Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Testing: D is at an IB school, and you commit to taking the IB tests when you register for the IB classes, so that money was gone in any case.

@youcee, what benefits do AP test scores get you at UCLA? The only thing D is going to get for her IB exams is that if she gets a 5-6-7 on the IB English test she will place out of freshman comp 3. She already placed out of ELWR with her ACT score and placed out of American History and Quantitative Reasoning with her scores on the SAT subject tests in Math and USH. But the foreign language requirement can only be satisfied with AP scores, not IB (though it looks like she can test out during orientation). And it doesnā€™t seem like you get any credit at all for doing the IB diploma, so I guess itā€™s just as well she didnā€™t do it!

@dustypig AP Lang and AP Lit each satisfy English Composition 3 (with a high enough score). APUSH satisfies American Institutions/History. Calc counted for one, but subsequent DE Calc classes will count for possibly 3 more. A 5 on Physics C Mechanics could get you out of the first Physics class if one petitions. I donā€™t think Gov or Econ are useful as a GE for engineering (which is our sonā€™s area). Only 3 of 9 APs will count, but heā€™ll have maybe 21 units of required courses going in. The APs may not all be useful, but they were necessary for him to get in because top kids typically take a lot of APs at his school (he may have been on the low side).

You can check out the specifics for each of the colleges here:

Congratulations to all on their D and/or Sā€™s decisions!! Yeah HS Class of 2017 and (hopefully) College Class of 2021!! =D> :-bd <:-P

Thanks for the fun link, @Fishnlines29 ! I finally made time to take it, and found I guess, even tho I grew up in So Calif, I moved to the right place, 22 yrs ago! Test results: Minneapolis, Milwaukee & Madison.


sigh UAH counts Lit and Lang separately, and each fulfills one of their two requirements for Engl 101 and Engl 102. UNLESS youā€™re an Honors student, in which case you are required to take Engl 105 regardless of any APs you have.

And Music Theory is accepted, only itā€™s for a 200-level course, and the only Music Theory course in her list of options for the Engineering pathway is a 100-level course.

Physics, which she would have gotten credit for, sheā€™s not taking because she doesnā€™t want to skip the course in college.

I think she can use Psych and definitely Calc AB. Itā€™s not like it saves us money, but it will free up a little time for her.

@LoveTheBard - Congrats on your D choosing Stanford. Go CARDINAL 2021. My D had a great time at the admit days and already looking forward to her next chapter of her life.

Wow to all the students who have made their decisions with a few hours to spareā€¦you guys are either really ā€œlazyā€ or know how to make your parents grow really old really quickly. Parents, there is a big reason why we get grey when our kids are about to graduate. Enjoy all the great swag with all the logos of your schools.

@mamaedefamilia - to answer your question about the admissions season I did hear an interesting tidbit from a friend who has a HS junior. The counselors at their HS felt that this current senior class saw more wait lists than normal. They attributed it to the new SATā€¦their take is that the colleges did not know how to evaluate the new scores and tended to use the wait list more often (especially in the early rounds). They also advised the current junior class to subtract 60 points from their ā€œnewā€ SAT scores to concord them to the old SAT.

On a different note, Kenyon published an article about the decrease in applicants this year. They attribute the decrease to being in a ā€œredā€ state as they heard comments from school visitors about the political signs on display in the nearby area.

ā€˜And Music Theory is accepted, only itā€™s for a 200-level course, and the only Music Theory course in her list of options for the Engineering pathway is a 10ā€™

I would think that should count. Have you checked with an advisor?

@GeorgiaMom50 ā€“ D is going to email the school, so weā€™ll see.

@mamaedefamilia :"> Shucksā€¦ :">

Congrats @WhataProcess on 2 fine schools! Thats quite an accomplishment, neither school is an easy admit. I know kids at each school and they love their choices. Iā€™m sure your kids will enjoy their time there!!

@chillkitty congratulations on Notre Dame!! <:-P @ChalkPastel Congrats on Wellesley and the new avatar! <:-P

@WhataProcess congrats on your sonā€™s decision!! what a long road, really!! <:-P

@MSHopeful I messaged you!

@youcee AP tests - yep, complete waste of money imo. D17 could have taken the AP Physics C test and if she got a 4 or 5, she could potentially transfer 8 credits. As you mentioned though, since she expects to major in Physics, she feels sheā€™ll need to retake Electicity/Magnetism and Mechanics anyway.

