Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Indeed, I still don’t have a bathroom with a double sink.

I’ve warned my daughter that after this year, she may not live this well for 25 years or more! (Although it looks like the village will be adding an honors college for sophomores next year. Not confirmed, it just looks like that from the list of new residential colleges)

@NerdMom88 @Dave_N I was thinking the same thing. I don’t have double sinks now!

We leave on the 18th to take S to school. We’ll be driving back on the 21st (somewhere in the 60-70% zone for the eclipse).

@Dave_N , how awesome that USC may continue housing for the honors college to sophomore year! For D15, it was just freshman year, then they all scattered to USC apartments, although many have remained her closest friends.

S will be in a very typical 16x11-ish dorm room on a hall with a common bath. He finally connected with roommate, but it doesn’t seem likely they will be “besties” - hopefully they will get along well enough. They do have one sport in common (swimming) so that’s something.

S likes to be in social groups and has expressed interest in Greek life. I have no compass for this aspect of college life, but am worried it may take too much time away from school. I’ve asked him to wait until sophomore year to rush but he doesn’t seem inclined to listen (well, he does listen very politely, then does what he wants).

DS is not getting spoiled, LOL. He is in a “value triple” which is going to be very tight—a lofted bed with a desk underneath, and a set of bunk beds. On the good side, he is likely going to be the first one there because he’s checking in early for the track team, so he hopes to get the loft. Plus, he saves a lot of money over the doubles, which is very helpful for us. I imagine he’ll be spending most of his time with team guys anyway. They’re already texting each other quite a bit.

Tulane took in more than they expected. My son is in the freshman honors dorm and requested a double, and ended up in a triple. Some of the dorm’s triples are now quads. It’s going to be a bit tight but I think it’ll be okay. Move in is Aug 25. Two more weeks! Saw the news that parts of NOLA were 3 feet under water after a deluge yesterday afternoon.

Just attended orientation, which was really impressive. D met her roommate (that she found through FB and requested). They hit it off, and they are both excited about living together. The room is small, but at least it’s a double and has A/C. Also happy to report that D got a lot of the classes that she really wanted (despite warnings that she might not get her choices at a larger state school). She and I are headed for a mom-daughter getaway to Puerto Rico tomorrow, so that is a great way to connect and have some good conversations in a low-key way. Move in on the 18th and husband and I will visit on Sept. 2 for the first football game–meeting up with a couple of my friends from college, so not just going to see her. S19 is in Spain visiting with our former Spanish exchange students and we have barely heard from him so this is good preparation for what is in store with D. Wish we would hear more from him, but no news is probably good news.

@NoVADad99 – yeah - I heard about the 8" of rain in parts of NOLA yesterday - that pretty unusual though it can certainly rain hard & sometimes flood. Tulane is a bit overcrowded in dorms bc too many accepted - wonder if it is getting more popular - my DS18 is applying! Hope your son’s move in and early days go well.

@CA1543. Tulane acceptance rate was 21.5% this class, down from the previous years where they took in usually about 30 something percent. So I would say that it is getting more competitive and popular.

D is moved in! It was an exhausting day. Checked in at 7:05. Finished up for dinner and final shopping run at around 3:30 with no breaks. But we’re both very happy with how the room turned out. D has a very spacious double in the honors dorm. I’m taking her to pick up her bike later today from the bike shop, dropping off her dry cleaning, then heading home. First visit will be next month for her birthday.

Orientation was good. D got most of the classes she wants but isn’t thrilled with the times. She’ll try to drop/add and email profs to get the final class she wants. This won’t be an issue going forward as honors students register first starting second semester.

I think it just went from “itsgettingreal” to “it IS real” :slight_smile:
Much congratulations on your Ds successful journey. It’s been a lot of fun to watch!

I feel a bit guilty & disappointed, as DD & I leave for a Girl Scout trip to Iceland tomorrow for 10 days. DS just got back from his summer classes & will leave 2 days after I get back for his co-op. So for the 2 weeks he is home, I’m home 3 of them. Guess they’ll be lots of father-son bonding going on while we’re gone.
Then we move DD in 3 days later. House is a complete disaster as we have our multiple piles going on - bags to be packed for trip, DS stuff, DD college stuff - & we’re still in the process of remodeling the living room.

Not too stressed about DD, as she will be coming home to work 2 1/2 weeks after move-in, so she can take anything she forgot at that time. Only 1 1/2 hours away, so thankful she’s close. The only downside is that she moves in on the 23rd, but meal plan doesn’t start til the 28th. Here’s to hoping there are a lot of welcome activities with food provided!

we leave in two weeks. D has so many clothes and only so much space in the dorm (6 person, with 2 rooms of 3).i think her room here at home will still be “Fuil” . She met on of her roommates at a local meet and greet yesterday. AT this event they also had the admissions person (which we thanked many times over). GW is sending about 50 kids from metro Atlanta GA to GW. We did an IKEA run yesterday as well.

