Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Good morning Parents of the class of 2017! No activity since 5:18PM last night!

We are doing a party for ds for graduation but not that weekend, itā€™ll be a few weekends afterwards. Most people around here have them and the kids like to go to as many as possible. Ds wants brunch so thatā€™ll be different than most. I have a large family so itā€™ll be big, but a great excuse for the relatives from farther away to come get together. Itā€™ll be a backyard party and Iā€™ll be the one praying for a beautiful, sunny day.

Just found out a girl that my sons are friends with got into Olin recently ( I know a few of you were interested in that school at some point). She is a very good student and is a captain of the robotics squad. Other stats/info; Asian male from the burbs, stem interests and ECs, good public speaker, very confident in her abilities, is polite, and she is sort of nerdy chic Iā€™d say. I think my older son has a crush on her. If he had gone to Babson theyā€™d be right next door.

We just paid everything to get son over to England, flights, dorms, etc. I need to go get a background check from the police department as part of the process and submit it. Lots of online forms to fill out to get this study abroad thing all sorted. Spent most of yesterday getting it done.

D has gotten past Bio and Calc APs and is now in free fall. Two more APs and a project to turn in on Monday and she is done.

S17 survived AP Calc BC exam yesterday - his only one for this year. He also finished up NHS activities. A Makerspace Project; Filmmaking project; Possibly a physics project to complete and his last day of classes on the 23rd. At this point he hopes to only have on Final to take the week of 5/30 and graduation on 6/8. Things are winding down.

Son17 close to being done with most of his school work soon I think. He took the AP Gov test and tomorrow AP Stats, which he has not studied for one second yet. He just finished a Sats project and he one more project due next week I think. Only 2 more weeks of official classes for them. My son19 is jealous the seniors get out so much earlier than the rest of the kids.

Good luck to all of the test takers this week!

DS17 has IB Chem left. He is on cruise control for last couple of weeks!

S is done with AP tests. He has finals in Chemistry and Dif Eq. The Dif Eq test is on the last day of school next Wednesday, so no coasting :frowning:

Last AP test is today, then for the most part (Calc excepted) a month of attending class.

Graduation is still a ways off, but we plan to just have some celebration dinners with grandparents.

Halfway done with IB/AP testing. AP Macro this afternoon, IB chem Thursday/Friday, AP Micro and AP Lit next week.

APs done here as well.

Whatā€™s the scoop with the grade distribution on AP Calc BC vs. Chem? I looked on the AP website and last year less than 10% got a 5 on Chem, but almost 50% got a 5 on Calc BC.

Here is the link ā€“ itā€™s interesting to see the distribution of scores on various tests. I assumed that the distributions would be similar on all tests, but they are really all over the place.

no dipping into waitlist at Harvard :((

Very few take Calc BC unless they are very prepared.

S18 has completed his 3 AP tests as of this morning and S17 is in his last test right now. AP Macro then one week of school (and 3 projects to do and turn in) left.

Q: How do you know that Tickle Me Elmo is a boy?
A: You first have to do two test tickles.

APs done here. Only one final for mathā€¦then done!

@illinoyz - How d@re you use Elmo for your first JOTD :smiley:

@srk2017 I knew you would appreciate that!

I wish D was almost done! She only has one more AP test. But she still has 3 weeks left of high school (mostly coasting), and 4 weeks left of community college (no coasting).

Last AP test today for D! She exempted out of all of her finals except IB Bio and (probably) Stats. Sheā€™s got an 89 in both. Ya killinā€™ me, kid! Although really, it doesnā€™t matter :).

D18 informed me today with sincere horror that parents NEVER decorate their kidā€™s car for graduation-that itā€™s always done by the friends. Good thing that glass chalk is still sitting in my cart on amazon, Iā€™ll slink over and quietly remove it.

I got D17 a fitbit blaze a few weeks ago (free through our health insurance), and Iā€™ve been working on getting her into the habit of getting to at least 5k steps a day. Seems to be working, although Iā€™ve read that you need to repeat something 29 times systematically before it becomes a habit. I think that works for some people, but I am not a creature of habit at all, and I can do something consecutively for months and then one day, eh, not so much. Luckily, I also canā€™t sit still so I can get to 5k steps without a problem. Iā€™m trying to instill some last minute healthy habits with herā€¦

@NolaCAR Re: living near vacation area - our school year runs from Monday after Labor Day through late June. There is a lot of absenteeism among HS aged kids during those last couple of weeks of June. Pretty much everyone checks out mentally after Memorial Day.

My D is taking her last AP today. Huzzah! Kids in our district donā€™t really have the option to not take the exam if theyā€™re taking the course. After today (with the exception of her DE English course) D will be entering the ā€œdead zoneā€ between now and graduation on June 23rd. For two weeks in between now and then she wonā€™t even have to show up at school because kids in lower grades have NYS Regents exams which sheā€™s all done with, so she will start her summer job.