Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@socalmom007 I was a grandmother at 45. :wink: Young is a state of mind. I am 5, maybe 6, yrs older than you and still have a 1st grader. I refuse to be “old.” :slight_smile:

Shut up, they’ll take a 3 for AP Lang??? My D may cry!

I was 26 when I had my 1st child, nearly 36 with the 4th child. I’m the young mom to the college kids, I’ll be the old mom to the little ones! Many of my friends are about to be empty nesters in their mid 40’s as these 2017’s graduate. I can’t imagine that.

I’m emptying the nest (I’m in my 30s) and actually prepping for a big move and much welcome downsizing and purging.

D is taking 5 AP exams and 1 IB exam. Assuming she does well, she’ll start college with 68 credits (junior standing). She’s not graduating early. But the credits allow her to jump right into her majors, skip gen ed subjects she doesn’t like, and hopefully pull off a double degree (3 majors) and 2 minors.

Congrats to everyone! We survived the college admissions madness!!! Now the fun part begins - dorm shopping! :slight_smile:

QOTD: Has your student found a roommate yet?

@socalmom007 AP Lang counts for ENGL 134 in GE Area A

APs didn’t necessarily save us money for D16, but will allow her to add a minor in Engineering Management and do a CO-OP and probably still be done undergrad in four years. She will most likely do a 5 year Masters. She is finishing up her freshman year at practically a Junior credit wise. This has allowed her to get earlier class selection for second semester and for next year. She received 24 credits for APUSH (counted as 2 Gen Eds so she has all the Gen. Eds required now); AP Economics (needed for the minor) and AP Calc BC (needed for Industrial Engineering) and her school took all of them.

We were just talking with S17 about his AP’s. In his case - if he took AP World; APUS and AP CalcBC. If he gets a 4 on the Calc - he will not have to take Calc I; if he gets a 5 - he will not have to take Calc I or Calc. II. He’s not sure yet if the History ones will help with any Gen Eds or not.

@youcee and @NerdMom88 We are glad for dual enrollment classes that will transfer. The goal is to lighten the credit hours per semester, since Chemical Engineering classes will be intense enough, and a 3.0 average must be maintained to keep the scholarship.

QOTD: Roommates

Son17 does not think he can select a roomie for London, but he thinks he can select a roomie for 2nd semester in Boston. I guess a lot of the kids that go abroad end up living together when they come back. They figure it out in November I think when they select their classes for 2nd term. I think he goes to a 2 day NEU London info session in July, so maybe they figure out roomies then.

I’m not really stressed about buying anything either, as he can really only bring so much stuff with him on the plane.

Thank you for looking @youcee !!!

D17 just added herself to the Cal Poly students Facebook group, I guess they ask the kids to post a brief bio. She texted me “mom, people want to be my friend!” Lol!!! I guess she’s talking to a few non partier, OCD, neat freaks and thinks she may have roommates. I’m so glad she’s starting to get involved and excited!

Ohio tends to be a swing state. So I would expect there were “red” political signs up in the early 2000s when W carried the state twice. Wonder if they saw drops in applications then as well?


QOTD: I think I have mentioned that when we visited UAH in March, D met a girl who had been accepted as an astrophysics major. D has been texting with her new friend; she applied for Honors College and if she get in, she and D will room “together.” (Since all rooms are singles, technically they’d only be sharing a bathroom.)

This years AP tests will “count” but TBD on how valuable that counting will be. APES will likely count as an approved elective for the major. AP Lit will count but not towards anything he needs other than total graduation credit count. Assuming he doesn’t change majors. Since you never know, and it does count as an English credit…and I already paid…he’s taking it.


All the credits combined are not likely to save money but do provide a bit of breathing room or additional flexibility.

With all D17’s dual credit and AP’s she’s planning to pick up a minor. I think it’s so nice to have that flexibility!

@STEM2017 it’s ridiculous that apps are down in red states? It may be irrational, but I do see real fear out there in young people of color, lgbtq, etc… No matter how I posed it as a mom I couldn’t get my Hispanic daughter in an interracial relationship to look at certain areas of the country. This last election cycle has made many people out there fearful. The fact that apps are down at some schools doesn’t shock me.


I think its ludicrous that Kenyon is attributing a decrease in apps to being in a red state.

Are apps down in red states? I thought we were just talking about Kenyon. Are there stats to show that apps are down in red states? If so, I will yield.

And to be clear, I’m not trying to defend red or blue, I just think that the VERY smart people at Kenyon have taken the easy excuse for a drop in apps.

Oh, I see what you’re saying. I don’t know if that’s a general trend on not. I do know that apps on the coasts saw huge increases. Kenyon may be making excuses for a light app cycle, or maybe they’re on to something. I have no idea.

Kenyon had a 12.5% drop in applicants. Here’s the link to the article, it’s an interesting read.

Per the article, applications are down at other Midwestern colleges, including Oberlin, UChicago, and Grinnell (22% drop at Grinnell).

QOTD: Unfortunately, freshman are not allowed to pick their roommates. A shame, since she met some great girls she bonded with during admitted students weekend. She chose in this order though:

  1. Shared suite (5 singles)
  2. Double
  3. Single

Each room/suite includes a kitchenette and bathroom.

I like her order of choices. I think since she’ll be so far from home in Paris, it’s better to go for having the most kids around! She’s only ever had a single being an only child, but doesn’t particularly like being alone in general.

St. Andrews is random for first year roommate assignments. With the caveat that they have a very large number of singles, so many people do not have roommates at all. There are 4 choices. She will order in this order:

Double Catered
Single Catered
Double Self-catered
Single Self-catered

Is it a drop in Midwestern colleges, though, or a drop in Midwestern private colleges? After all, many LACs have been struggling with keeping their applicant numbers up the past few years, and that could explain three of the four mentioned in the article @Gator88NE linked to.

REALLY old-timer here butting into your discussion with a question …

Back in the day, each class used to have a separate thread where people put which school their kid chose. Does that not happen anymore?