Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@planner03 – I’ll chime in on NE but take it with a grain of salt since we never visited. D always loved Boston and wanted to go to school in Boston and wanted engineering and co-ops so she applied. ACT 34 and top 2%. She was accepted with merit (21K per year) but the end cost was more than we wanted to pay. She will be going to Pitt for about half of what NE would’ve cost us.

NE is a great school and we were impressed by what they offered when we reviewed everything. I followed the CC NE admission threads when they first started rolling out and my gosh—it was brutal. There were LOTS of rejections and deferrals. I looked at your sons stats (ACT 33 and 91 average, right?). I would call NE a high match for your son based on those stats and maybe even a bit of a reach. I’m not remotely trying to bash your student, he sounds great. But browsing those boards for a few weeks when decisions were released taught me that NE is more of a reach for most students than they ever thought.

@rightcoaster Thanks for the in depth response! I am looking forward to the visit. I will let you know what he thinks.

@carachel2 Yes, I admit to knowing very little about NE, as it just hit his radar. I never had the perception of it as a top school but I am learning differently! Our Naviance shows no rejections in his stat range–he does have a 34 ACT now and closer to a 93 average after a strong Jr. year.–so that is what I was going off of, but thank you for the information, I will proceed cautiously.

@planner03 —I had assumed it was a match for D. But then I watched the acceptance threads unravel and trust me, there were LOTS of deferrals and rejections for those hovering near her ACT.

@planner03 let me chime in with my very high opinion of NEU as well. My DS decided to go to another college in the end but to say NEU is impressive is an understatement. My S was accepted into the computer science department and it was beyond impressive. When we went for admitted students day one of the Dean’s introduced herself and gave us her card in case we had any questions come decision time. The presentation was also stellar. My Husband and I were ready to sign up ourselves. In the end my DS wanted a more traditional college experience with the sports and all which is the right decision for him. But NEU really has amazing programs. Good Luck!!

We are another family that had NE on the top 5 list. My engineering-bound daughter loved it after our visit - great location and impressive facilities - but its cost knocked it off our list, even after a very generous scholarship. One huge plus about NE, that actually would have offset the expenses a bit, is the co-op program. Can’t beat that kind of experience. I am going to strongly encourage my daughter to get involved with the co-op program at the school she did end up at, Pitt, even though it is not mandatory there.

@Ynotgo Aw, your son is in my neck of the woods! Is he having fun? At the shore I suppose?

@sdl0625 I can totally relate to the stress of being a camp counselor since I went through it around the same age. It’s great to hear she was able to turn in around and make it work!

@michiganbuckeye Glad to hear everything worked out with your daughter’s travels, that certainly is nerve-racking!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Great news on the “yea for closer!”

@RightCoaster We will be waving at your son when we visit London early September :slight_smile:

@MSHopeful Have fun in NYC!

@LoveTheBard My daughter will be studying at NYU in Paris, in the Latin Quarter. It’s all NYU faculty and she’ll be in a dorm with all NYU students. It’s just that the visa process requires an ‘affiliation’ with a French University, so you have to go through several processes to make this happen.
and @botcom when you’re ready, I can give you the skinny!

@Fishnlines29 Thanks! D would be studying at the University in Grenoble France. Not going to worry about it until she gets accepted into the program.

@Fishnlines29 Yes, he’s on Long Beach Island now. Comes home on Saturday. It looks like he’s having fun. (But we miss him.)

Just wondering if those are Emotional Support Sheep :smiley:

My D just got her Residential College and room assignment. She has 4 roommates - the texting has begun.

Anyone know the link to the pre med thread?

@Dolemite that is funny! I don’t think he will be taking them in the dorm or to class with him! S would not like that too much!

S is off to Santa Fe with his boss. He got paid to drive the horse trailer there and back. Boss is giving him private polo lessons for free and funding him to play in a polo tournament this weekend while he helps take care of Boss’s wife’s horses competing in hunter/jumper events. He is having a blast and getting paid to do it!


My D just got through her first college mid-terms. She found out she set the curve in her Gen. Psych class with an 87. The exam was curved the 3 points so there would be at least one A. She is finding college is a quite a bit more rigorous than HS. Yikes that is a tough curve.

That’s actually a very small curve. She could have set the curve with a 50.

I think this will be an awakening for most of our kiddies.

if college is significantly tougher than high school my kid is doomed. She worked very, very hard for about half As half Bs the last two years.

I remember the first set of midterms when I was in college (back when the world was still in black and white). I lived in an honors dorm. First honors chemistry test had a very tough curve. Something just under 50% was the average with a high about 60%. To a group of honors kids who pretty much were used to getting As on everything in high school, the shock was huge. Even without the internet, cell phones, social media, etc. the entire dorm knew about the exam (I wasn’t even in the class and I knew). In the halls, cafeteria and pretty much everywhere, there was a cloud hanging over everything. Was amazing to observe. Didn’t take long though until everyone adjusted and moved forward. I imagine each group of freshmen have to go through something similar on at least some level.

See, those kinds of scores and curves are common at our high school. The high on the History of the Americas final was in the high 70s.


If your DC continues the hard work, As and Bs will come. They will.

I just think they all need to be ready for a C here and there. Especially if they are in a very rigorous program.

We all need to be ready to lend support and guidance…and love. No matter what.

For sure. But the thought of it being harder stresses me and her out. Unlike many kids on here school has never been easy for her. She took on the hardest classes available in high school even though she didn’t qualify for gifted in K through 8. Maybe the fact she’s already had the “fight to get a B-” experience is a good thing.