Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Will wonders never cease; thanks @Calimom3 !

You just need a proxy server or VPN that lets you change your ā€œlocation.ā€ I traveled to New York this morning to get the scores for my daughter.

@NerdMom88, I am trying to find out about Suitemate Amnesty Day on the UAH web site. Can you post a link or tell me where to look? D has heard from a couple of her suitemates and is nervous. Is it too late to request someone specific who she met at Orientation? I so much wish the housing questionnaires were more detailed!

@planner03 - Welcome and best of luck to you and your DC on your upcoming journey!

I have no suggestions about test prep ā€“ my D17 self-studied for the ACT and didnā€™t take either of those subject tests. I would, however, suggest checking out the test prep forum:

MY DS just logged in and got his scores and we live in CA, so everyone should just go on and check.

@planner03 What worked for my son on the Math II and Physics SAT II exams was to take them right after the courses that matched most closely.

For physics, that is more difficult now, since the AP Physics B course he took has been split into Physics 1 and 2 so takes 2 years at most schools. A rigorous honors physics course might be enough because the SAT II test isnā€™t as hard mathematically as the AP test. (But our school didnā€™t have any honors science classes.)

He took the Math II test after the year he took Alg II/Trig and self-studied to skip Precalculus. The curve for Math II is such that they can miss several questions and still get an 800.

Iā€™ve read that the Barronā€™s prep books are generally all harder than the need to be for the corresponding tests. The Princeton Review prep books looked good, though my kid is not really one to prep for tests.

What does help is to get the official book of sample subject tests from College Board. I think they have 1 or 2 actual tests for each subject. Take those at home. They tell you how to score them, and those seem to give a fairly accurate guess at actual scores.

@GeorgiaMom50 here is a link to the housing FAQ. It seems to indicate that you can request a change of housing before the semester begins, and gives you a link, and it also mentions the amnesty event that occurs on the third weekend of each semester. Unfortunately, I donā€™t know if a student can request a specific roommate at this stage, although I know it has to be a mutual request and is not guaranteed.

Good luck! My D hasnā€™t checked her info yet, but got a text from the girl she met in March that their request to room together was approved. Hopefully theyā€™ll like the other two suitemates as well!

Trip: DS17 is in New Jersey until July 22. (Um, not that Iā€™m counting.) Heā€™s visiting his girlfriend. Since they wonā€™t be going to the same college (sheā€™s going to UChicago), her parents invited him out for a few weeks. DS21 is especially bummed to have him gone.

AP scores: Released from the pressure of his AP scores being worth anything at his college as far as credit or placement, DS got 5s on all 6 of his AP tests this year. 3 of the tests were ones for which he took the class (EngLit, US Govā€™t, Macro) and 3 were classes not offered or wouldnā€™t fit in his schedule (both Physics Cs and Micro).

So, final tabulation for HS is 11 5s, 2 4s, and a 3 (Spanish).

@Ynotgo He has taken AP Physics I and is learning some E&M at a summer program he is currently attending so I hope that will help a bit. Heā€™s really in a pinch because at our hs AP chem, bio, and physics II are all senior courses. Seems like he is going to have a lot of knowledge gaps. Thanks, I will take a look at Barrons and Princeton Review.

He has taken precalc and is also doing some calc at his summer program but I am getting concerned because I read that the Math II is way harder than the ACT, which definitely has topics not covered in our hs Alg II/Trig or Precalc curriculum, so a whole test of the harder ACT questions will be a struggle.

Thanks @lovethebard I have not forgotten you! S has been away since June 10th so no time for essays.

My son got his APs scores back and he did ok, although he wonā€™t end up using any for credit in college. He thought he aced the Stats test, and stunk it up on Gov. in reality he got a 5 in Gov and a 3 on Stats, total opposite, ha!
He didnā€™t like that stats class at all, and loved his Gov class, so maybe the results were fitting.

Heā€™s heading into Boston next week for NEU orientation, I think heā€™s looking forward to it, but heā€™s nervous because he wonā€™t know anybody.

My kid thought she blew Micro and got a 5, seems like they are bad at predicting.

