Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Trying hard to get S17 home long enough to finish his summer homework and pack. We leave Wed. He is off shopping today I think. Bad thing is that I threw my back out Thurs night packing and haven’t been able to move since. Hoping it is better in time to leave. I want to enjoy our eclipse trip. I think we have everything but S needs to pack it all up!

@Mommertons and @mtrosemom My D21 just came back from an extended backpacking trip sponsored by her HS in southern Colorado at 10-12K elevation. No worries and a great opportunity to bond with new classmates.

My D’s move in is 8/22 and classes start the following Monday. She has to take a math placement test but other than that, her schedule is in place. She got sub free housing, which she requested. We’ve bought everything that makes sense to pack, have ordered some stuff shipped directly to the college via Amazon, and we’ll buy the remainder there. We got two great rolling duffels on sale from ebags that are lightweight and fit the airline’s specs for checked baggage.

We’re in a holding pattern - excitement and nervousness in equal measure!

D got her room assignment, she got a double - her second choice (after a suite with 5 girls - I’m glad she didn’t get a single). It was total luck that her roommate is going to be a girl she really likes from their group chat! She was ecstatic. I’m getting a little bummed thinking about the reality of her leaving.

We still have a lot to do to prep and we need to start packing! Less than two weeks to go…

@dfbdfb I hope you’re daughter heals up quickly! I don’t think there are too many states that will see a full eclipse. Not sure where you are in Alaska but you should be able to see a partial eclipse:

Our view from NJ will be a little better but not much! I think NC is supposed to provide the best vantage point.

I think I saw an app from NASA - they want everyone to use it so they can collect data when it happens!

Good luck to everyone sending their kids off!!

Tomorrow son17 heads over to London. He’s packing now and is pretty excited. My wife is freaking out. We drop him off and then I have to drive son19 to NY for a soccer camp later in day. Going to be a long day!

Wow! Can’t believe we are all sending our kids off to school! We leave on Wednesday for move in. It’s been an exciting and eventful year for sure! I hope all of your children find happiness in their school of choice and I can’t wait to hear about all their adventures!

D had a good first day of classes and is excited about the semester.

We’ve been back from drop-off for a couple of days now. The experience was interesting, and completely different from D15’s exodus. D17 kept worrying that she was packing too much, and trying to put things in a “maybe” pile. H and I kept assuring her that it would all fit, both in the cars and in her room. By late Wednesday evening she had worked herself into a panic; she fell asleep on my lap and we just let her crash on the couch, knowing she’d feel better in the morning.

On Thursday D and I drove her tightly packed clown car (a Fiat 500) while H and D15 took the SUV. Our nine-hour trip turned into 10.5 hours rife with construction traffic. We spent the entire trip listening to episodes of “Welcome to Nightvale” – love the show! – or the same 11-song playlist. (I still have five of the songs stuck in my head.) On the way down D checked online and found that the empty room in her suite had been filled, so there was one “unknown” roommate. The roommate doesn’t seem to have a lot in common with the other three girls, but I think she’ll be fine.

A short night’s sleep and we were off and running! The honors dorm opened at nine a.m on Friday… We got there at 9:01 and it was a madhouse. D has the smallest room, but doesn’t mind. Everything fit. I am amazed with the space in the suite, which includes a spacious cabinet beneath each student’s sink, a common closet with shelves, and a decent amount of cabinetry in the kitchen – as well as a built-in microwave and a full-size refrigerator! It was amusing to note the differences in what each girl considered “essential.” “New” girl schlepped everything she owned, plus a dorm fridge, a personal microwave, and her own vacuum. The roommate D had met in March and corresponded with all summer arrived from California with two suitcases. She figured she could buy, borrow, or share whatever else she might need.

Rather than carefully arranging her room we dumped her stuff and attended a meeting with Disability Support Services, then went to the Health Center, Parking, and the Bursars. Although there were a couple of things we needed to set up with DSS, mostly it was getting things done ASAP to assuage her nervousness. We had lunch and made a Target run, then returned her to the dorm so she could get ready for a dinner hosted by the Honors College dean. The next morning we had only a short time to meet for breakfast before her activities. We did see her room, which had been unpacked (if not tidily, at least completely.) Then she gave us a quick hug and – much as she had in pre-K – walked off with her suite mates, leaving us behind. She wouldn’t have noticed, but I waited until I was in the car to cry.

I have had a couple of quick phone calls from her, in one case to ask for a second opinion about adding a class. It was lovely to be consulted, but even better to realize that she really had it all figured out for herself already.

Good luck to all of your DC. Wishing them all a smooth first semester!

@NerdMom88 --good job with all of it!! Well done!

@RightCoaster Exciting day! Did he use those space saver vac packs? I’m thinking about ordering some. I think D is going to just bring one ‘checked’ suitcase and one ‘carry on’ suitcase, plus her backpack. So mostly clothes. I figure she’ll get anything else overseas, but not sure how she’ll get it all home eventually! We can’t ship stuff there but I guess shipping stuff home will be an option, albeit expensive.

@NerdMom88 Thanks for that play-by-play! I read all of them so assiduously now, as I prepare for this coming Thursday/Friday! Gulp.

