others. We’ve seen that with soccer, although it did give SD the chance to play varsity her freshman year when most of the seniors got busted at a party. Ugh.

@eandesmom did you just change the avatar? Where’s your child leaning?

@socalmom007 it’s showing both kids in (or almost in) college. SD14 is at Cal Poly now, as a junior (Biology) and S17 is headed to UVM. I need to dig into the algorithm though for S19 and do some homework on the different majors. @MotherOfDragons made me a fun new avatar. I had wanted to but in my mind somehow the Catamount was attacking the Mustang…

DD made her decision last night after a few visits and meetings with coaches. She’ll be attending the Honors program at BC and be a D1 athlete. The coach was very excited to meet her and said she had checked out DD’s high school stats. She assured DD that she would be one of their main contributors.

DD’s acceptances were not what she had hoped but her High School coach did some investigating and apparently DD is known among college coaches which made her feel better. College coaches usually don’t get pulls in her sport although some can offer support. Our CC said it was a rough year and that half of the top 15 in DD’s rigorous private school class were not happy. She gave me an article that pointed out that Harvard’s incoming class is 55% URM and first gen and that Harvard is hiring mentors to get these kids through school. LOL, meanwhile my kid who is well prepared and no academic risk is denied. Anyway, as you can see I am working through my anger. DD will do great at BC where academics are king and where they made it very clear she was wanted.

DD cried her way through Ivy night and then stayed up until 3am studying for Science Olympiad, she went to school the next day and then pulled an all nighter studying for Sci Oly again. The next day she won two medals in states and helped her team grab a spot in Nationals. She’s obviously resilient.

Here are the actual numbers for Harvard’s class of 2021:

CC has it’s own little corner for discussions about things like the purported article to sit in:

@cleoforshort – huge congrats on BC with honors!! Congrats on great Sci O too!! That’s great news.

The class hasn’t been set yet, unless everyone going to Harvard has already committed.

Congratulations to all! Our children are going to crush it!

DD committed to University of Notre Dame and is so happy! (@cleoforshort, DD was shut out of Ivy Day, too, but we chalked it up to too many applicants with similar stellar stats. Did race play a part…maybe…possibly…but probably not to a great extent. The parents on this thread with Ivy bound children have DCs with amazing stats and abilities.)

@cleoforshort BC is a fantastic school and will offer your D tremendous opportunities. No school is magical and just by mere attendance transform a student that doesn’t work and take advantage of those opportunities. Disappointment will subside and though the outcome isn’t what one wishes at the moment there is opportunity for growth. And there is always grad school :smiley:

I sense that we sometimes all have some general unhappiness from DC’s admission process. Our kids all work very hard and they deserve better, but as parents, we need to move on ( yes, it is hard for me to accept D’s rejections and her not going to MIT or Chicago…) so that our kids can move on (in my case, she does anyway) They will see similar things when they apply for jobs, and elsewhere. In my book, it is good that D didn’t get to all the schools she applied to, that meant, first she reached high, second, hopefully she will have chip on her shoulders in college to show she is better and can do better. Even if our kids all get to Harvard, how will they adjust to work for bosses who graduated from state schools. Does that mean the bosses are less qualified? No, not at all.

@cleoforshort, best of luck on BC and D’s sport!!

With AP tests starting this week, is anyone else in the situation where you’re paying for a bunch of tests that won’t matter at all? All the ones that will be useful were taken last year (3 of 4). The AP Lit this year will just duplicate what AP Lang got him out of. I guess Physics could count if we submitted a successful petition, but since it’s a foundation of the major we won’t recommend that. Skipping one test thankfully. Even the AP credits no longer count towards class standing when it comes to scheduling priority. We didn’t know decisions by sign up time and not sure how bad it would look if you take 4-5 APs, but don’t take the tests. Oh well, like a lot of other things in this college process, another $400 down the drain.

My daughter has officially committed to Wellesley! I can’t remember the exact wording of the old QOTD’"Where did you think your child would go? Where did you hope your child would go? etc. but the answers to all were always the same – Wellesley!

Both my kids ended up at the schools that they initially wanted to go to, even after visiting many others, applying to many others, being accepted at many others, visiting some again, getting better FA at other schools and careful consideration. I couldn’t be prouder of my daughter tho, well thought out decisions and she loves her new school! Berkeley would have been less expensive, but Wellesley fits her to a T.

@youcee Yes, my kiddo is taking 5 AP tests and isn’t sure if he will be able to apply all of them. He is going to double major and we don’t completely understand how it will all work. I loved paying all of that money to the College Board.

Looking back, I don’t know if it will be worth it or not but class rigor was definitely a factor the schools considered in the application process so maybe it was worth it in the end. I’m just trying to justify the expense here and make myself feel better.

@RightCoaster Belated thanks for the congrats! Back at you on NEU!

@STEM2017 Congrats on VT! I’m looking closely at that school for D20.

I’m paying for 4 AP’s and 4 IB’s and St. Andrews doesn’t care about any of them!

Yes @youcee, DS is taking 6 AP tests, and his college gives no AP credit or placement at all. The college sent an email saying that students are expected to take all the AP tests they listed on their application. (Because of their Honor Code, I think.) He is actually taking one AP test he didn’t list. I had to pay extra for that one today; he needed it rescheduled to the alternate date because of a trip.

Have you been speaking with my S @youcee?

Major case of senioritis here with AP Physics test tomorrow. Oy