S2 got a 4 on Calc BC so will have to retake it in the fall. He is not happy. He would have gone into our state U with around 40 credits but will only get 6 from Notre Dame.

Been off the boards for a while, and finally checking in. D got a lot of credit for her Duel Enrollment, so she is going into GW as a ā€œsophomoreā€ and after the first semester will be 1/4 of her way towards her degree, but she is thinking of changing, or double majoring. or adding a minor. Course registration at GW was/is a hot mess. They had 6 orientations in June, and if you could not attend, you were just assigned a time when an orientation was going on. She logged in from her summer job at camp and it was like getting concert tickets. (they only release 1/6th of each freshman class for each session, so they had 100 kids going for 50 slots for example) She was only able to 2 classes. She was very frustrated and upset.
This week the registration opened up for everyone. She was only home one day (today) so we worked together, and she finally has a decent schedule with 4 classes, Hebrew, a History class, Micro (she only o credit for Macro) and required writing class. She only has to take one math and one science class, and she will do so in the spring. They added additional sections of some of the classes luckily and you can also waitlist.

Being a sleepaway camp counselor and being away since June 4th has been very trying on her. She only gets about 30 hours off every 10 days or so. She got home last night and has to be back tomorrow by noon during intersession. Of course she has spent all her time with her ā€œits complicatedā€. About 1/2 way through the first session, she wanted to just quit and not go back second session. Coming home, without a job for the month of the July, was not something I wanted to see happen. She had 8th grade girls, a co-counselor that she did not get along with, and was exhausted and missing ā€œhimā€. She eventually also realized that after being home for a few days, without anything planned , she would get extremely bored, and if she did not find a job, would be broke going to school this fall. She worked with teh camp and turned it all around. I am so proud of her. She is getting younger kids and a different co, for 2nd session.

BTW macys has most of its bedding/towels, etc at 60% off today and tomorrow. We did get one set of sheets, but she is using her current comforter. She doesnt care if she not all matchy matchy with her roommates . (there are 6 girls).

sounds like everyone is getting their AP scores, and getting the schedules all together. Go luck to all.

Hi Class of 2017 parents! Iā€™m a class of 2018 parent. Any advice? Are you glad you did something in particular, or wish you did something differently?

@melvin123 Best thing you can do, is participate in the ā€œParents of the HS Class of 2018ā€ thread. Youā€™ll get answers to questions you havenā€™t even thought of asking, and it will help keep you sane. :-bd

@payn4ward UT orientation was more intense than I expected and Iā€™m an Aggie so I expected UT to be more relaxed about school spirit. I admit I joined the Texas Parents Facebook page and so far it has been really helpful. I highly recommend it. Glad to hear orientation went well!

@melvin123 ā€“ I am sure that youā€™re already planning this but donā€™t underestimate the importance and reduced stress level of having at least one early action/rolling decision school in play. D17 had a good friend who didnā€™t think it was important and therefore had to wait until March to start receiving decisions which caused a lot of stress. Also, be very careful composing your school listā€¦there are so many variables to your childā€™s application. Test scores alone will not get your child accepted.

@Gator88NE thanks, yes Iā€™m already looking at my class. Itā€™s amazing how much Iā€™ve learned already here on CC. I guess I thought that some of you, who just went through the 2017 cycle, would say, ā€œwow, I wish I knew XYZ at the beginning of Senior year, I would have had my kid do ABC differently.ā€

@Melvin123 I think DS17 would say he would start his essays sooner, but in reality I suspect that wouldnā€™t happen.

So D17 flew off to India today on a Girl Scout trip - her flight was cancelled yesterday, so we had to do a lot of last minute changes & Iā€™m a nervous wreck as she now wonā€™t be meeting the group until she gets to the GS center. Previous plans, she was supposed to have one of the adults meeting her as soon as she cleared customs. I know she is capable of navigating it herself & getting where she needs to be. She has traveled before on her own & she is 18, so that does help. She has credit & debit cards, and I know she is as prepared as she can be.
But now I feel super guilty for all my traveling way back when I was in college - I know now how my mother felt! Nervous, agitated, but knowing you have to let them do it. :((