Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

QOTD: My kids have had excellent teachers in all phases of their schooling. No complaints, we are lucky. My son17’s favorite teacher was a Lit teacher who loved graphic novels, crazy movies, Japanese culture, Guardians of the Galaxy etc. He was a quirky, nice guy that certain kids could relate to.

Last 2 weeks of classes start today. Senior Academic awards night is tonight and we basically have to force son17 to go. I don’t know why, I though he would be into it, but for some reason he’s just not. We told him he has to go.

I had started a list to try to keep track of final decisions so I copied it into Excel and voila - thought others might find it helpful. The decisions are presented first alphabetical by name, then by school. This is just the folks who have posted on this thread and probably a few from the 3.0 to 3.4 thread, which I also follow. Sorry if I missed anyone or made an error, spelling or otherwise. Feel free to copy and add or correct, as necessary. Congrats to all!!

Alphabetical by CC Name
Name School
@93pilots Reed
@AmKngk Syracuse
@AMS220 Barnard
@atyraulove Smith
@BigPapiofthree Penn
@CA1543 Penn
@CaliMom3 Boston College
@cameo43 Worcester Polytech
@Carachel2 Pitt
@caroldanvers Michigan State
@catransplant Univ of Oregon
@caucAsianDad Univ of Florida
@chalkpastel Wellesley
@ChillKitty Notre Dame
@cleoforshort Boston College
@coyotemom Carleton
@crazym0m Vanderbilt
@curiositycat333 UC Santa Clara
@Dave_N Univ of Southern California
@dfbdfb Muhlenberg
@dmvmom Michigan State
@Dolemite Princeton
@dustypig UCLA
@eandesmom Univ of Vermont
@Educationfan Georgia Tech
@fishlines29 NYU (Paris 1st Yr)
@Gator88NE Univ of Florida
@Gr8p18 Stanford
@hankster1361 WashU SL
@HappyGoLucky2017 Cornell
@HSCounselor2 WashU SL
@IABooks Univ of Alabama
@itsgettingreal Univ of Georgia
@jedwards70 UT Austin
@JMEK450 Purdue Univ
@klinska Univ of Vermont
@kt1969 Goucher
@lakeviking Colorado State
@lilymoom UC Davis
@LovetheBard Stanford
@MageeCrew Pitt
@mom2aphysicsgeek Univ of South Carolina
@mominthemiddle Indiana Univ
@momstudent2017 Christopher Newport Univ
@morningside95 St. Olaf
@motherofdragons Univ of Alabama
@motiv8tedmom23 Colorado School of Mines
@msu88cheng Michigan State
@NEMomof4 Creighton U
@NerdMom88 Univ of Alabama Huntsville
@Nocturn21 Boston College
@NolaCar Willamette
@novadad99 Tulane
@Payn4ward UT Austin
@rerunagain Wellesley
@RightCoaster Northeastern Univ (London 1st Yr)
@SDL0625 George Washington
@SincererLove Vanderbilt
@smakl70 Valporaiso
@snoozn RIT
@SoCalMom007 Cal Poly SLO
@SoxMom Dartmouth
@srk2017 Vanderbilt
@Stem2017 Virginia Tech
@texasmissy Wake Forest
@thermom Hamilton
@thshadow WashU SL
@toomuchcoin Michigan State
@VandyEyes Univ of Chicago
@VickiSoCal Univ Saint Andrews
@WhatSally Harvard
@wheresmykindle Indiana Univ (Gap Yr)
@Ynotgo Cal Tech
@youcee UCLA

