Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

We didn’t have to get any immunizations for Costa Rica when we went. Enjoy the trip @VickiSoCal.

S got to schedule his classes for fall, except for one that is waiting on the AP scores. Now he just needs to coordinate with another classmate who is going to the same college their plane schedule for the freshman honors trip. I figured they could travel together and split the costs for any transport to and from the airport.

We didn’t get any immunizations for Costa Rica when we went two years ago. My kids were up to date with vaccines and my doc didn’t think typhoid was necessary.

It was one of my family’s favorite vacations. A ton of activities in Arenal and then R&R on the pacific.

We leave tomorrow for Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Looking forward to family time. August is coming too fast.

We went to Costa Rica and didn’t get any shots or even think about it. I am on the cautious side so if it is recommend I would do it. DS just got his first of 2 meningitis shots for college and said his arm hurt for days, not looking forward to number 2 :frowning:

All of the kids at my sons school decorate their cap mostly with the college they are going to and a few others do something else. Only 1 blank cap this year, it is how they differentiate themselves as they all look the same no cords, sashes or anything else boys and girls all is blue caps and gowns.

No Cap decoration allowed. There was one gigantic octopus cap, which was apparently a tradition.

The graduation photos arrived. Talk about CRAZY shoes. The group photos were taken the day before when we had a snow storm. It was hilarious to see all the snowboots and uggs under blue robes in graduation group photo.

Shoes! A couple of the girls graduating with D17 had these insane high-heel several-inch 70s-disco-looking platform shoes. D17 wore ballet flats, and one of the other 14 (IIRC) girls who graduated wore tennis shoes—all the others wore very, very high heels.

A couple of the boys wore Xtratufs, which is a very Alaskan-culture thing, and I thought that was pretty cool.

Happy Father’s Day!

@jmek15 Costa Rica is probably the easiest Central American country to visit, IMO. Really friendly people, sturdy government, respect for tourism’s economic benefits, the strongest pro-environment/sustainability culture around. We were in the thick of the forest and along the beach in a pretty untraveled area, and needed no shots. HOWEVER: this was several years ago. if someone (like your doc, or travel agent if you use one) recommended a vaccine, go for it. I mean, it can’t hurt…except for the momentary punch of the shot…and it could only help.

Little late in the game, just found this forum! My son will also be starting UAH in the fall, he is very excited and has several friends and fellow high school classmates that will be attending also.

Welcome, @uahmom17 ! This forum has been pretty mellow the last couple of weeks but will probably perk back up towards the end of the summer. I believe @NerdMom88 's D is also going to attend UAH in the fall.

My son is going to attend Purdue, and his orientation w/class registration is this Thursday. Sending him on his own, which I am regretting now that I see the schedule. It’s only a one day event so the agenda is way too packed with events.

@uahmom17, I believe @50N40W has a D starting at UAH in the fall also!

on the subject of decorating caps.

S17’s school allows, and encourages decorating with the only caveat of no single letters so the kids can’t spell things out across a row.

His principal, new to the HS this year but he had her in MS, started a new tradition. She decorated a hat for herself, and made a fascinator to wear that symbolized this class.

It was so fabulous to listen to her describe the history of the graduation cap, discuss celebrating and encouraging decoration, move into the announcement of her new tradition, watch her pull it out, describe the elements of her fascinator, stick it on her head and wear it the entire ceremony. I think it was more of a hatinator than a fascinator but it was still pretty fun. I can’t wait to see what she does for S19!

Of course S17 didn’t decorate his, it was just to flat out busy for him to get to it.

Son17 finished out his HS and lax career last night at the team banquet. It was a nice night, nice to see the new kids getting awards and recognition.

The coach did a nice job highlighting the seniors during his celebratory speech, and son17 was awarded the highest honor of the night where he received a scholarship and awesome trophy for outstanding leadership, student athlete.service, sportsmanship etc. The coach who has coached my son for the last few years went out of his way to highlight the importance of being a solid young man like my son to the younger players. He said my son represented all that is good in the sport of lacrosse and hopes his kids will follow in his footsteps.

It was a very nice thoughtful speech about my son ( I even teared up), and my son was super proud to receive the award . People were very happy for him. That was a very fitting end to his high school career, and we were very proud of him.

@RightCoaster – congrats…I teared up just reading this!

@RightCoaster Congrats to your son and you. It sounds like the apple truly doesn’t fall far from the tree.

@RightCoaster — how wonderful! Kudos!

Congratulations, @rightcoaster! Nice to see a good kid recognized for such important qualities And it sounds like the coach knew exactly what was going on with some of the other team members!

@RightCoaster Congratulations on raising such a great young man!

How lovely, @RightCoaster! Kudos to your son – and family!

Congrats @RightCoaster! Time for you to join FB group and share some photos :slight_smile:

Great way to end his HS Lax career @RightCoaster !!!