It must be that many colleges do not recognize these credits for a reason. Iā€™m thinking maybe (in general) it must be acceptable to take the courses and not take the exam at the end. It shows you want a rigorous schedule, but if colleges wont take the credits, whatā€™s the point of the exam and the extra $$ spent. This would ring true for most colleges D applied to, she didnā€™t even bother to report her AP exam scores - since they werenā€™t required - colleges donā€™t necessarily know if you took the exam or not.

Obviously, as @Ynotgo mentioned, some schools may still require the exam grade. Also, if you can test out of certain basic classes, there could be a benefit to taking them I suppose. I think you just have to research the schools youā€™re applying to before deciding and if unsure on where to apply, I guess you just have to take them! What a racket.

@thinmints Interesting theory on the SAT scores. There is a very long thread on this topic running here on CC that calls the concordance into question. Posters have brought data from very competitive schools like Williams, that show almost no difference in the SAT range for admitted students from the old SAT of last year and this yearā€™s new SAT scores. There seems to be a tentative consensus emerging that the gap between old and new closes at about the 1400 mark and that to earn in the high 1500s-1600 might even be a smidge harder than for the old SAT.

We are in the west and the ACT is the preferred test. I saw plenty of waitlists and denials among the ACT takers that left me scratching my head, including ED applicants who appeared very strong to me. Then again, Iā€™m not an admissions officer!

Can definitely relate on the paying for APs that may or may not be useful. D is taking 5 this year (plus 4 previously), but i think only 3 or 4 of those will be able to count for credit. Wonā€™t really know for sure until July when she meets with her advisor, but best I can tell about the way Chapman does their ā€œcoreā€ classes, D will have credit, but a bunch of them fall in the same category. Also, 2 of them are Micro and Macro Econ, which she might be better off taking in her major. The seniors are all done after AP exams, so next Friday will be her last day of high school. Starting to feel really old. I canā€™t possibly be old enough to have a child who is finished with high school, can I?

I am also starting to feel really old, Iā€™m 45ā€¦ how do I have 2 kids in college?

As far as APā€™s- mostly a waste. The Calculus Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll have to take again as a math/stats major. The apes may get her out of something. She didnā€™t score high enough on Lang or euro to count as a requirement, I donā€™t think anyone takes 3ā€™s. where we did get the bang for the buck was in dual credit classes. Cal Poly takes all of those, sheā€™s coming in with an almost sophomore standing because of dual credit community college classes.

APā€™s will probably be a waste of $$ for son17 unless he somehow pulls out a good score in AP Stats. I donā€™t see it happening as it hasnā€™t been a strong class for him, heā€™s had a hard time with certain sections. His grades have been OK, but he is not confident in what he has learned. Heā€™ll probably end up taking it again in college.

Heā€™s also taking an AP Gov test. I doubt heā€™ll ever take a gov class in college, so waste of $$.

The only benefit my kid gets from taking the AP tests is that he doesnā€™t have to take the actual class final exam if you take the AP test. So with his 2 AP exams he now only has a couple of finals to take. He is really looking forward to being done with this semester in particular, heā€™s not really happy about his classes at the moment.

@socalmom007 If you are only 45 and you have two kids in college already I think youā€™re really young!

And now that everyone should have a decision made, I will say CONGRATULATIONS to all of our fabulous kids and to us for weathering through this process. We are DONE with this step. Now to start really looking at the ā€œwhat to bring to collegeā€ lists!

S will get to use all of his AP and DE credits at his U, OU. He wonā€™t have that many as his school doesnā€™t have AP-specific classes, but he will have enough pertinent ones to move ahead in many of the STEM classes. And for him, I think it will be good for him to be in the freshman honors seminars for the humanities. It will keep him well rounded, because if he has his choice, heā€™d be very pointy.

Congratulations to all the kids and families! <:-P <:-P <:-P =D> =D> =D>

One AP test done and two more tests to go.
Graduation is in less than 3 weeks. :open_mouth:

@NerdMom88 I agree, the APs wonā€™t really save us money for college costs, but they may allow our kids to have just a few more classes they can use to explore a non-major interest. For engineering there are so many required courses, that there isnā€™t as much flexibility as other majors. Plus it might allow them a quarter or two where they can take a lighter load than they otherwise would have to.

@Fishnlines29 Iā€™m with you on not using the AP credit to get out of Physics. Itā€™s just such a foundational course and by requiring a petition to get out of it in our case, it seems like itā€™s barely considered the college equivalent and only in some cases.

@socalmom007 From what I can tell AP Calc would still count even for a math major at SLO. And they do seem to accept a 3 on AP Lang:

And yes, you are a young one.