Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

My daughter will be going on a backpacking trip sponsored by her college over the Spring Break, which takes place towards the end of the month. She is in the throes of decision-making for summer employment/internships - she is balancing financial incentives against professional development. There really isn’t a bad decision in terms of building her resume. Whatever she decides, she’ll be away for most of the summer - we’ll miss her!

My D will be coming home for one week of her spring break (next week) but going back up to campus early to finish some personal art/craft projects and hang out with one of her housemates who is an international student not going home for the break. D’s increasing independence both gladdens and saddens me - I’m sure you all can relate!

She’s also lining up things for the summer. She’s applied for a math symposium suggested by the professor she’s angling to do some research with and also doing a geoscience fieldwork trip to Iceland (she’s a math/geo double major.) Fortunately for D, her summer job is with our family business, so she has pretty good pull with the boss in terms of schedule flexibility. :wink:

Ok, which one of you Hollywood types used Mr. Singer’s ‘services’?

Fess up. You’re among friends.

I had to break the news to DD that I didn’t love her enough to spend 250K getting her into USC.

Here in the Midwest I heard on the morning news that people were paying bribes to get into elite universities.

And USC.


The lack of morality they are instilling in their kids leaves me speechless.

I was on a flight today and I ended up sitting next to a man who was a dean of admissions at an Ivy for 23 years. He said he had been offered bribes for admission to his school many times, and that no one in admissions is shocked to hear this.

In other news D applied to 8 REUʻs and received her first offer days after submission. Itʻs her number 2 choice and sheʻs jumping on it. Sheʻs thrilled and looking forward to the research.

@Gator88NE and others…

In Ocala, FL dealing with family business. I have 3-4 hours to kill so I’m heading up to UF…RIGHT NOW.

I’ve never been there. Any ‘must see’ spots on/around campus for someone passing through for a couple hours?

Not interested in food spots. More interested in campus spots.


@STEM2017 Steve Spurrier-Florida Field at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium! It’s open to the public. To one side (toward the O-Dome), you’ll find the statues and the championship trophies!

Otherwise, walk around campus. You’ll want to go from the Stadium, south to the Reitz Union, east toward Turlington Hall/Century Tower. Parking is a pain.


Parking - $4 -done!

Ben Hill Griffin Stadium -selfie - done!

On to the rest.


@STEM2017 As an FSU alum I’d suggest just avoiding that place, and grabbing an ice cold beverage of your choice and outdoor chaise lounge and relax.

Have fun on your visit. It’s a nice place. I actually had a girlfriend from UF and used to visit frequently ( in my FSU gear)

My D is having a spring break in Nashville and Memphis. She and her friends wanted to avoid the craziness of Florida beaches.

She is enjoying the food and the music. She even broke her vegetarian status to enjoy the BBQ! But it seems like all the college-age kids went to Florida… her pictures show only older men at restaurants and concerts.

Her group moved to Memphis last night. There will be more older people at Graceland, I bet.

@HiToWaMom - Vandy had spring break first week of March. Kids must be busy with home work or mid terms :slight_smile:

:-? Hmmm maybe. All I see in her photos are 45+ yo men with beer guts…

I’m 52, but thanks for the compliment. :smiley:

Hi all, anxious over here waiting for 3 maybe 4 decisions today for my D19. Anyone on the same boat?
@whataboutcollege any news on the internship front for your D? Either way, I think she will make good use out of her summer with the research option.

@letsshare 3 or 4 today?!?! Wow. Wishing you lots of good news!

I don’t have anymore kids after D17 but I get the same adrenaline rush!! I come back to CC around this time of year and read all the prospective applicants’ worries and anxieties. Is it obscene? This sure is one of my addictions.

(I don’t just read and chuckle. That’s too creepy. I do give support and encouragement whenever I can!)

I spent the weekend in UMich with D17. It was a blast. AA is such a lively and youthful place.

@letsshare She was able to get several interviews but nothing materialized yet. How did it go last Friday with your D19?

Update My son was easily able to secure his first co-op last week, he will start 8/1 and work until December. He found a co-op in the city so he can live in his dorm and commute a few t stops away. Very good rate of pay, in his field of study. So all good. His academic advisor was very helpful and helped son17 narrow down some good opportunities to apply to, and worked with him to finalize stuff. All in all, that was a very positive first experience. NEU has been good for him so far, he has enjoyed his time there.

Wow, our kids are finishing sophomore year soon! I can’t believe it!

After putting in many resumes, my D finally got a paid internship! She will be working for an event organization company in Manhattan, which I kind of feel like you don’t really need a college diploma for, but hey, I’m not complaining. They will increase her hour during summer. Will it pay for her housing in Manhattan? We’ll see.

Entertainment industry sounds bit shady but her acquaintance had an internship there and now a full time worker, so it must be legit.

She hears a lot about her high school friends who scattered around the nation.

One in Oregon got disciplined for underage drinking and had to attend school meeting. Overslept for the meeting. School didn’t let him register for the following semester. Didn’t tell his mother. Pretended that nothing was wrong for a long time. Mother tried to pay tuition and found out everything. Mother sent him off to his biological father who lives remote rural area farming or something. He still has option to go back to school. But mother is making him work and clear his head for now.

Another one who went to U of Michigan came home for winter, declared that he is moving to Germany to join activist group…

Her best friend is so into her sorority life, they seems to have less and less in common. My D looked sad about it.

They are all taking their own paths and it’s interesting to see where they will be in 5 years… 10 years…