Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Fishnlines29, I am also glad your D is OK. Both my kids had minor accidents. It shook them up and made them more careful. Neither had to go to the doctor, let alone the hospital! I hope you D heals quickly. Sorry about the need for another car and the upcoming bump to your insurance! Hopefully your D won’t need a car in school and you can reduce her to an occasional driver for insurance.

@Fishnlines29 and @jpc763 I’m glad your kids are OK and no one was hurt seriously. I hope everything gets resolved quickly.

Ooh. Sorry to hear about the accidents @Fishnlines29 and @jpc763. S managed quite a spectacular crunching a couple of years ago and he drives like a cautious old man now. Which is great in an 18 year old young man, but I’d rather have avoided the whole thing.

@mamaedefamilia, we are still planning on the bonfire at the grad party, but have removed and recycled all the glossy stuff on @MotherOfDragons’ advice regarding the burning of ink. There’s still quite a pile for gleeful torching and toasting of mallows!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Congratulations to your DS! That’s incredible.

Thank you all for the kind wishes - it certainly has been a stressful day. D is taking a nap and then I will encourage her to take a walk, get a little blood flowing. I anticipate her being a bit more sore tomorrow.

@jpc763 Glad to hear your son is ok as well!

I can relate to the doubt and bruised ego. I will take the advice here and try to get her driving my car this weekend. We’ll see. We’ll probably be without her car for a while or have to buy a used one for her. I can get a rental car but she can’t drive it anyway, so she’d have to borrow mine while I take the rental car. I may just drive her around for a few days and then see where we are.

Thanks again, all of your well wishes really mean a lot.

@Fishnlines29 Every parent’s nightmare. I’m so glad she’s okay.

To stay on the topic of accidents. As I said my S18 was in one yesterday. He has had his license for 2 weeks which is why he has so much doubt. I told him about all of my accidents, including one when I had my license for probably a week or two.

I got my license in July 1979. My older sister was heading back to school at Cal Poly in August. She was a Sophomore so my Dad got her a used Mustang II from the dealership he worked at. She was so excited! I offered to take her car and fill it up with gas and she agreed. Well I was driving too fast and cars in front of me were stopped at a light that had just turned green. I hit the brakes but couldn’t stop before I plowed into the back of a 2 week old Volvo, which piled into the back of a classic Cadillac convertible. Her car was totaled and the cost of the claim must have been ridiculous. My dad got her another car off the lot. This time a used Toyota Corolla. She still hasn’t forgiven me for that wreck.

@Fishnlines29 @jpc763 , I am glad your kids are OK. All part of learning and growing experience!

D also got into a fender bender a couple month ago when she and her friend’s mom backed to each other. D was so freaked out that she couldn’t tell me which part of other car she hit!! And I couldn’t tell from her picture either. Well, I do believe she learned from that experience!

@Fishnlines29 glad D is ok. S19 a few weeks ago decided to hit a neighbors mailbox on the way home. 3K+ and two weeks later… He still has not driven since, but moreso because the car was not available . WE know he has to “get back on the horse”

Wonderful news @Mom2aphysicsgeek!
Very happy to hear both of your children are okay @Fishnlines29 and @jpc763.

@Fishnlines29, @sdl0625 and @jpc763 I’m am sorry to hear about he car accidents. Glad the kids and others were not seriously injured.
My DS18 (aged 16.5) has a learner’s permit & I am bracing for what will happen when he starts to drive alone or with friends - so far an adult must be with him thank goodness.

@Fishnlines29, @jpc763 - Sorry to hear about the accidents, and I’m glad your kids are okay! My D wrecked her car last December. Came over the top of a hill, and a truck was stopped in the middle of the road… she could not stop in time. It would’ve just been a little bumper tap, but her car was much lower than the 4x4’s bumper, so she went under and the hood of her car was smooshed. Totaled (low value car). D was very shook up, but got “back on the horse” in about a week. She is doing fine now. I hope your kids will get their confidence back soon!

Yeesh @Mommertons, @Fishnlines29 and @jpc763 - sorry to hear about your kids’ accidents. I’m glad they’re okay.

Quiet in here today.

Sorry, @STEM2017 – so here’s a somewhat thematic story.

My D17 is the more anxious of my two kids, and the first to drive. She was driving home from school a couple of months ago and (this being Los Angeles) was stuck in slow moving traffic. She was rear ended on PCH! That’s the Pacific Coast Highway or Hwy 1, by the way. She pulled over, and called me freaking out. The woman who rear ended her was texting and driving (I guess when you’re going around 10 mph in stop and start traffic this is better than “real” highway mph’s but still). They exchanged insurance info, the bumper was only dented a little due to their low speed, and the biggest part to deal with was my D17’s feeling upset.

Flash forward a week – literally one week and a day – and she was rear ended on PCH on the way home AGAIN. This time she called me laughing at the ridiculousness.

admittedly it’s not that exciting of a story but we must keep Stem entertained.


We had a huge yardsale today. We sold so much stuff. Gorgeous day for it, too, but now I’m zapped.

I’ve been online garage saling all day (FB) and I’m pooped! Sold a fair amount of stuff. But still have a ton load of stuff to sell. 21 days to go.

I’m researching and purchasing pieces for steampunk outfits. Five of us need to pull it together in slightly more than three weeks, so it’s a challenge!

@NerdMom88 That sounds cool! Why?