Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@payn4ward You touched on something. Some schools will put ACT and SAT scores on transcripts. So, even though you may prefer one over the other, colleges will be able to see all scores if they’re on the transcript. Not sure it really matters if they are there, but good to know if your school does this or not.

@2muchquan It is because the junior “state” ACT/SAT test is the graduation requirement (former CMAS/PARCC or whatever acronym state mandated test that SAT/ACT are replacing.)
At least one high school states,

Thus, if one achieves a higher score after the “state” mandated test of the same kind, he/she should take the report to the counseling center and see if they would update it.

Right @payn4ward. My point is that other schools MAY put scores on their kids transcripts too. It’s good to know if this is the case, so there is no surprise if you assume a certain score will not be seen by colleges (because you didn’t send the score) but find later it’s on your transcript and they see it anyway.

DD’s state score was her last time taking the ACT and was tied with her lowest score. They requires the students to submit it to 4 colleges and there was no way to stop/change that. Jumping on my soap box for a second: these high schools need to butt out. It’s not their place to enforce this, especially when a student has taken the test multiple times already. Ugh!

@disshar Totally agree! Our HS used to put both SAT and/or ACT on the transcripts…all scores (that’s what I heard…but I’m not exactly sure how they would get scores). They no longer do so, thank goodness.

In reality, do schools see scores that are not directly reported from the testing agencies? Not sure if they bother to look at that extra column on the transcript.

My D takes the ACT for the second time on Tuesday through her HS. I thought for a while whether to try to get her to skip it, since we’re happy with her first score. But, her writing was a bit lower than desired, so she wants to just do it again. If it were going on the transcript, I would probably care more.

@jmek15 I have a college freshman DD and also a 2017 DD, so this is my second time around. I think that it might be wise to bribe, force or entice him into a visit to a nearby college, while the semester is in session, that has lots of majors and you could afford to send him to, just to get the ball rolling. Basically, a safety school. Then, add another school in the summer. There is so much to be learned from visits, I think that you both need time to see some schools and learn what he wants. Also, Be careful about your college application dates if you are looking for merit money or financial aid, because there can be earlier app deadlines at some schools for merit money, and financial aid can be first come, first served, depending on the school. We were finished In mid-October in applying to 6 schools, some were on the Common App, but still had specific essays to be added. Others had their own applications. It took Some concerted effort, completing one application per weekend in September and October. Then there were additional honors college apps and scholarship apps for some schools, and these essays and other things can take time and effort, too, so the process drags on for a few more steps at each school. That process takes additional time during a busy senior year. I wanted to chain my DD to the kitchen table and just get it done!

DS has had 2 school trips - FBLA & music - missed most of last week so lots of catching up to do and papers to write etc. Now the APs are looming as well. Hopefully it will all be ok and at least he greatly enjoyed the trip and nice success at FBLA. And short week as Passover is coming too!!

@CA1543 - Congratulations on FBLA success! Do they compete @ national level individually or whole team has to qualify like in Science Olympiad? My DS alsonhas to miss few days due to national tournaments and then take IB and one AP exam. Initially he thought of taking more AP exams even though he is in IB program.

@srk2017 – This past one was states and now on to FBLA NLC - in Hotlanta at the end of June so at least school will be out. I think they can only do 1 competition at Nationals so he’ll do the team event - they did a lot of programming & have demo ready etc. I think the top 5 finishers in each category can go to Nationals but students then compete in1 event & go to workshops, can do some certification tests too maybe. Yeah the looming exams are a concern even though do not affect GPA – still think scores matter so will try to prep. After writing the 10 page English paper & doing big Chinese project - back to reality here!!

Holy mackerel! Congrats to all the competition wins. I have no idea what they are!! But it definitely shows your K has smarts, ability to work in teams, time management skills, stick-to-it-tivness, and deep interest.

@srk2017 , @ca1543, DD always does individual events. I am trying to convince her to do a group project with her younger brother, DS 20 next year. She said no, she said she wants to go to CA for nationals next year too and she believes he will drag her down :wink:

@SincererLove – Ouch - but understand!! My DS did 3 competitions at states and 2 were team events - had a lot of fun & he has learned to really appreciate what others bring to the table as he is great on the tech & programming side but not a natural public speaker or “marketer” - maybe your DS has something to contribute your DD could benefit from. In our state they can do 3 events (at he FBLA State level & top 5 places are invited to Nationals but I think at Nationals they get to compete in 1 competition (plus there are a few “open” things they can do and some certifications etc.) If DD wont join with DS - I hope DS will pursue the areas he is interested in - never know he might do well enough to get to nationals too!! But honestly I had not expected my DS to do so well but I don’t think it is really very prestigious - it is still the experience of the overall program and what the students have to do along the way and at the conferences that is the “big win” as far as I am concerned.

Science Olympiad events have 2 or 3 students teams for each event and 15 kids are in the team for 20+ events. Team advances based on total score. One or two bad performances will sink the team chances (happened this year with middle school competiton. Team which won most first places also had one 17rh rank and one 22nd rank and lost on total points). It is very hard for teachers to select students since each kid does 3-4 events and they try not to have same partners for all and also make sure no scheduling conflicts. They also have a limitation of no more than 7 seniors. Competitive team compete in Invitationals to get experience and also as selection process. we are lucky to have dedicated teachers as coaches and parents to help with logistics.

I’ve been gone a few days running from city to city with some friends (Ragnar relay) and come back to pages and pages of new posts. Wow! Congrats to all your kids on their various accomplishments. Very exciting! My D just decided that she wants to quit an EC she has been doing for 3 years because she doesn’t like most of the people involved. I keep having to assure her that its okay to quit things you don’t enjoy. Life is just too short to do things you don’t enjoy just to try to impress adcoms, etc. So she will find something else to try next year. I’m sure I’ll be surprised at what she chooses.

Transcripts: D’s school puts test scores (everything) on the unofficial transcript, but the official transcript does not include any scores. Definitely something to ask about.

D is working on her concurrent enrollment app right now. The in person class times for Calc III are awful, so looks like she’s going to take it online.

@itsgettingreal17 , another runner here . Hope to qualify for NY half when I am 60 :wink:

Good luck everyone whose kids took the ACT! We find out in a few hours

@itsgettingreal17 great job on Ragnar, that’s quite an accomplishment. I haven’t decided yet if I am up for that!

@SincererLove yeah…I wouldn’t qualify for NY until I am 60 as well. :))

And good luck to those taking the ACT tomorrow!

Waiting on the ACT results here! She scored good enough to get into where she wants to go. She needs higher though to get merit aid. I can honestly say she worked so hard over the past few months to prep …but she said that science section was pretty brutal.

I have mixed feelings: If she scores the same or worse she stays here in-state. If she scores better she has possibly more options. Either way it works out I guess!

:::fingers crossed:::::

Good wishes your way, @carachel2!

Holy mackerel…I’m almost at 1000 comments. I gotta get a life…