Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

DS17 will be on the quarter schedule, so doesn’t start until Sept. 17. But DS21 heads to high school on Aug. 21. We have a couple trips planned and have only just started on dorm mountain. DS17 is taking an online class called “Transition to Mathematical Proofs” that his college wants all incoming students to take.

Hope all of you are having fun with your kids before they head off on their next big adventure!

USC changed move in day from the 21st to the 22nd due to the eclipse. I am planning on enjoying everyday of the next 3 weeks.

Ds comes home from his REU this Sat, but he will only be here a week before he leaves again. The days of them at home get shorter and shorter. Depending on where he goes to grad school, this Christmas break may be our last real time of having him home for more than a couple of days at a time.

S is supposed to be back from working in Santa Fe tonight. Driving the horse trailer back which always makes me nervous. Last night he told me he has to work tomorrow and then they are going to MS for three days. Then he promises he is back so we can buy things for school. We also have. senior send off with the alumni from his school on Sunday. He has been having a great time and his boss bought him a $650 leather jacket for all his help! Lucky kid.

Bad thing is that our daughter with borderline personality disorder has managed to get herself into legal trouble over her jerk ex boyfriend. Now she has dropped out of CC, quit her job, and will only lay in her room and refuses any help (she is 20). Now my husband may have to stay home with her and I’ll have to drive the 12 hours to take S to school. This will mean cancelling our plans to see the eclipse. I’m frustrated, sad, mad, and worried for her. She refuses to anything positive. She is exactly like her birth mother and half brother. She won’t take her meds or go to her doctors. Sigh.

Our trip to college begins in just over a week. We have family not so far away from Ithaca, so will make a vacation/college transition time out of it.

There is both growing excitement and a tad bit of nervousness in the household. D17 has had a lengthy school required checklist to complete during the course of the summer, and I think he is at the point of being done with all the forms, surveys, and prep work and wants to get started already. I, on the other hand, have woken up twice in the last week, feeling at a loss. I miss D17 already!

We’ve had a hectic summer having successfully completed our out of state move. And had the additional unexpected health crisis of my mom. I had been planning on a much different summer before college, but life has a way of taking on a direction of its own. Perhaps my many weeks away will ease the feelings of separation anxiety when college move-in day comes. At least on my son’s part.

D17’s school allows boxes to be mailed and delivered to the dorm room prior to move in day. It was one less thing to deal with this summer, so we took full advantage. It was cheaper than buying a larger vehicle. Maybe it was premature trading in that minivan!

@momocarly hugs to you.

Oh @momocarly that sounds rough. I’m so sorry. Of course her dad should be with her right now…I wonder what it would take to convince her that meds can work really well. BPD is one of the hardest psychiatric disorders to manage without psychotropics.

@momocarly Hugs. Hope she seeks help soon. =((

@momocarly I am so sorry, hugs. I hope she decides to get help, it’s so hard to watch. My bio mother was bipolar, I can relate to all the emotions you are having right now.

D had a great time learning Arabic at IU. She was home for a day and a half only. Now we’re at UGA for orientation. The drive here was uneventful, but not one I’d do again. Those vacuum packing bags are incredible. I kid you not when I say D packed half of a walk in closet into one suitcase with those things.

On Sunday, D moves in. We have a little more shopping to do and renting a uHaul van to get everything to the dorm from our hotel.

D is flying to OU today. “Someone” (TBD) is going to meet her at the airport, and someone else is going to let her couch-surf tonight. I am trying to be okay with the casualness of this arrangement. Tomorrow morning, she boards a bus for a 9-hour drive to New Mexico for a week-long backpacking trip with the Honors College. I hope her summer training has prepared her well (she is tiny, and will be carrying a big backpack at high elevation). Most of all, I hope she has a great adventure!

D got her class schedule yesterday I ordered the textbooks. Ouch. I know common wisdom is to wait until classes start to buy them, but D doesn’t work like that. She would be far too nervous that something would go wrong. She also has something like OCD with the condition of books–has always refused to read books where the spine was cracked or the pages dogeared, and would never lend books–so buying used is out of the question. I don’t think she could deal if there waiting or highlighting in her textbook. So we purchased all new, and hopefully she’ll get some money back by selling them at the end of the semester, which will never find its way back into my pocket, the same way my book buyback funds went to beer all those years ago…

I think there is value in comfort. Things that make the transition to college easier for the student (and that will vary by kid) are good. Within reason.

It seems like the season of good-byes. Last week, we said good-bye to our Japanese exchange student who went home after being here for almost a year. Last weekend, we said good-bye to one of D17’s close friends. She is an EU citizen so now that she has graduated, she is heading to Europe for college. Her Dad lives in Europe and her Mom is moving out-of-state. Next up will be D17 and her other classmates.

2 more weeks here and it feels like there is A LOT of stuff to get done between now and then. I second the space bag recommendation. I was shocked at how well it smushed a comforter, pillows, towels and sheets. Ds is using them for clothes packing as well.

@Amkngk I am with your D on clean textbooks. I know that I personally could not focus if my textbook had handwritten notes or highlighting all over it. Very distracting and restraining. Nothing unusual about that.

I still want to see a diver do the triple lindy in real life…

Nah, nobody can. Its too dangerous.

The summer is going by way too fast. We’ve been enjoying our time with S17 and having a fun summer. We have the majority of the checklist taken care of and are in good shape. He’s happy with his courses and books have been ordered. We have one more month left. His friends move-in days span from mid-August to mid-September with his falling right in the middle.

I think textbooks will be the bane of S17’s existence… His French text alone will cost almost as much as all of S15’s texts for the semester–primarily because of the #$%$/%# online access code that is REQUIRED. Then, his public affairs class for his major requires 8 books–luckily none are over $20, and he can get several used or rent them (and there just aren’t that many editions of The Federalist Papers…), but still there are 8 of them! And of course, the icing on the cake is the economics text that is written by his prof, naturally with a new edition. I’m definitely waiting before ordering that for him since the older editions are WAY cheaper, but we’ll see if there is new content in the new edition that is needed…