Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

D’s school of choice (Stanford) is not particularly generous with AP credit. I think that the only AP classes/exams that they accept for credit is AP Calc and AP Spanish Language (but she’ll still have to take a placement test). She’s not taking the AP exams this year as there is no pedagogical or practical reason for her to do so.

@itsgettingreal17 QOTD: DS found a roommate via the school’s social network. Wanted a single, but we encouraged him to double. Almost went with luck of the draw, but decided to actively pursue a roomie. So glad he did because making some connections really boosted his happiness factor. DS has been wearing the college t-shirts around the house. Not much talk of college happening at school. However, the excitement is building. Graduation in 32 days!

I think College T-shirt day is this Friday for our HS.

I have to really start planning the graduation party, I just don’t know where to have it! Arrrgh.

@“Youdon’tsay” I think we haven’t done the “college you picked” thread yet, although someone may have started it already. Or we are just to lazy. We did have the very long thread of where you kid was applying, but it just got too unwieldy to use.

Roommate S started to look, but the cutoff date for letting the school know if you picked a roommate was May 1. So he will be getting the random roommate. I hope it works out for both of them!

College shirt day is Friday for S also.

Thanks. I’ve just PM’d with so many people throughout the years, and I like seeing that list so I don’t have to msg each of them. I’m curious that way. :wink:

@“Youdon’tsay” @mtrosemom

Here is the “List” thread

This one is the result and decision with stats thread

Roommate Luckily one of my DS17 friends also get accepted to UF and they will be roommates. Later this month they will be able to go online and select their residence hall and room (his friend wants them to join the Engineering LLC). They are both very easygoing, but you never know how people will adjust to college. The moms are also friends, so they likely will do all of the planning (who brings what), the rest of us are just along for the ride…(and to pay those deposits!).

D has 6 AP exams, luckily they are paid for by the school district. She is limited to 45 credits from AP exams and if all goes well in the next two weeks she will go over that. She is using some strategy and putting her time into Calc and Bio and not worrying about the others since she likely will not be able to use them due to the credit limit. She does expect to get 8 credits from AP Lit, but that is not a last minute study subject.

I got a really good tip from one of the language moms, I wish I could remember which one. My D took the SAT Subject test for Latin in December and received a score that will give her credit for her college FL requirement. She plans to take another language in college, but with the qualifying SAT II score she can continue with higher level Latin classes. She is planning on a course in Cicero in the Fall, she likes him because he is “salty.” This move really took the pressure off the AP Latin exam and lets her bring a credit from another class.

That is one of the best things I learned on CC that did not come from @Gator88NE or @dfbdfb

D found a roommate on the Facebook RoomSync App. It was her first time on Facebook and she was not comfortable with the process, but it looks like she found an ideal roommate, someone else who was not comfortable process of finding a roommate on Facebook.

@Gator88NE My D’s roommate is an engineering major. She does not want to join the Engineering LLC, but wants to be in the same building (both her and my D describe themselves as shy and cautious) so it looks like my D may end up in a dorm with engineers, that would suite her well.

QOTD: D17 has been in communication with a potential roommate that she “met” on the admitted students FB page. D17 also played matchmaker and introduced a close HS friend to a close semester school friend from OOS, both of whom will be attending our state flagship, and they have decided to be roommates!

I didn’t answer yesterday’s QOTD - I’ll sum it up as “what’s the best thing about this thread?” - Finding a college for D17 was relatively easy - we both wanted the same things in a college - in fact, if I were picking a college for myself, I’d probably pick from the same top 2 that she did. I’m anticipating that finding a college for S22 is going to be a lot different. He and I do not want the same things in a college (I don’t think - he’s still young, so that could change). The things everyone has shared about their DC’s searches have broadened my perspective and I think I am going to be much better at guiding D22 to find a college that is a good fit for him than I would have been if I hadn’t gotten to read all of your stories. From all of you I learned about types of schools that I barely knew existed (such as all the technical institutes - they might be a good fit for D22), I learned that each child is different, and I learned about some factors to think about in trying to match a child with a college that is a good “fit” that I might not have thought of, and so much more…Mostly, this thread has been positive, supportive, inspiring, and has reassured me that the future is in good hands - the hands of our bright, capable, compassionate, motivated DC’s!

@93pilots I’m worried that we haven’t heard from you. I hope everything is okay in your house. Maybe you’re all just catching up on some well-deserved rest after trying to narrow the decision down from 10 to 1.

@CaucAsianDad East Hall? If she wants to be in East Hall, then your daughter’s roommate should go ahead and list the Engineering LLC and East Hall as her first choice. The computer will check to see if she’s an engineering major, and if so, will flag her as eligible. Then she can select East hall during “building selection” (East hall will be listed as one of the available buildings). Once she’s in East hall, she can (I believe) pull in your daughter. You may want to call or e-mail someone in housing, just to make sure.

Other than getting into East Hall, the other Engineering LLC activities are all optional. She can ignore them or take advantage of any that may interest her (“Build It and Wreck It Week”, “Moonlight/Midnight Breakfast”, progressive ice cream social, study buddies, exam review sessions, and on-site tutoring…).

My daughter (DD14) and I have tried to talk DS17 into choosing Jennings Hall, the dorm we both had at UF. I like to call it the “Monkey House”. However, my son doesn’t seem to like the idea of spending his weekends (and most nights) in a building full of sick, hangover freshmen. :-&

Oh well…to each his own I guess… :-??

QOTD: D found her roommate via the moms chatting on CC. :))

DS just picked his suite/room at UA for him and his roommate. I was more stressed out about it than he was…I’m glad it’s done!

QOTD: DS thinks that potluck will work out just fine and there is no need to stress about roommate selection. In a year, I’ll let you know how it all turned out.

<<Kenyon had a 12.5% drop in applicants. Here’s the link to the article, it’s an interesting read.

Per the article, applications are down at other Midwestern colleges, including Oberlin, UChicago, and Grinnell (22% drop at Grinnell). >>

I think the general correlation is between the election and liberal arts schools in the midwest, not all colleges in the midwest. Certainly Northwestern and Notre Dame didn’t have this problem. And it makes sense; not all LACs, but definitely Oberlin and Kenyon at least have a very progressive “march to the beat of their own drummer” campus culture. Not that either of my kids are the type that dye their hair blue or whatever other external indicators there are of liberal attitudes, but they both have friends that fall into that category, and their friends would not be comfortable going to college in a city or town with a conservative or reactionary environment.

Edit: How do you get the quote to be grey?

QOTD: Colorado College doesn’t send out roommate stuff until June.

Congratulations everyone!!! That was fun :slight_smile: If we are all still on speaking terms with our children and everyone is pretty happy with the choices made, I’d say it was a great success!

QOTD - yesterday?: The best thing about this thread for me is hard to narrow down… I’ve picked up so many tips along the way, and answers to my questions (questions I’ve posted and those just in floating around in my head), and have found everyone to be very supportive.

QOTD - roommate: My daughter is on some group me’s (I really don’t know what that means) and the facebook page in search of a potential roommate, but hasn’t had much time to spend on it yet. At the very least, even if she ends up going random, she’ll be meeting a lot of people.

@JenJenJenJen, to mark a quote as a quote, fit it between {quote} and {/quote} tags (except with square brackets where I typed curly brackets).

Hmmm… [@JenJenJenJen, to mark a quote as a quote, fit it between {quote} and {/quote} tags (except with square brackets where I typed curly brackets). ]

Edit: @dfbdfb This is a pretty big betrayal, I’m so let down!