Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Dd’s official graduation day is the 16th. She will be taking several CLEPs the last couple of weeks of May, but then she is done. She has orientation the 2nd full week of June. She has been working on selecting her first semester classes. She has some sort of advising in the next couple of weeks before she actually goes to orientation.

For S, his last AP and last day of classes are both Friday, with senior cookout Friday afternoon. He is exempt from all of his exams, so next week will just be LAX and relax, then graduation. His graduation is in the morning, and we’ll go to lunch afterward with family. Pretty small, I don’t think we are going to have a party, but not 100% sure on that yet.

D has AP Stats today, AP Micro tomorrow, then she is officially done with school. They come back for a senior assembly on the 22nd, then graduation on the 27th. Next is the interminable three months until she moves in August 22nd.

Looks like D will be getting her first 1 courtesy of the AP Macro exam. She has six AP exams and she decided to allocate all her study time to the Bio and Calc exams since they carry much more benefit for her. She didn’t think she needed additional study for anything other than AP Macro and since if her other AP exams went well she would be over the 45 credit limit, she decided AP Macro would be sacrificed - literally.

She answered D for all the multiple choice questions because she wanted to see if the theory that D is the most common answer is really correct.

She started answering the FRQ then wrote out the complete lyrics to * Never going to give you up *, so she basically Rick Rolled the AP grader. It seemed a little disrespectful to me, but she says it is very common for students to write jokes to the graders and then lightly cross them out. The AP graders have to read everything that is written but disregard anything the is struck through. Her teachers who are AP graders said they appreciate the jokes (if tasteful and funny) as the grading is tedious. Of course she did not cross out the lyrics so they will be graded as her answer.

I guess this is the nerd version of a senior prank.

@CaucAsianDad It will be funny as $#%^ if she scores a 3. :slight_smile:

When I took the AP chem test, back in the 80’s, one of my classmates wrote out the complete history of the X-Men. He even included sketches of each character…

I’ve been approached to serve as an AP English language grader. I’ve declined, given my opinion of the whole AP scam system, but if I did (again, given my opinion of it), I’d be tempted enough to score a rickroll pretty high just for the fun of it that I’d probably actually do it.

Q: What’s more amazing than a talking dog?
A: A spelling bee.

or a Humming Bird?

I had minor (very minor, honestly) surgery last week, and the time since then has taught me an important lesson: Even quite minor surgery…

…takes something out of you.

That’s right, folks, I’ll be here all week. Try the nachos, they’re delicious.

So sorry to hear, @dfbdfb. Wishing you a very speedy recovery.

@dfbdfb I’m guessing you had a humorectomy?

^performed by Dr. @illinoyz ?

Check out my new spiffy avatar!!! Thank you @MotherOfDragons !!

Hope you are fully recovered soon @dfbdfb.

Nikola would be proud @thshadow!

Heal up @dfbdfb !

Awesome avatar @thshadow !

Son17 has had a rough go with AP Stats all year, struggled to get a B. Took the AP test yesterday without studying at all and said confidently that he got a top score, lol. He said his teacher bites, and she is a super difficult grader and has no personality. Said it was his worst class ever.

He said the AP test was a piece of cake compared to the tests he gets in class.

Keeping fingers crossed he can get credit for that at NU and he won’t have to take Stats again.

Ask him if he would have preferred a super nice teacher that gave out A’s and that he bombed the AP test? Sounds like she did her job.

@RightCoaster If he scores well on the test, then just how bad was the teacher? :-?

My son has similar complaints about some of his teachers. When he complains they are too rigorous, I tune him out (or just laugh at him, really, I’m not very likeable). When he complains that they are too easy or seem to be missing classes for personal reasons, I get concerned.

Heal soon @dfbdfb! I agree, at my age, I find even minor surgeries set me back farther than I anticipate. There seems to be a disconnect between my mental age and my physical age, LOL.

D17’s HS had their Scholarship Night last night. Small midwestern town, 225ish in the HS class. Over 100 scholarships and $300,000 given out! Felt so happy for everyone, from one of D’s friends who has a tough home situation and significant need, who got all expenses paid at any public in-state for first two years, to a NMF headed to Yale. Also very touching to remember some of the community members who have memorial scholarships, from a middle school administrative assistant who died of brain cancer last year-she always made the office light up whenever I stopped in, to a young graduate who overcame paraplegia to become a paralympic athlete, who died in a car accident less than a year ago. Overall, one of those evenings that makes you feel warm and fuzzy and teary-eyed.

@NolaCAR Is that $300K amount all local funds or does that include what colleges have given out? If all local, that certainly puts our area to shame. I’d be curious how they raise that much money. Ours is about 10-15% of that amount at a much larger school. Our scholarship night is next week. We went a couple of years ago to it and it was very intimidating listening to all the kids going to elite schools with multi-syllabic majors that I had no idea what they were.