Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Textbooks ordered. Food plan selected. Semester bill paid.

Watch out for additional fees depending on how you pay. I didn’t see it on the payment page, so I googled university name plus fees for paying tuition with a credit card. Sure enough, i found the pg describing a 2.5% fee if using credit or debit. Only electronic check had no fees.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek yup same here. Check is no fee, debit is a smaller fee and 2.5% for credit card. We got our bill today. Was interesting to see the fees that are not included in his tuition scholarship. Thankfully only a $25 lab fee for 1 class and $100 Business/Econ fee for 1 class.

We got our bill but they hadn’t but the last scholarship on it. They said they will do that 10 days before school starts so we are going to wait until that day to pay the bill. Books are done. We still have a lot of dorm stuff to get and packing to start and two weeks to do it in. S went off with his boss to MS today for three more days and then I told him he has to get ready to go!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek --yeah I had dreams of racking up the mileage by paying tuition on CC and then paying it off. It’s not worth those fees! yikes. Ours is almost the same fee.

We are 12 days away from move in at IU. Pretty much everything is gathered in our basement ready for packing. Textbooks have been ordered, sports tickets ordered, housing and meal plan lined up. Started seeing the fee’s hit her Bursar account this week, still waiting on housing and meal plan charges to hit so I know what to pay but bills not due yet. Have a few lab fees I didn’t know about but her text books are coming in a lot less than planned.

Final transcripts and transfer credits all submitted and approved and showing on her official transcript so looks like we are pretty much set to go. My D is all ready to go. Already has some things lined up for welcome week with others in her LLC and a few socials to go to for her Direct Admit group. Sounds like she’ll have plenty to do before classes start.

How long are your kids on campus before classes start? Dd moves in on a Tuesday afternoon and classes start Thursday.

For most new students at Syracuse, move in is Tuesday through Thursday 8/22-24, orientation starts on Thursday and classes start the following Monday. But D is going on a pre-orientation outdoor adventure trip, so she’s moving in on Sunday 8/20.

We move S17 in on 8/17 - Flying out at 6AM on 8/16. It’s been a whirlwind summer with not enough time to spend with him. He is working at a Scout Camp - so only gets 23 hours/week at home with no communication during the week. So he in essence has 4 days at home before we leave. I’m having a really hard time with this one flying from the nest - 2,000 miles is a long way away.

Move in is on a Thursday and classes start on Monday.

Ds got his dorm assignment yesterday. He was happy that he got his choice of a single room. Move in day for freshman is August 28th. Classes begin on the Thursday after Labor Day. He got all of the classes that he registered for, along with the preferred class times. The textbook fees are included in his financial aid package, so he needs to wait until he gets to campus to pick up his books at the campus book store.

I am afraid that these last few weeks are going to fly by.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek for my D going to IU, she moves in on the 14th and classes start on the 21st. She is part of a LLC so she is moving in earlier than standard move in date which is the 16th. Welcome week starts on the 16th and they have activities, concerts, etc. through the weekend. There are some activities for the students moving in early. She has a direct admit function and then a LLC function prior to standard move in day. Meal plans become active on the 13th so not an issue with her going in early.

D moves in on Sunday and classes start the following Monday. She gets a week to relax and get settled in. They’ll have lots of activities.

S moves in on the 15th and classes start on the 21st. Our assigned move-in time is between 7 and 9 am, which we figure will be cooler (if it’s a hot day) and less traffic. They have student volunteers who do all the heavy lifting :slight_smile: Perhaps we should tip them??? Once the car is unloaded we have to move it to a parking garage and we can’t come back in front of the building later, so anything heavy will have to be in that first drop off. His roommate is bringing the fridge, we’ll bring the microwave.

In ours the regular move-in is Saturday and classes start on Monday but we are moving S in on Thurs evening so we beat the rush.

DD moves in the 27th and classes start the day after Labor Day.

My daughter will have a week between move-in and classes starting. I remember that time as being awesome. You were one your own, with your friends and no classes. We had nothing structured like colleges have today though. Was just a lot of fun.

Charges have hit our bursar account, but scholarship money comes in later… after the charges are technically due. We do have it in writing that for scholarship students, there are no service charges until well after all scholarship money has been disbursed.

I sat down with D earlier this week and made a list of who is responsible for which expenses. We ended up deciding to give any “cash stipend” part of her scholarship directly to her, but increased the expenses she is responsible for. I am happy with this arrangement; it gives her more incentive to find less expensive text books, for example.

Move-in is on Thursday Aug 17th; classes start the following Monday. D flew to Oklahoma yesterday for a week of Outdoor Adventure. She’ll fly home on Wednesday, and then we both fly back to Oklahoma the following Wednesday. Kind of a crazy schedule, but they didn’t have a way to do super-early move-in after the Outdoor Adventure.

My D moves in at 8:00 AM on Tuesday the 15th, she will have two hours to unpack before band camp starts. Five straight 13 hour days until classes start on Monday the 12st.

We are really glad she started in summer. She has had plenty of time to get acclimated to campus and living on her own so being totally consumed with band camp will not be as big a stress.

Just found out yesterday that D got into the living/learning humanities program she was hoping to get into at Stanford! It was one of the reasons she chose Stanford. (It’s similar to the Directed Studies at Yale to which she had an automatic acceptance – so not having a guaranteed spot in it was a bit unnerving. Glad it worked out).

Meanwhile, she’s having the time of her life at her museum internship in D.C. – visiting museums, going to rallies in support of the ACA, sitting in on Senate sessions, attending concerts, poetry reading, etc., etc.

I’m glad that she’ll have a month to chill before school starts…(yay quarter system!)

DS move in on 8/17 (Thursday), which is the standard day for Freshman. On that day he has the College of Engineering Convocation. On Friday he has the Class of 2021 Convocation. Classes then being that following Monday (8/21). They will have WOW (weeks of welcome) events the first few weeks, and he’ll be coming home over the labor day weekend (9/1, DD14 will drive, it’s less than 90 minutes away).

That first month, other than managing his classes, I’ll be prodding him to check out several student groups and design teams. Go to a few student group meetings, play intramural sports, volunteer for events, attend some games and met some new people. He’s not taking a heavy load, so now is the time to go explore campus.

At the end of September, I want him to go to Career Showcase, which is the huge Fall career fair, just so he has the experience of writing a resume, learning how to use the career resource center, and walking around the floor. If he talks with a few recruiters that’s a bonus, but it’s the process I want him to learn how to navigate.

About once every 3 to 5 weeks, he’ll come home for the weekend (and take his GF out to lunch/dinner) or we’ll drive up and spend an afternoon visiting with him and his sister. The Florida-Georgia football game is on 10/28, so he’ll be in town for that game (already got my tickets!).

Hey all, S2 flies to Chicago in two weeks for the big move to ND. People have been mentioning collapsible duffel bags. Any particular favorites under $100? Features to look for? We figure he can use it as storage also.