Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

My DD will attended UCLA. Hi to @youcee and @dustypig!

Thanks so much for the additions/corrections, everyone!! I will update the spreadsheet and re-post this evening or tomorrow morning.

@jmek15 My DD is going to Columbia. Thanks for the list.

@jmek15, Thank you for doing this work. Your list is much easier to read. My S will be attending the University of Oklahoma and I appreciate your adding him.

@jmek15 My DD will be attending Barnard College. Thank you for the list!

The hits keep on coming in!

Can’t wait to see the updated list tomorrow.

Lots of pressure on you now @jmek15 :smiley:

Just in any of your kids forgot to apply to a college, the Stetson app is still open until midnight tonight.

New College of Florida is still accepting apps too, and they say they still have scholarship money. They said just use the Common App and ignore the warnings that the deadline has passed. New College is a good option for the right kind of kid who had Plans A, B and C not work out and still wants to start college in the Fall.

My DD will be attending Vanderbilt :). Thanks for the list


We had a rough summer before D16 left for college. The highlight was getting a phone call from another parent at 3 am telling me the girls had snuck out of their house (sleepover) had been to a party, had been drinking, our D was now back at their house vomiting, barely conscious
“What do you want us to do? Bring her to the ER?” Oy.

We took the opportunity to go over the basics. Drinking or taking drugs to the point of incapacity is very, very dangerous. What do you remember? Barely anything? Exactly.

We got out the shot glass and measuring cups at home. This is what a 1.5 oz shot, a serving size, looks like in a big glass. It’s nothing, right? No one is going to mix you a drink with this little alcohol in it. Your body can process one serving size per hour, assuming you’ve eaten, there is no medication interaction, you are not exhausted, etc.

We were lucky. Her friend called her own mom for a rescue out of concern for our D, even though they had all snuck out of her family’s home to go to the party.

For us, we let natural consequences do the dirty work. She felt terrible the next day. The only thing I insisted on was she bring flowers to the other mom and personally apologize for doing something that required babysitting, 3 am worry, and talk of the ER.

We felt like the summer was her time to try on a new persona before heading off to college. Formerly, the good girl who followed all the rules, we had the wild girl on our hands. Still, we were able to keep the lines of communication open, just a crack, and point out little life lessons here and there.

I’ve heard this phenomena referred to as “Soiling the Nest”. Really, by time August rolled around, I could not wait to take her to school. Once she was there, my nerves had a chance to heal. Even H remarked that he was sleeping so well with both kids away at college. Amen.

I’m glad your D is okay.

@jmek15 - My son will be attending the Univ. of Illinois. Thanks for compiling the list and adding him.


Go Illini! :slight_smile:

@Midwest67 Thanks for sharing. D17 did not eat hardly anything, and was attempting to “keep up” with others at the party who have a much higher tolerance than she does. So, yes, lots of teachable moments that are easier to have while she is still in the nest, so to speak.

@TimEnchanter sorry you had to experience the unpleasant effects of kids drinking to excess. I am fortunate to have a very open relationship with both my girls and that openness does include them telling me when they are going to a party to drink. I am sure there are many who will disagree with my method of parenting, but I feel it has served my family well. They always know they can call if they need a ride etc. I have seen too many times to count, their friends who have the strictest parents and they will find a way to lie to them. These kids have burner phones that they will leave at a friends house so their parents track them there. I have a friend who thinks her D is the purest sweetest child and she is the one smoking and drinking and laughing at how she lies to her mom. I rather know what my kids are doing and talk to them about being responsible than them lying to me and doing it anyway.

Thanks for sharing @Midwest67

@jmek15 - It is so nice to see a list of where everyone is attending. Thank you for compiling and updating. The celebrations thread is so full of multiple acceptances and updates that it was so difficult to keep track of where everyone landed. My dd is attending University of Alabama if you are still updating the list.

What a great list
thanks for compiling! My son is attending Penn. :slight_smile:

@Midwest67 - Thanks!

@jmek15 my son will be attending University of Kentucky. Thanks for putting that list together

@jmek15 Thanks for that update. It’s helpful.

Just wondering if you all fill out the surveys sent from colleges your student was admitted to but did not choose? Are they helpful for future years admittees? Reed, Lewis and Clark, University of Washington and Smith have all sent a couple times, not sure if it helps students or only the colleges and yield protection.

There’s is a list of acceptances on cc but it doesn’t say where they are ultimately attending