Saw lots of pics on my FB of UGA move in’s (since we live in GA).

D has to take a math test for her Econ class. She has been procrastinating. UGH. she also needs to get a dental checkup and wont let me make the appt, yet she has not made it herself. not sure how much I should push. Her teeth are important to her.

I am so grateful that D will be on the quarter system and won’t start until late September. She just finished up her internship in D.C. and is spending a few more days there before coming back to SoCal. She’ll have some time to tie up loose ends here, and then we’ll do a family visit/vacation to Puerto Rico before heading up to the Bay Area in mid-September.

Re: Tulane Honors dorm: my D was also assigned to a triple (“expanded triple” I think Tulane calls it, which some schools call a “forced triple”), but then was suddenly switched back to a double. She is going early for the EXPLORE program, so will be able to move in 5 days ahead of schedule. Maybe we will cross paths at some point, NOVADad 99. I do think Tulane is getting more and more popular. Right now I am only hoping that D’s move-in is mostly rain- and flood-free!

I will have a sr this fall at Tulane…have no worries as regards the move-in…it’s highly organized despite all the hoopla about Fedex trucks, etc…it’s all good :slight_smile:

Congratulations to those who have moved their DC in! We fly to OR 8/20 (so that we can see the eclipse 8/21 - Salem is in the path of totality) and move DD in 8/23. Parents attend the first 2 days of orientation and then say goodbye to their DC. Students have 3 more days of orientation and start classes 8/28.

I feel like every time DD and I cross something off the to do list, something else arises. Latest example: Now that she has her own health insurance policy in OR and is still on DH’s group health insurance through his employer here in WI, it occurred to me that maybe I should notify the 2 insurance companies so that one can be primary and the other can be secondary? Or do I not notify anyone and have her use her OR insurance in OR and her WI insurance in WI? Neither insurance company is nationwide like Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Her WI insurance is an HMO.

I just got my S back from his backpacking adventure trip with other OU honors college kids. He came home happy and liked the kids he met on the trip. He is glad he went and he has some stories to tell. There was a little detour the first day when they couldn’t camp where they planned and ended up hiking twice as far as planned (15 miles!). He was happy he didn’t feel too badly. Some of the kids didn’t do so well with a combo of a long hike, backpacking food, and altitude. He is now excited to head to the dorms in a week and get back together with some from this group. I am very happy and relieved that this was a good experience. He got what I hoped from it, a connection with fellow students.

It’s Friday for me today then a 10 day weekend. A little bittersweet though. This weekend is H and my annual golf weekend in Maine. Monday and Tuesday we will be working with S17 to tie up any loose ends and pack. At 6AM we begin our flight to move him in on Thursday. I cannot believe how quickly this summer has flown. My D16 was nearly in tears last evening as she was putting together a scrapbook for him. They are best friends and she will really miss him.

Back from our mega-vacation, and over 100 posts, so my update…

D17 somehow sprained her foot (not her ankle, her foot!) fairly badly on the walk down the mountainside from Neuschwanstein, but she managed to get through the remaining week of the holiday reasonably well anyway. Yesterday—the day after our return—she had an x-ray to confirm it wasn’t a fracture, and now she’s alternating between resting with it elevated and refusing to rest it. We’ll see how it goes.

She also got her room assignment: She’s in a triple, which she’s not unhappy with, especially since it means she has a corner room (six windows!), and her big res-life worry was that she’d end up in a single, which she very emphatically didn’t want. Orientation starts the 24th, and since that day and the next I have required pre-semester meetings here, my wife and D17 will be heading off together for move-in and such.

And, of course, since we’ll all be at home in Alaska on the 21st, our reaction to all the eclipse news will be pretty much, “Huh? Did something just happen?” Seeing stories about how you can see the upcoming eclipse “from anywhere in the United States” are amusing me right now (just as they’re probably amusing the Hawai’ians reading them, too).

DS17 and I are home for a week between a trip to Hawaii and going to Idaho to see the eclipse. DS21 starts high school on eclipse day, so he and DH aren’t going along on the eclipse trip. :frowning:

After the eclipse trip we will have 3 weeks before he goes off to college (quarter schedule, so really late start). We’ll do his dorm shopping then. He will only be in a temporary dorm at first until they get sorted into their Houses after 1 week of orientation and 1 week of classes. They have dinner and evening activities at each of the 8 Houses before the sorting. So, we may drive back after 2 weeks and figure out the dorm fridge, fan, storage, lofting type things.

He’s gotten his class schedule, but needs to add a class because he’s at the minimum number of units. He thinks he can’t do that until orientation the week before classes start. Their units are weird because they count expected homework hours. The minimum number of units is 36 and normal is about 45. Maximum is somewhere around 48.