Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

D17 is at the beach in Mexico this week enjoying spring break with her friends. Hope she doesn’t gain too much from all-inclusive eating/drinking:).

Good luck to the interview! @STEM2017. D17 continues struggling with finding summer internships. She is ChemE.

@letsshare S17 is mechanical engineering. He does not know anyone who could could give him insight on the two companies - it’s up to him to dig deep.

He has expressed an interest in settling back in New York after graduation. In NYC, there’s no shortage of need for building mechanical engineers, which I believe is a bit different than machinery/robotics mechanical engineering. With hundreds of skyscrapers, there’s less robotics and more building design and function - but i’m no engineer.

Son17 went to NYC for 3 days to visit a friend at NYU and had a great time. He is prepping today for a co-op interview tomorrow in Boston. He might come home and we may head up north to go skiing for a few days after that.

Best of luck to everyone’s kiddies going through searches and interviews!

I am meeting D on friday in florida and myself, her and my mom are going on a cruise. She is so stressed out as she has 4 midterms this week

D is going with her fellowship program to Tanzania for spring break. It’s a jam packed trip and I can’t wait to see the pictures (I told her she is required to take “hundreds”). They leave on Saturday.

D is lounging by the pool in AZ with a suite mate, decompressing. A nice respite from cold and snow at school.

Sounds like some pretty diverse and fun plans and activities for spring break!
@whataboutcollege keeping my fingers crossed that she finds a great internship. My s17 was bummed last summer when he didn’t get an internship. He decided to take ochem (one of the widowmaker classes) and a computer programming class during the summer. It helped him get ahead and didn’t leave a whole in his resume. He actually used that as an answer for one of the questions he was asked for this years interview.

We are meeting D halfway in the mountains in NC. She will stay with her cousin there for a few days and then we will meet up mid-week for some hiking, rest and relaxing Rain and more rain is in the forecast so hopefully it will go away for a few hours every day at least. She gets a one week break after school ends in late April and then she starts her co-op. We are planning to drive there with her car, help her move a bit (she could do it without us, it’s just our lame excuse to see her and hang out that week) and enjoy some time together. We will see her for a few days for a family wedding but otherwise I’m pretty sure last summer was her last full summer home.

@letsshare Thank you!!! D17 said she might continue her research with the current lab in the summer if she doesn’t get an internship. She will have access to the rental before the summer so she does have a place to stay. I will miss her dearly though. She might be able to get paid for summer but we don’t know yet.

@whataboutcollege I think it’s great that your D would be able to work in her current lab during the summer. I hope she doesn’t worry too much about an internship specially if she has that option of the research lab. I think sometimes these kids put too much pressure on themselves. Is she leaning towards any industry yet?

@letsshare Her dream internship was General Mills:) She didn’t even get a call back. She was under a lot of stress ( I agree that she put them onto herself) a couple of weeks leading to the spring break. She told me she was most likely getting her first B letter grade ( intro to quantum chemistry with 1 credit); she still had no internships; and… guess what, she didn’t order enough food for her event. She was crying over this?! I am happy she is at the beach relaxing now…

DS at home catching up on the shows he didn’t watch due to midterms (and meeting friends :slight_smile: He is volunteering at local hospital for 2 days.

S17 surprised me on mom’s weekend and said he just wanted to come home and do absolutely nothing, could I buy him a plane ticket. Luckily I got the last and next to last cheap seat on planes but he has to come in Sun night and leave Friday night. I’ll have to take some time off just to see him! The good thing is he won’t have his car so I’ll actually get to see him some.

He’s been going through the paid/unpaid internship thing and has pretty much decided to go with the paid that is here at home that he has done the last two summers and take one on-line class.

DD17 is in the middle of mid-terms trying to make it to spring break healthy with GPA intact. She is headed to the beach with friends staying at someone’s family house, but first a detour to Nashville for the weekend. She will be home for a week in May before leaving for her internship this summer. I feel time slipping away and wonder if I will ever have her “home” again for any amount of time more than just a holiday visit.

S17 is home now. I haven’t seen much of him, yet. He spent the 1st long weekend at a conference in DC with friends from his political group. Then last night, he went to an NHL game with his grandfather. He’s home tonight, and watched the 1st half of the MSU basketball game with me, but is now texting or social media-ing with friends. He said his midterms seemed to go well, and he can relax over break but wants to get ahead on some of his reading–his classes are very reading/paper writing intense. His older brother is coaching in a hockey tournament this weekend (one that he & S17 always played in), so we’ll probably go watch a couple of games and have some Buffalo wings & pizza rolls at the rink for old time’s sake.

S17 is still hoping to intern at the MI state Capitol and/or work near campus this summer, but has some longshot chances at internships in NYC and Buffalo as well. If those all fall through, he’ll come home for the summer. As much as I’d love to see him more, I hope he gets one of the internships, but we’ll see how it plays out. He’s definitely finding his people and his path, so he’s happy and confident.

D17 is in Guatemala on a service trip for spring break at the moment. She’s been applying for research positions for this summer, so really hoping something comes through. She should be able to graduate next year, so she’ll be starting to look at grad school soon. S15 will graduate this December, so for 2 years between high school graduations, there will only be 1 semester between college graduations. D17 brought a lot of dual credit & AP, so that definitely helped, but irks her brother that she actually has more credits than him.

@whataboutcollege. I’m glad that she is having some fun in warm weather. It will be good for her to have some fun and down time before finishing up the school year. :slight_smile:

Nice to see all the post and updates! D won’t be home untill late July. She has a paying job working at a lab that she has had both semesters and will continue working for them this summer.
She will get free housing on campus for the summer so that is a big help financially.

It’s hard to believe that in a few months we will have college juniors!

DS17 is spending his spring break (this week) staying at UF, manufacturing his design team’s competitive Formula-style racecar. At least we’ll get to see him this weekend. :-bd

My DD14 (who graduated in December) feels sorry for him (heavy engineering class load, plus 20+ hours a week with his design team), so she purchased a new Nintendo switch as a surprise gift.

She remembers the “engineering life”. ~X(

He’ll get it this weekend when he visits. Not that he’ll have much time to enjoy it, until summer break.

We still haven’t finalized his plans for the summer. That’s all TBD at this point.