S2 is nearly done packing. I just wanted to thank the folks about the hint for those space saver vac packs, pure awesomeness watching his comforter go from 18" thick down to 3". And you too, @Mommertons for the Tote-A-Ton recommendation. We have it stuffed with shoes and all the miscellaneous stuff we have collected from S1’s college dorm experience. Our first two went driving distance and we have a minivan so no space-saving tricks were needed.

Two more sleeps then an airport drop-off for him and DW. As of Sunday I’ll be dealing with a quiet house and a wife with Empty Nest Syndrome.

I second @Magnetron in thanking those who recommended the compression bags and @Mommertons for recommending the Tote-A-Ton. D17 chose a purple one and it arrived via Prime yesterday. It will store in her dorm room much easier than a suitcase.

@Fishnlines29 “I’m getting a little bummed thinking about the reality of her leaving.” I hear you. I feel like a fog set in about a week ago. I didn’t sleep well 2 nights in a row, thinking about D17 leaving home. This past weekend, our last full weekend before we fly out with D17, it was like none of the 4 of us knew quite what to do or how to act. However, Sunday afternoon, at our urging D17 taught S22 how to bake cookies and then we all played our family favorite - Settlers of Catan - which was nice. I’m very excited for D17 and I know great things await her, but I’m very sad that our family dynamic will never again be the same.

We arrived on campus early for our own pre-orientation. Best decision ever. D17 is much more at ease. Did not attend accepted students day, so first time back on campus since last summer and being accepted.
Move-in day Friday. :"> :(( :"> :((

Good luck to you @HappyGoLucky2017. How are you entertaining yourselves between now and Friday’s move-in? Hope it all goes smoothly!

S17 moves in August 19 and classes begin on the 21st. My three older sons will be driving him up, along with oldest son’s best friend, who is like another brother to S17. H and I will not be going. The boys have moved both the 22 year old and my D in to their college so I know they can handle it. Tonight, S17 is staying over with D and her boyfriend and she will take him shopping tomorrow to buy sneakers and appropriate boots for the weather, plus whatever else he needs. I am glad he is getting to spend time with my D as they are very close and she is my only child who actually graduated from college…

S17’s roommate is from a town whose population is smaller than S17’s graduating class, but they are both Boy Scouts and seem to have other things in common. S17 is excited and nervous at the same time. Packing is going along fairly well but I don’t know if the gallon of his special soap that I ordered from Amazon will arrive on time. If it isn’t here by Friday, I will buy him an 8 oz container.

I didn’t cry when we dropped D or my son who went away to school but I am already tearing up thinking of my babyboy being away.

Thank you @CT1417! Biking as far as possible around Cayuga Lake is looking good, especially after enjoying meals at Ithaca Commons and ice cream(chocolate gorges, yum!) from Dairy Bar. Visiting Taughannock Falls is another possibility- must be so impressive being taller than Niagara.

Just heard back from son17 that he made it over ok, got his roommate of choice and they have a nice room. He has a meeting to attend now and then they head out for some dinner.

@Fishnlines29 those space saver bags worked great. He took one suitcase and a large duffle, and a carry on backpack. It was enough. He can always buy more clothes if he needs them.

It was tough for me to say bye, harder than I thought. I was happy, bitttersweet and sad all day. I had to man up and take son19 out to a prospect camp for soccer and that cheered me up, it was like the whole cycle just reset itself all in one day, and now we’ll just help son19 the best we can.

Good luck to you empty nesters. It must be a bit difficult to manage at first, so hugs to you all.

Well, with 4000 air miles round-trip flown, 60 minutes waiting for the LAX Budget Rental car shuttle bus wasted, Target stock price and the South LA economy supported, corner tension rod for shower assembled and dissembled, amazing dorm food sampled, and paternal but not maternal tears shed, D 17 is launched.

Move-in was well organized, only a moderate wait for a turn on the elevator for our one cart of stuff. We moved in relatively early in the morning, before the sun cooked off the marine cloud layer.

We were lucky enough to go for move-in and a visit of DS '14 who is in Pasadena for the summer. I would have liked to stay for the official convocation, the USC village opening, and a departmental welcome dinner, but it just didn’t work out.

She couldn’t be luckier with her suitemates and her roommate. Such lovely young women! I had previously met her roommate. 2000 miles to school, but thanks to Facebook, D’s roommate lives about 10 miles away. We were invited to her graduation party!

The facilities of the USC village are really as nice as you would imagine. Of course, there are a few snafu’s, but in a project of that size, I expected this. (The salad bar requires arms longer than mine to reach the back row of offerings. Maybe they are saving that row for all athletes over 6’6".)

Good Day, It has been quite some time since I have posted here. Since last we spoke, my S spoke at his graduation as ASB President, was one of many valedictorian(everybody gets a trophy and a party favor), and spent the summer away as as a counselor at an east coast camp. He returned home this past weekend for one week, and a rush job to get ready. We will take him to school Sunday. I am sad to lose my buddy, but I know he will have a great time and amazing opportunities. I want to wish all of you and the students the best of luck as the next journey begins. I also want to thank all of you for the wisdom, guidance, support, and cheers. This forum has been a great place to learn and vent. I have enjoyed following all the trials and tribulations, the thrills of victory, and the agonies of defeats. May great things come to all who gather here. I don’t intend this to be my last post, just thought i would express my appreciation and send good thoughts.

D17 decided to pick up a minor in music. I’m thinking she can hum as she engineers. (Is that anything like whistling while you work?)