Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats @LoveTheBard on Stanford, and @klinska on U-VT! Lots of decisions being made big hug to those waiting until the last hours!!

@STEM2017, Congrats on VT. I know you have been through along process, glad the aid worked out to your satisfaction. We know a very happy hokie, and I am sure your S will love it.

Congrat to those who finally have decisions! Whoo-Hoo!!!

@Fishnlines29, My H went to VT and I always wondered what a Hokie was. Thank you for that information.

@LoveTheBard, A wonderful ending to the most impressive story. Congrats

@RightCoaster I understand your love of Vermont, and Iā€™m not even an avid winter sports person, like you are! Ah, the best laid plans, right? Iā€™m glad your Plan B will still get you to where you want to be!

Congrats to @STEM2017, @LoveTheBard, @klinska & everyone else whoā€™s posted their good news!

I am still having some second thoughts about Sā€™s choice, but he is holding firm that itā€™s the right place for him. I guess only time will tell!! In the meantime, Iā€™m happy to celebrate that the roller coaster ride is over with. Heā€™s in the process of setting up a facebook account to find a roommate. Well, tbh, I set it up and heā€™s adding pictures. Teamwork gets it done, right?

And speaking of teams, @RightCoaster. sorry to hear that your sonā€™s LAX captains are setting such a bad tone and example for the whole team. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not a great feeling to wish that his senior season was done already.

@BigPapiofthree - Thanks for your kind words ā€“ youā€™ve been a bright star through this.

Congratulations on VT and Standford @STEM2017 and @LoveTheBard!

congrats @STEM2017 - great news!! Virginia Tech -great school & going for wonderful reasons. Happy for your DS - lots of good stuff from VT for him :slight_smile:

Congrats to others who have DCs who recently made decisions - they are rolling in - well only a few hours to go. My sonā€™s housing preferences are due tomorrow!

Since itā€™s decision day and D hasnā€™t (to my knowledge) panicked about her decision for a few days, Iā€™m changing my avatar.

Have we heard the decision from the @nw2this family? :-/

Congratulations to all!!! <:-P

An amazing journey. I believe the sharing and supporting on CC 2017 has made for better outcomes all the way around. So interesting to see how much thought was put into the decisions, and how families worked together to come to really great opportunities for their DC. Seriously. Avatars representing destinations proudly is tearing me up.

Will be checking in midnight tonight for latest!

@HappyGoLucky2017 ā€“ I agree completely about the support at CC. Actually, we wouldnā€™t have had UAH on our radar at all except for a post I made early in the process that was answered by wonderful, knowledgeable CCers!

@STEM2017 - why did you decide so early? :slight_smile:


Maybe I should encourage him to reconsider. :smiley:

ha @thshadow , I was planning on staying up to 11:59 to see @STEM2017 's sonā€™s decision, but now I can go to bed at a reasonable hour I think.

Son17 just came home and he said he enjoyed College Shirt day today, and said he learned of 2 other NEU students, 1 of them he is sort of friends with. So thatā€™s good. But 2 of his other friends chose elsewhere, one decided to go to BC and the other Bentley because it was a bit less expensive with a scholarship.

I mentioned last week the story of a kid who was a very good student, but applied to too many tippy top schools and got rejected everywhere. He ended up choosing UMass Amherst in the end. Kind of amazing, this kid had all of the stats, good grades, pretty well rounded, but not pointy enough I guess. I hope he ends up being happy there.

Letā€™s see who posts @ midnight to announce that their DC reconsidered and chose different school :slight_smile:

Yes, it was CC that put UAHuntsville on our radar as well, and what a relief to find out about it! As soon as D heard about UAH, she got right on line, checking out their Chemical Engineering curriculum, which someone has helpfully made into an easy-to-follow flow chart. She really never wavered from that direction, only feeling more sure about it after our tour. She applied as soon as they opened up for applications in August and was very glad to have her decision settled without having that weight on her shoulders all senior year.

But I know most situations arenā€™t so straightforward. Being the second child helped, since we learned a lot the hard way the first time around.

So thanks to all who have given feedback here on CC! It really does help! We know that a college is always going to market themselves, but hearing some cheers from those in the trenches does help.

Good luck to all the graduating students and their families!

I agree about how helpful CC has been! D17 probably wouldnā€™t have gotten in to Cal Poly if I hadnā€™t been able to read about the idiosyncrasies of the application, how to fill it out, and how to max out the algorithm score. We also learned about many schools with merit we wouldnā€™t have known about, and that put a wider list of acceptances on the financially feasible list.

Itā€™s been a while since weā€™ve had a QOTD, so here goes:

Apart from the supportive community that we all enjoy (and hopefully contribute to), what are you most grateful to CC for and/or what was the most important takeaway, gem or kernel of knowledge ā€“ be it a school, program, admissions insights, financial/merit aid advice ā€“ did you most benefit from learning about on CC?

For us, it was TASP ā€“ the single most impactful learning experience in Dā€™s HS career in which she helped to create a community, cultivated lasting friendships, and was able to better visualize what she wanted in a college community and how to define fit (it probably didnā€™t hurt with admissions, either).