Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Is it? :slight_smile:

The above is, precisely, except for square brackets instead of curly:

{quote}Edit: @dfbdfb This is a pretty big betrayal, I’m so let down!{/quote}
Is it? :slight_smile:

< side eye at @dfbdfb >

Ah! Thank you; all is forgiven.


QOTD: Roommates. D found her roommate a couple weeks ago, and they have been chatting up a storm. Her roommate is from Alaska. They just received an email to pick a room tomorrow (random lottery date/time…they got lucky). They will be one double room of a 2-room suite, sharing a bathroom with another random set of girls.

Re: APs, my D will also be able to use (if she and her advisor decide) all her APs…up to 32 credits. That will help her towards her goal of a double major in 4 years.

Late check-in on this thread–S17 chose WashU. Time to read up on St. Louis. Barely made the decision on time, so nothing done on housing, roommates, etc. So much to do, so little . . . well you know.

QOTD: Roommate. D plans to be more active in the W FB group after APs. Happy to go random, but if she finds a likely roommate will be happy that way too.

Residential College/Room/Roommate assignment is random/matched. They’ll be a housing questionnaire sent in Summer to help with the matching process. Orientation has a 5 day bonding activity (outward bound or community service) in groups of 8 frosh and upperclass(wo)men leaders. I wonder if roomies will be together for that.

Roommate: DD used the accepted students Facebook group and found 3 others to fill the an honors LLC suite based on similar majors, and, I discovered last night, a common love of the High School Musical movies :slight_smile:

@Nerdmom, I was hoping your D would reach out to the girl she met. :slight_smile:

I had my oldest at 28 and my youngest at 37. When I dropped her off on first day of Kindergarten I was 42, the other kids asked my D if I was her grandma. :frowning:

@Fishnlines29 my D had 3 roommates this year, they all had their single bedrooms, but they liked it a lot because if someone was up late studying they could close their doors and wouldn’t disturb others, or if they wanted to have some time alone in their room, they could.

But then they also could hang out in their shared living room to socialize.

They had a “Friendsgiving” where they all contributed to the meal, and a Secret Santa exchange. They also did a surprise birthday party for each other.

@mageecrew my D found her roommate on roomsync. They even got to meet in the summer!

Wanted to stop in and say thanks to all here for the help! I have a son who will be attending Yale. I was mostly a lurker but did PM certain posters along the way who helped me.

We did not do any college visits. My son had been on a variety of college campuses, inc my and my husband’s alma maters among others, over the years for various activities so he didnt feel the need to take tours. I was glad as I knew people who had a dream school after visiting and then had a difficult time recovering from rejection by that school.

The only part of the application process that was confusing/overwhelming to my son was the essays! So many! Anyway I reached out to @Musicmom2015 who graciously helped me with advice. I did end up spending about $400 for a consultant who helped my son brainstorm ideas and prod him along with the writing of the essays. Best money I ever spent as no nagging or even assistance needed by me!

My son took the old SAT in Oct of his junior year. He was one and done which was a huge relief for him as junior year is otherwise crazy busy. He had worked a number of old practice tests over the summer which helped him greatly.

My advice to my friends with younger kids is spend time on the activities that your kid loves and that love will shine through in their applications and interviews. My son doesn’t have any formal leadership positions but he does have a couple of ECs he is passionate about which made the difference.

Anyway just thanks!

Someone may have linked to this thread earlier but if you have a chance please add your DC’s application story here for future applicants - knowledge is power:

roommate D found her roommate through Facebook. They have been discussing decorating the room to completely match…girls. She also met someone from our area and had lunch with her so that was nice esp. since she will be flying to and from school so now she can have a buddy to fly with.

@Dolemite please encourage your D to do the OA trip before Freshman Orientation. It is a fantastic bonding experience and even 30+ years later, those friends are still some of my good friends from P’ton. It was a great experience for me and hopefully it will be for your D as well. Living vicariously through all our kiddos. Feel like it was yesterday, which, obviously it was not!

@Dolemite, roommates are not necessarily in the same group for OA/CA. My daughter was in a triple, but neither roommate was with her for the OA experience.

@herewego3 It seems to be built into Orientation now. The kids arrive Saturday 9/2 and then they have either OA or CA (Athletes have a separate program) until 9/8 then come back for more Orientation(partying?) until classes start 9/13.

Roommate question: D is on a FB group but hasn’t really spent the time to delve into it. Afraid to put herself out there perhaps? She has an old soccer teammate from around here that is also going to UVA. She may reach out to her, but I’m not sure. After talking with the disability office, they recommended my D submit a request for a dorm room with A/C and I said that was a excellent suggestion! Nice that her migraines could at least get her A/C–might help her in the roommate search too. I’m still kind of surprised that the old dorms have not been completely retrofitted yet!

Although their roommate questionnaire was sparse, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that UAH has “amnesty day” three weeks into the fall semester, where roommate exchanges can be done for any reason. That’s much better than being forced into an entire semester with someone who is completely incompatible!

@mommdc I was 37 when I had D17 – yes, you can all do the math. I haven’t been mistaken for a grandparent…yet.

Tulane has a two step process for freshman dorm applications. First you can apply for Residential Learning Communities, which are tied to some desirable dorms like the Wall Freshman Honors Dorm. After you apply for an RLC and find out if you are accepted, then you apply to a dorm. All kinds of factors now have to be figured out about roommates. What happens of two prospective roommates don’t get into the same RLC? Etc.

@NerdMom88 I love the idea of amnesty day! That’s very cool