Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Not to mention that red or blue states means little to nothing when you’re talking about colleges.

For evidence, I simply offer one word: Austin.

I agree @youcee. Except, it is making me want to change my settings to unbookmark this thread. People need to remember that the country is not one big group think by location. Bigot, uneducated, close-minded are not synonyms for conservative.

Any of your DC get this today?..

Here’s my favorite part…


^^Yep. My kid just texted me and said “this is a scam, right?” Uh huh.

My son is not home yet - but we have received this in the past. He usually ignores these.

My D did not get one. So does the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders think she is not good enough to get scammed too?

We live near this convention for STEM students, and I actually have a kid who is very stem focused, but he did not get invited. They must know we won’t fall for scams easily.

@youcee - we are not discussing the merits of red vs blue policies or politicians, but whether one should make college decisions purely based on how a particular state voted red or blue in recent presidential election.

D17 received mail today from Univ Arizona. The outside envelope says “Time is Running Out” to become a wildcat apply by May 1…hmm!

@thinmints, strictly speaking, though, that’s true… :smiley:

Stetson gave my D until May 15 to apply using the Significant Student Application, and they waive the app fee!

I do miss getting all the mail though, always interesting to see what was in the daily haul.

U Penn yesterday emailed DS yesterday extending acceptance deadline till midnight today. Never heard that before!

Today I threw out the giant pile of college flyers! Well, recycled them. That felt good! Although I have no doubt that they’ll keep coming now for D18.

D17 got her first choice for dorm rooms and is happy. It’ll be interesting to see who will brave sharing a room with her. If you smoke, eat peanuts, and proselytize, be afraid. Be very afraid…

@srk2017 I was wondering when the acceptance extensions would start rolling in. S hasn’t received any yet. I’m surprised U Penn is offering them.

I posted this on its own thread, but I figured it may be of interest here as well, for different reasons: NACAC’s annual “space available” list is up at

As far as my own personal interest, Muhlenberg isn’t on it—for a school with their profile, they’ve got an amazing streak of hitting their enrollment targets. Two of the large publics D17 applied to (Fairbanks and Kansas) are on it in what I see as a technicality, since they have truly rolling admissions, but they both still say they have financial aid available, which is noteworthy. Of the rest of her applications, only perhaps her deepest safety, the University of St Thomas, is on the list (and they’re still offering financial aid); it surprises me that Earlham isn’t (as they have been before), given their seemingly increasingly desperate emails as 1 May approached, but maybe they worked for them after all.

ETA: And @srk2017, Penn isn’t on it, so maybe their emails worked for them, too! :smiley:

@dfbdfb wow, that’s a lot of colleges with spots!

@CA1543, D decided not to go to FBLA national. She will be traveling with her brother in my home country.

2 AP down, and 5 more to go. We had power outage and wifi not working last two days, D went to Starbucks to study!!

@itsgettingreal17 , D is the same with your D. Can’t wait to get herself engaged in social justice activism in the new city!

I’m amazed that UMD is listed – with financial aid available! Not so amazing is the long, long list of Illinois schools. Our state budget crisis screws us again…

Thanks @dfbdfb. I was interested to see that California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) is listed. We’ll see how this art thing goes for DS21 in high school to figure out whether that should be on his list.

@SincererLove - I will train my DS to be libertarian voice at Vandy :wink: