Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@MotherOfDragons YAY! Thrilled for you!

@itsgettingreal17 Our dd wanted the same. The entire family (that is 15 with grandkids) is going out to a special local restaurant. The hitch is going to be having everyone available at the same time. Haven’t pinned down a day yet.

We’re going to have a combo grad party (older d is graduating from college). The girls just want to invite family and a very few good friends. My side is v small: 2 sisters, a bil, a SO, 3 cousins. We’re never sure just how many of dh’s side will appear for any event–and all 16 of them live within 45 minutes.

Times like this I really miss my parents :frowning:

Congrats @MotherOfDragons !! <:-P

No party for D - she hasn’t wanted one since her 10th birthday, lol. Some of her friends may have them, so she will probably attend a few. Our graduation is so late into June though, and we live in a vacation community so most kids (including D) will be well into their summer job commitments by the time graduation actually rolls around.

@socalmom007 Ha, I had to laugh at your description because we have said the same thing about D19, she just does not really like people. We joke with her that this will make her a great surgeon one day.

@TimEnchanter – better yet, an anesthesiologist!

@thermom My 12 year old son agrees with your D! He heard DH, D17 and I discussing her party plans and said “Do I have to have a graduation party? Because I don’t want one.” We told him that he doesn’t have a choice-he’s having a party. However, we let D17 choose the location and have almost total control over the guest list, so I imagine we’ll let S do the same, which means it could be a grad party for 4, LOL!

I respect those of you who are honoring your DC’s wishes not to have a party. But in my H’s large extended family we just can’t get away with that. D17 didn’t want an 18th BD party, so we planned a special day with just the 4 of us, but sis-in-law invited her family which led to having a party the next day and inviting all the in-laws. It’s just how that side of the family rolls.

Also @thermom we live 10 miles from a vacation area and our state legislature actually passed a law in 2000 that was pushed by the tourism industry that K-12 public schools can’t start before Sept. 1. Educators hate it. A bill was introduced in Feb. of this year to change it, but I don’t think it got much traction.

@vandyeyes - Well it is Colorado!

@carachel2 - I didn’t know anesthesiologists beat out surgeons in popularity. I thought anesthesiologists more like do their thing and sit in a corner and not talk with anyone LOL

I think @carachel2 was referring to doctor-patient interaction, especially if you don’t like people, Interaction is minimal between anesthesiologists and patients. Say hello, put them to sleep…wake them up, say goodbye.

D does not want a party either. Since she graduates in the morning we are going to take who ever comes to her graduation to lunch. I was thinking a sent off party when she leaves for college would be nice, but when she found out we were inviting PEOPLE she vetoed it.

D has a friend that applying to med schools this cycle. Based on her perception of her bed side manner she wants to become a medical examiner.

@NoraCar Our state has a similar law, but luckily our school district always finds a loop hole to start early.

Graduation party: S’s graduation is on a Wednesday evening, from 4:30p-6p. Afterwards our immediate family will go to dinner nearby. Then after that, one of his well-to-do friends invited the entire class with families to their country club for dessert, drinks, and dancing. $20 a head. Can’t beat that price! Should be fun.

The big family graduation party will happen sometime this summer.

D19 is the gymnast and after having multiple injuries and an elbow surgery, she thinks she would like to be a sports orthopedic surgeon. The guy who did her elbow surgery was a high school classmate of mine, who played baseball at Utah, and understands the mentality of the serious competitive athlete. We had a rough experience with a pediatric orthopedist who was used to your garden variety broken bone and was unfamiliar with her elbow condition. She is very interested in being able to bring an athlete’s perspective to whatever she ends up doing. This is also the kid who watches Untold Stories of the ER for fun, looks up surgery videos online, and even has a few surgery apps for her phone. It’s quite amazing how different D17 and D19 are, as D17 wants absolutely nothing to do with science or medicine.

“Doc Martin” is a funny british tv show, about a GP who used to be a surgeon.

UCF enrollment deposit extension just popped in to S’s mailbox. May 14th. I was wondering when those would start rolling in.

@VickiSoCal @RightCoaster Our school cut-off for A is 89.5. So, naturally S17 is Mr. 89.6000. :))

@NolaCAR I finally finished the senior poster and dropped it off at school :)) The school had emailed that they would laminate it. I did not want to bother staff at this point, so I ran to OfficeMax and had it laminated for $3.98. The poster will be hung for ONE week while other posters have been there for an entire month. X_X
Gift album sounds like a great idea. I should do it… someday :))
I have been scanning old photos while going through them, so it took even longer than expected. :open_mouth:

Congratulations @MotherOfDragons ! <:-P <:-P
Great cake decoration!

@payn4ward Congratulations on getting the senior poster done! This is the one and only child I’ll have to scan photos for. By the time my second was born in 2004 we were 100% digital!

Today was ‘senior walk out’ where they officially release the seniors and it is one heck of a celebration. The kids go to the courtyard where there is the marching band paying and they jump around and spray shaving cream, baby powder, confetti, chocolate syrup (yuk) all over each other. What a fun mess! I decorated her car too. She was teary-eyed when she saw it. She’s been so emotional knowing everything is coming to an end although excited about her future. Then a bunch of kids went to a lake to swim (ahem, drink…) She had her 4th AP this morning before the walk out and she still has one more AP to take tomorrow so it’s not really over yet! Graduation next Friday and then I guess it’s really done. Sigh