Alphabetical by School
Name School
@AMS220 Barnard
@CaliMom3 Boston College
@cleoforshort Boston College
@Nocturn21 Boston College
@SoCalMom007 Cal Poly SLO
@Ynotgo Cal Tech
@coyotemom Carleton
@momstudent2017 Christopher Newport Univ
@motiv8tedmom23 Colorado School of Mines
@lakeviking Colorado State
@HappyGoLucky2017 Cornell
@NEMomof4 Creighton U
@SoxMom Dartmouth
@SDL0625 George Washington
@Educationfan Georgia Tech
@kt1969 Goucher
@thermom Hamilton
@WhatSally Harvard
@mominthemiddle Indiana Univ
@wheresmykindle Indiana Univ (Gap Yr)
@caroldanvers Michigan State
@dmvmom Michigan State
@msu88cheng Michigan State
@toomuchcoin Michigan State
@dfbdfb Muhlenberg
@RightCoaster Northeastern Univ (London 1st Yr)
@ChillKitty Notre Dame
@fishlines29 NYU (Paris 1st Year)
@BigPapiofthree Penn
@CA1543 Penn
@Carachel2 Pitt
@MageeCrew Pitt
@Dolemite Princeton
@JMEK450 Purdue Univ
@93Pilots Reed
@snoozn RIT
@atyraulove Smith
@morningside95 St. Olaf
@Gr8p18 Stanford
@LovetheBard Stanford
@AmKngk Syracuse
@novadad99 Tulane
@lilymoom UC Davis
@curiositycat333 UC Santa Clara
@dustypig UCLA
@youcee UCLA
@IABooks Univ of Alabama
@motherofdragons Univ of Alabama
@NerdMom88 Univ of Alabama Huntsville
@VandyEyes Univ of Chicago
@caucAsianDad Univ of Florida
@Gator88NE Univ of Florida
@itsgettingreal Univ of Georgia
@catransplant Univ of Oregon
@mom2aphysicsgeek Univ of South Carolina
@Dave_N Univ of Southern California
@eandesmom Univ of Vermont
@klinska Univ of Vermont
@VickiSoCal Univ Saint Andrews
@jedwards70 UT Austin
@Payn4ward UT Austin
@smakl70 Valporaiso
@crazym0m Vanderbilt
@SincererLove Vanderbilt
@srk2017 Vanderbilt
@Stem2017 Virginia Tech
@texasmissy Wake Forest
@hankster1361 WashU SL
@HSCounselor2 WashU SL
@thshadow WashU SL
@chalkpastel Wellesley
@rerunagain Wellesley
@NolaCar Willamette
@cameo43 Worcester Polytech

@jmek15 Thank you, it’s nice to see this info.

Congrats to everyone on so many great choices and successes!

@jmek15 I have twins. DS17 is going to Colgate and DD17 is going to BC. Thank you for putting the list together!

@jmek15 Thanks for that list. Can add D17 who will be attending Chapman, that is if we let her live after this weekend. Let’s just say that there was drinking involved and she had to be dropped off at home in a different shirt (threw up on the other one) and without shoes or car keys. Car keys have still not been found, so her car is still sitting at her friends house. Made for a great Mother’s Day.

@jmek15 Oberlin, if you are going to update. Thanks!

@jmek15 - S17 is going to University of Minnesota Twin Cities

@jmek15 Thanks for compiling the list. One correction: UC Santa Clara should be UC Santa Cruz for curiositycat333…

@TimEnchanter oh my… hopefully she learned a lesson. Better they figure this out before they go to college.

@jmek15 – Would you like us to update your helpful list or would you prefer to do one update encompassing these comments?

If the former, S will be attending Yale. If the latter, I will attempt to not mess up your organized list!

Thanks for doing that @jmek15 - very helpful!

Thanks for compiling the list @jmek15! One small correction is my username has an E at the end: nocturne21.

Thanks @jmek15 !! I like seeing where all the kids are going in one easy to read format. Wow, these kids have some fantastic opportunities ahead of them. So exciting.

@jmek15 my daughter is going to UVA and my son William and Mary Thanks a bunch for this!

@jmek15, Wonderful job. Thanks for doing. Michigan State, followed by Wash U and Vandy seem to have the most CC enrollments. An impressive list of colleges.

@TimEnchanter --sounds like someone has your Ds back covered. I’m betting the keys are with someone who was looking out for her. Hang in there.

@jmek15 - D is going to University of Oklahoma

Update: Keys have been found. In a way, I am glad that it happened before she went away to college. We get to have the life lesson, and deal with it while she is still at home. Just found out about an app called OurPact that will now be going on her phone that allows parents to block all apps (Instagram, Snapchat, etc., all the one’s she really cares about), while still allowing phone calls and texts. Have to find the right currency so she actually feels the consequences.

@jmek15 Thanks! My D will be attending Stanford. @TimEnchanter so sorry about the Mother’s Day unpleasantness. I would be pretty unhappy too. But I know these kids probably need to blow off steam by this time. Too bad she chose that route. But a valuable life lesson, as others have pointed out. I am so glad she made it home safely.

@jmek15 My D is attending Boston University.