Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Finally it’s here. Graduation saturday night, and then the entire class has its All Night Graduation Party at the school. Parents get to work the entire night at the party. Plan to sleep thru Fathers Day.

Not cap decorations. All kids dressed exactly the same. No extras of any kind.

@Dolemite same here-except for the shoes. We saw some CRAZY shoes at D17’s graduation. Including D’s. D18 is wondering if she can get away with the light up shoes next year…

Cap decorating not allowed here.

All kids wear maroon robes. Hat decorating allowed and encouraged even. Did not see any naughty hats. Most kids had 2017 or their school where they are going to next year.

My son and some friends wore a sticker on their hat to honor a kid who had passed away from their class. Son17 did not add anything extra. I knew he wouldn’t, he’s a traditionalist. . I think son19 will do something creative with his.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Hope she is feeling better soon. Wow, a cross-country move so soon! Is this move putting you closer to any grown kids?

@Mom2aphysicsgeek - I can’t imagine orchestrating a cross-country move in the midst of getting D17 off to college…Don’t feel guilty about taking some downtime where you can get it – you deserve it!! Hope D feels better soon.

D’s school allows (and encourages) cap decorations. D’s had a bit of naughty innuendo only for those that know their Shakespeare :)>-

Seniors are given a choice of 2 colors for cap and gown.

We haven’t had a JOTD in a while, so:

A young farmer bought a horse from an old farmer for $250. The old farmer agreed to deliver the horse the next day.

The next day, the old farmer drove up to the young farmer’s house and said, “Sorry son, I have some bad news, the horse died.”

The young farmer replied, “Well, then just give me my money back.”

The old farmer said, “Can’t do that. I went and spent it already.”

The young farmer said, “Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse.”

The old farmer asked, “What ya gonna do with him?”

The young farmer said, “I’m going to raffle him off.”

The old farmer said, “You can’t raffle off a dead horse!”

The young farmer said, “Sure I can, Watch me. I just won’t tell anybody he’s dead.”

A month later, the old farmer met up with the young farmer and asked, “What happened with that dead horse?”

The young farmer said, “I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at five dollars a piece and made a profit of $2495.”

The old farmer said, “Didn’t anyone complain?”

The young farmer said, “Just the guy who won. So I gave him his five dollars back.”

^The art, the science, and the deceit of the raffle!

No decorating was allowed.

Cap decorating is like GPA inflation. Hide out during summer months to take an insignificant class like weight lifting without weights AP 5.0 or Critical thinking without critically thinking AP 5.0., just to upstage the real students that actually have a life during the summer." Look my Cap is better then yours! "

Well that’s a cynical view. Maybe it is just something fun that the crafty type kids like to do with their friends in the dead time between classses ending and graduation? Mine spent about 6 dollars at Michaels and 6 hours with friends yesterday decorating.

No cap decorations allowed and a two page letter on what type of shoes/clothing is acceptable under gown. Ties, buttondown shirts and dress pants for boys and dress shoes. Skirt/dresses/dressy pant suit w/ dress shoes for girls. H

QOT(yester)D: no cap decorating was permitted at my son’s school. The parents were never told but apparently the school did mention it to the kids.No suggestions on what to wear, but maybe that was also a discussion with the kids, and they all looked great.

I"m at orientation with S and I think I can now appreciate why schools are having them now rather than waiting to have orientation after we drop them off. I’ve learned many things and will head home tomorrow knowing that S made a fantastic decision for himself.

I decorated my cap two months ago for my baccalaureate graduation because it took me 29 years to get there. It said “I finally graduated”. I really don’t think I’m better than anyone else.

I think the kids are decorating their caps because they enjoy decorating their caps. If you have envy about where kids are going, that’s on you.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Good luck with your move and I hope your D feels better soon.

I am delighted that orientation immediately precedes move-in as it’s $400+ non-nonstop RT between home and college, not to mention hotel costs, etc. Also, and perhaps more importantly, it minimizes the opportunities I will have to turn into a puddle of tears.

Congrats to all with kids graduating now and to @MotherOfDragons ! It’s been three weeks for us and we’ve been traveling where we have spotty internet access. It already feels very far away.

Caps: no rules regarding decorations and a minority of kids blinged them up. For the girls, the big point of differentiation was the shoes!

Son’s school rents the caps & gowns, so no decorating allowed. All of the graduates looked the same (no cords, medals, etc.) except NHS students had yellow tassels and non-NHS had white tassels. All-male school so not a lot of variation in shoes, either. @rightcoaster, remembering a classmate at graduation was very considerate.

I like creative caps, especially at the college level. I am a dance mom so bling is a must. Two years until D graduates, but I hope to work on the cap design with her. I still have a ton of Swarovski flat back crystals and glue in my craft closet arsenal. :)>-

Does anyone have experience with travel to Costa Rica? My son is going with a friend’s family and a few other boys for 10 days later this summer and we are trying to sort out necessary vaccinations. He got the HepA and the doctor is recommending typhoid, which I’m on the fence about. They are going to the Gold Coast. Also dealing with food allergy issues (peanut/most tree nuts). Will send him with a little laminated card that list his allergies in Spanish that he can ask the waiters to show the cook in restaurants. He’ll be so embarrassed, but I don’t know what else we can do.

I’m goign to Costa Rica in a few weeks and not getting any vax.

Living on the edge.

@jmek15 The CDC recommends the typhoid vaccine for Costa Rica. Why would you not get the vaccine? We all got HepA and typhoid for a trip to China, and we didn’t really go to any small towns.

Is he taking an EpiPen? My sister has peanut allergy. She’s had reactions when the waitress said something didn’t have nuts but didn’t know the dressing in a salad used peanut oil.

Have him take whatever mosquito protection he can.

QOTD: Allowed to decorate caps, but not many kids did. One girl had “Finally” on her cap. DH said she should have walked last because that’s how he felt by the time they called the last name, LOL. The EMT class, including DD, put a sticker of the Rod of Asclepius (makes me sound so much wiser than if I had written “snake emblem” don’t you think?) on their caps. DD also wore 2 tassels - her HS’s and her semester school’s.

@STEM2017 Tuxedos sound so classy!
@MotherOfDragons I have the BB&B urge, too, but D17 does not. She refuses to look at any lists or do any shopping and says she doesn’t need much. We’ll see…
@Mom2aphysicsgeek Good luck with your cross country move. I can’t imagine doing that on top of all the graduation/college preparation activities. Take care of yourself!