Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Moved my daughter out of dorm on Friday and into the apartment she is subletting for the summer. Off campus apartment that is still close to her job and research position. She had everything packed and ready to go.

S15 graduated yesterday. Not looking forward to moving him out of apartment he has shared for 2 years with 4 other guys. After seeing his dorm room his freshman year a month or two after we moved him in, we agreed we would meet him in the lobby/outside the dorm going forward. Was bad enough moving him out at the end of the year. No interest in seeing it during the interim. And he was never packed when we went to pick him up. For his apartment I may give him two medium sized boxes and say anything he wants to put into them can be moved; rest is to be pitched. He can pick what goes in the boxes.

DS started his last week of classes (mainly reviews with one test today) then next week he has finals. After that Iā€™m not sure what he is doing for the few days until he leaves for his mini study abroad term May 21. I know he decided not to come home because they are leaving from near school not near home and all travelling together. He will be back June 7 or 8 to start his internship June 10.

D17 came home for a few days to study during finals and will head back tomorrow. She got an internship for the summer with Darden School of Business redesigning its website. Thankfully, she accepted that before learning that she did not get the congressional internship to which she applied.

Sheā€™ll be home in time for a couple of weeks to see friends and then we have a family trip to Hawaii planned. I think she will also accompany us on the thousand mile trek to drop our son off at Tulane.

D17 home soon for a few weeks before heading to Washington for internship. The biggest surprise,at the halfway thru college milestone, is her HS classmates-the high performers who crashed, the wallflowers who blossomed-it seems impossible to predict how kids turn out 2 years later.

Circling back to S17ā€™s ā€˜goodā€™ dilemma of choosing between the perfect internship with no pay or the ā€˜less than perfectā€™ internship with pay.

He managed to negotiate pay at the perfect internship - so now itā€™s even more perfect.

Thanks again for all your thoughts!

D17 just called to say that one of her suitemates got engaged!! Her boyfriend(fiancee) is a 29 yo professional.

@HiToWaMom D17was living in a 2br apt this year with three girls. Two in the other room are her friends, but the one sharing her room was a friend of a friend. D never met her until she moved in. Turns out the girl had a serious boyfriend stationed nearby with the Navy. She only slept in the room 3 nights a week and completely kept to herself when she was there, didnā€™t talk with D at all. Partway through first semester, D17 tells me the roommate apparently got engaged. While D17 was home for spring break, the girl suddenly got married and moved out. I think he was probably being deployed so they wanted her to be eligible for his benefits. So D17 has had the room to herself for the last six weeks which D17 is happy about bc she said it was always so awkward when the girl was there as she did not talk with D17 at all. Always had her headphones in. D17 seems to think the girlā€™s parents are furious with her-they live 1500 miles away and Iā€™m not sure theyā€™ve even met the guy!

Wow. I wonder why she was so reclusive. Is she still going to classes?

Iā€™m pretty sure my D17ā€™s friend got her familyā€™s blessings. Her family is only 30 minute subway ride away. They are planning a big wedding in September. Wait, isnā€™t it kind of quick after engagement? I wonder they can get venue this close.

I canā€™t imagine my 19 year old getting engaged right now, nor my 21 year old (who is graduating next week) either, for that matterā€¦ I know itā€™s not uncommon to get married in or right after college, but I just donā€™t see it in my guys, and I wasnā€™t married until I was writing my dissertation in grad school at age 27ā€¦

Itā€™s been a whirlwind couple of weeks for DS17. A week before his last final, he found out he got an internship near the school, so instead of coming 500 mi home for the summer, he found a summer sub-let near campus. The leasing company was so incompetent it was laughable, except that DS17 was trying to navigate this while studying for finals and writing final papers. On Fri of finals week, he was done with his last final by 9:45 am, moved by noon, and started his internship at 2 pm. We switched gears, and instead of going out to move him home, we fixed up our ā€œspareā€ car and got it inspected. Iā€™m driving it out to him this next weekend.

This year has been amazing for DS17ā€“heā€™s grown and matured tremendously, and heā€™s thrived socially and academically. Spring term grades were released today, but his are currently held hostage because he hasnā€™t completed the required prof/course evaluation surveys yetā€“yes, thereā€™s still the19 year old I know & love in there somewhereā€¦? However, I can bring up the online Deanā€™s List, and heā€™s on there, so they must be pretty goodā€¦ ?

Whenā€™s the due date :smiley: ?

Son finished his last final and got his grade and has perfect grades so far! Iā€™m go proud of him. Today his is travelling to Switzerland for his mini-term study abroad program. Just hope he makes it to the airport on time with a friend taking him! Now he tells me his gf is flying down the day he gets back. Hmm i think that means Iā€™ll be picking her up at the airport because he has a 12 hour drive after his plane arrives! Not sure what he was thinking.

@momocarly - whatā€™s your sonā€™s major?

@srk2017 his major is animal science but since he is doing early admit to vet school he is mainly taking the vet school pre-requisites and other sciences plus some animal science courses. He will go to vet school after the end of next year.

S17 just started her first internship in California on Monday. So far so good :smile:. S20 will go to summer program end of June. We will be empty nesters for the summer.

Iā€™m loving being an empty nester! Enjoy while it lasts!

DD is at CSUN for a Startalk Russian program. She drove down the PCH and fell in love with that coastline!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Your D17 did a program in Russia correct? Was she in St Petersburg? My DD is currently there until 7/27. She just went to the Opera last night she says. Apparently there is an emphasis on ā€˜Studyā€™ on her Study Abroad. She has a test every Friday and additional tests on other days. She has/had 3 tests this week.

My S17 just got back from his mini term study abroad in Switzerland. They had a great time even though they lost his luggage and it took 2 days to catch up with him! His gf came to visit for a couple of days just when he got home and Monday she left for home and he left with his job for a week. He works with a travelling equine vet so is all over the place. Jackson Miss. this week. He has to go back to Kansas for summer chapter in a couple of weeks and somehow fit in a 5 week online english class. I donā€™t think I will see him much! Turns out Iā€™m in FL on business when he is home next week!

My D17 is just finishing up a quarter in Oxford and has been working her tail off ā€“ā€“ those tutorials are not for the faint of heart! She writes a 10-12 page research paper each week!! And sheā€™s loving every second of it.

After her classes and her final papers are in next week, she will be spending three months conducting art historical research (funded by a generous grant from Stanford) and will finish up in Venice, Italy for a 2-week faculty-led program overseas program at the Art Bienalle in September.

Hello all. Hope everyone is doing well. From all the recent posts, it sounds like our kids are just amazing! Well done!

Iā€™m trying to give S19 some advice on scheduling and I need your help (which is always fantastic).

Would you advise a very convenient schedule which includes a poorly rated professor (3.0/5.0 on Rate My Professor) or would you advise a very inconvenient schedule with a very highly rated professor (4.7/5.0)?

The class is mandatory - Chem 110. Both professors have many ratings - over 100 for each, so I think their respective ratings carry some weight.

Bottom line, his current schedule is pretty compact and convenient, although he does start at 8am on MWF. The inconvenient Chem class is 4:30-5:30p on MWF which puts a 3 hour break in his MW and F, and obviously delays the start of every weekend.

I asked S17 and he immediately said to go with the better professor until I told him the meeting times. He agreed that its a tough call.

What do yā€™all think?