Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@payn4ward We sent something to our son once via Amazon Locker and he sent us a picture of the item with the caption “Look what just came out of the magic wall!”

He gets convenient pick up occasionally, we get Prime video out of it. Win-win

@youcee :-bd On the Tick (Amazon Prime Video)

Son17 did a video chat with us from London yesterday. He is having a great time, and said his classes aren’t particularly hard. He said there is a bunch of reading and some projects, but he said he can handle the workload fine.
A few kids have joined a local gym an he is working out 4-5 times a week, so that is good. I think he may be hanging out with a girl too, he sent a picture to us with a girl that is rather clingy in the photo, lol. He’s had to learn to cook, shop, clean, laundry, love it! That might be worth the price of tuition!

He said he has been out to some pubs, clubs, concerts, restaurants etc., so it seems like he is getting settled in and having fun.

Good luck to all the 2017 kids starting off this Fall!!

24 hours form liftoff. What was I thinking letting her do this?

@VickiSoCal, maybe read the message directly above?

Move in complete. D is off on her backpacking orientation trip - no phones allowed.

D won’t know here scheduled until 9/12 - classes start on 9/13 so will be a scramble to get textbooks outside of the bookstore.

I hope that all of our Florida and Caribbean friends are safe!

We’re all in full** “Batten down the hatches!”** mode. :ar!

I lived just north of Orlando the first summer in 40 years that that area got hurricane-force winds—and we got three. (The disintegrating eye of Charley went directly over my house!) Not pleasant, at all—but may your supply of bread and toilet paper be enough to carry you through the storm.

So thrilled S’s entire book cost was $90 and that included the clicker! Have heard a little from him. He loves his school, had a great time at the first football game, has a new girlfriend (went to her house for Labor Day), and has received a bid from a fraternity that he loves. He really likes a couple of his professors but that is about all I have gotten about school. He has said he was reading or writing a paper a couple of times. He did say he is amazingly happy. He didn’t want to join a frat but found one he says he fits in with. That would mean moving after his first semester (required to live in the frat hose). Hmmm.

This time last year our dear children were busy applying to colleges and we were busy figuring out the financial cost of the dream schools. Words can not adequately express how much being a part of this form has helped make the parent part of the college process easier. It has been nice to have a place to come when things were stressful. I could read a few post ask a few questions and come away from this forum feeling so much better.

We moved D into her dorm at her dream school, Boston University last weekend. She was smiling and happy the whole time. She has a wonderful roommate,a campus job, loves her classes ,Professors and her new home away from home. It was easy leaving her. She is going to have a fantastic 4 years at a school she loves. Before we know it we will be moving them out of the dorms. Hope everyone has a great freshman college experience and keeps on posting.

Go Terriers!

I am watching Irma and wondering what its ultimate path will be. We lived in SC, not too far from Columbia, 28 yrs ago when Hugo hit and our town was hit hard. We had no power for 3 weeks. (There were few trees left standing anywhere in our neighborhood. Trees looked like a pile of pick-up sticks.) I left bc our oldest was a newborn.

I would go pick up dd this weekend if I was more sure of its direction. I don’t want to be that parent, but…I am that parent. :-SS I am a total hurricane wimp. I am terrified of serious storms (more like traumatized by them. It is why I am soooooo relieved that we no longer live on the Gulf.)

I lived in Palm Beach county during Andrew, luckily not much rain or wind unlike the devastation near Miami.

D had quite an exciting first two weeks. She got word she passed the audition for Marching Band about a week before classes started, which meant she needed to move in early for band camp. The first day of band camp she had a ‘chairs’ test where she made the on field marching squad (big surprise and a big deal). She found out early last week that she made the travel band to the first game. This was an even bigger deal since the first game was in Cowboy Stadium against Michigan. She had a whirl-wind, two day trip to Dallas and was quickly indoctrinated into big time college football. Now that she is back on campus she is back on the challenge list, so an alternate that is not on the marching squad can challenge her and take her spot on the field. College Marching Band can be very competitive!

We lived near @dfbdfb during hurricane Charley, we have since moved into a neighborhood with fewer large trees. Stores were out of bread by Tuesday so we will be eating hot dog buns instead. We are making and storing a lot of ice right now.

@botcom i have to agree that everything still is surreal. My D got into her dream school, and a couple weeks in and she is just thriving. I know that can change, but its so great to hear that she is keeping up academically, and doing well socially, and getting involved. She is running for a position in her dorm board. (student dorm council or something like that?). keeping fingers crossed all continues to go well. not just for her, but for all our kids.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek I totally understand how you are feeling. We lived near the NC coast for many years and weathered may hurricanes. D was 2 weeks old when a major hurricane had us with out power for over a week I would totally be wanting to go get my kid just because its easier to before a storm than after. My kid would probably tell me not to worry that it will be fine. Has the school issued any kind of information to the students or parents about what they will do if heads towards SC? Praying for all that this storm weakens.

I sense DS is adjusting well to college life. He lucked out with an incredibly considerate and compatible roommate. Classes have been underway for about 2 ½ weeks and the workload is high and increasing. Nevertheless, DS seems happy. Can’t wait to see him the first weekend in October for Fall Break.

DD14 and DS17 are both in Gainesville (UF), and the latest model has Irma bisecting the peninsular, so we had our first “Gator” Conference call last night, and reviewed the “plan” with both kids. Right now the plan is to hunker down in place (and not do anything stupid).

DS17 lives on campus in East Hall (same as @CaucAsianDad DD17), which was built in 1961, and looks like it can double as a nuclear bunker. He has extra food, bottle water, etc., and should be fine, as long as he doesn’t do something silly, like go exploring during the storm. :slight_smile:

DD14 lives off campus in a first floor apartment with 3 other roommates. They also have plenty of supplies, but some of the roommates are getting a bit panicky. Based on the updates, later today (Friday) she may want to go with her friends, west, to Tallahassee. We’re not that excited about her driving on I-75 and I-10 (both are crazy with south Florida residents heading north), but we’ll wait and see.

We have some final things to do around the house, then it’s time to wait out the storm. Luckily no one lives in a flood zone or on the coast.

Good Luck to everyone else! Stay safe! :-bd

EDIT: @SouthFloridaMom9 son also lives in East Hall, one more and we can get a game of Bridge going. :slight_smile:

So I get to go pick up DD from college today (1 1/2 hours away) & bring her home for the weekend. She is only coming home to work & work she will - Saturday, her shift is 7 am to 9:30 pm, then Sunday, 7 am to 6 pm. She will definitely get lots of hours, but feeling bummed because I’m basically just going to end up doing laundry & bake cookies for her to take back with her. :frowning:

A 14+ hour shift is a long day! But at least you will get that valuable time in the car during the drive to and from school! I would take that!!