Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Arggg! ~X( I forgot, he gets the results back on 4 more AICE test in August…that’s 9 to 12 more useless credits…

:-h :-bd Crazy Gator is Looking to make a deal!! 8-}

Anyone want to trade 40 credits of Humanities and Social Sciences for 4 credits of chemistry??

Come on! You know you want 9 credits in Geography, and I’ll throw in 6 credits in Psychology!

This deal will not last!!!

Crazy Gator - Will trade Gen Chem credits for business credits! Sorry, no need for Geo, Psych, Humanities, or Social Sciences. And the O-Chem credits are not for sale at any price… that was blood, sweat and tears.

can you share the app?

How common is availability on college portals? Is that college specific?

My D said she used an app called Secure Line. Last year I had also googled how to change my computer location and that worked as well. Two more days!

My D didn’t send her scores to her school so we will have to wait.

@Gator88NE my D16 goes to UF and she had over 60 ap credits as well but they maxed her out at 45. What a bummer.

D17’s school maxes out at 18. And she can’t even use the credit for certain requirements, it just gets used for credit towards her 120 to graduate.

Two physics scores, LIT, CSP, Environmental Sciences, Euro and German. D did send all scores directly to Vandy, but I can’t find the scores as I am not a permitted user!

Haven’t been here for a while. After late graduation, we went to Alaska cruise for a week. Now both kids are in my home country doing summer camp, while I start to think about the real deal of downsizing after DS20. :wink: Oh, DS managed to only have one B…

D is also doing a pre-orientation camp …Comedy and Satire which allows her to move 3 days ahead of the usual, and taught by SNL writing assistant. DH thought it was a waste of time, and he and I talked about how D can’t wait to leave us :frowning:

Hope you are all having a great summer!!

@CaucAsianDad Thank you for mentioning that your D’s APs were posted by her college. My son was able to get his scores tonight after I read your post. His were posted as well.

@SincererLove You don’t know her log in name and password? I have both my kids info so I always log in as them to see all pertinent info.

My daughter sent her AP scores to her college but they are not reflected anywhere on her account. Shows prior AP scores but not the ones from this year.

Happy 4th everyone! <:-P

Happy 4th of July! We had a busy latter half of June with graduation and a couple of long round trips up north to get S15 from school and then send him right back up again. Gonna miss him this summer. S17 doesn’t start school until the end of September, so he’s still got a long summer ahead. We’re thankful he has a part-time job at a local store to give him some structure this summer.

We can confirm that UCLA has AP scores on their site now. Thanks to those here who mentioned other schools had them up and gave us the idea to look.

Orientation isn’t for another month and a half. Some of your kids may be back in school by then. Orientation is for 3 days with an optional half day for parents in the last day.

Catching up after graduation, many out-of-state house guests who converged on us all at once, and a vacation with DH to celebrate (belatedly) our 20th anniversary.

@RightCoaster I agree with many others here - your post about your S’s lacrosse banquet was heartwarming. Congratulations to both of you!

Congratulations to everyone whose DC had late June graduations!

@dfbdfb D17’s schedule looks a lot like your D’s: chem, bio, colloquium (medical ethics), and Spanish. The non-science major student who helped her register said the college advises against taking 2 lab course freshman year. But D17 and I have both made a course plan for all 4 years, and we don’t see how it would be possible for her to get all her bio major/chem minor credits in 4 years without taking both chem and bio freshman year. It’s reassuring to read here that several other science majors are doing the same thing. Still, I’m a bit worried, as D hasn’t had Spanish since 8th grade (she switched to French in high school and is now switching back to Spanish) and hasn’t had chemistry since 10th grade.

@Gator88NE So your son will be a first time in college Freshman for the Fall semester. If he takes 15 hours in Fall he will have 60 hours and be a junior to start the spring semester - so he will never be a Sophomore!

My D strategized her APs to get as many GenEds as possible with little overage. She is only throwing away World History and Psych. She is retaking Psych since it is in her major and she may want to to TA for that class.

She would probably sell a kidney for a Calc II credit about now though.

Hello. Parent of a 2018 here. I am looking for suggestions for the best study guides for the Math II and Physics SAT II exams. Also any suggestions for resources for a 36 goal on the ACT math? Thanks in advance.

@Gator88NE Your son may be able to use more of those credits towards a minor. May be able to graduate in 4 years with engineering major and minor in something else. Though even then, a large number of credits may go unused. Not the worst problem to have.

Happy belated 4th of July to everyone. We were camping and had no service (kind of nice actually). I hope everyone had a nice holiday.
S did better than expected on his sole AP test this year, which was comp sci. He had to self study and learn java, but apparently it worked. He got a 5!. He needed a 3 to get into the higher level CS class next semester, so mission accomplished. <:-P Good luck to all of those waiting to get their scores.

D got her AP scores. Looks like she’ll start in the fall with junior standing! :slight_smile: She’s on track to complete the crazy plan she has to do 2 majors, 2 minors. She’s also loving Arabic at IU (but not the food) and is showing an aptitude for it. She finished up first semester Arabic with an A+.

I’m almost done with her dorm shopping. I was charged with getting it mostly done while she’s at IU. She did most of the clothing and shoes shopping for herself before she left and did some online from there.

Hope everyone had a great 4th!

Very pleased with AP scores today, but tomorrow is what we are really waiting on!

The bill came today…

We have been traveling and unplugged a lot of the time. It’s nice to catch up on the latest news. D won’t know her schedule until orientation, which is the week before classes. She did have the opportunity to submit a provisional list of courses about a month ago. The upside is that there is no angsting about textbook purchases because she has no idea what she will need. Amazon Prime will be her friend.

Congrats to all who received positive news for AP scores!

My kids used https://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/ to get their AP scores today on the best coast today. Scores were good. Everyone is happy.