Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@bigmacbeth And here I was reading it as Bigmac Beth the whole time!

It’s been a while since I’ve been here, so here’s a D17 update. Finishing up year 2 at Temple in EE. She landed a summer internship with Corning and she’s super-excited about it. She loves living in Philly. Temple gets a bad rap for “the sketchy neighborhood” but she loves it there. We’re visiting this weekend because it’s spring break week coming up for D20 and S23.

I wasn’t logged into CC when I first hit the 2017 thread, so I was taken to page 1 rather than page 2200+. I went through a couple of pages and it’s interesting to see that many of the original posters disappeared long before our 2017s graduated. The longest still active members: @HiToWaMom and @rerunagain - congrats on your CC2017 longevity!

D20 is taking the ACT (right now). So good luck vibes are appreciated!
S23 is sleeping right now, I think I’ll go wake him soon :slight_smile:

I might not post often, but I have longevity! D is loving college and being in the Boston area. She really hopes for NO RAIN for the Marathon on Monday. She’s double majoring in psychology and anthropology. Plans to study abroad somewhere Spanish-speaking spring of junior year. Summer plans are up in the air. She will live at home one last summer.

I thought they took away all the fun emojis from us so we wouldn’t be disrespectful to others. Who would ever do that??? :naughty: :trollface:

Finals are in a week. I can’t believe they are already half way through college!

@whataboutcollege - Finals already starting at Vandy tomorrow. DS has lab final tomorrow and other finals next week. He will be home on May 2nd.

@srk2017 my D will be home on May 2nd as well! Good luck to your DS on his finals!!!

Mine has two more weeks of school and then finals. He will be 2/3 finished with just one more year before vet school. It is going really fast! He will go to Switzerland shortly after finals and won’t be home until June to start work.

My son is taking finals next week, comes home 4/27 and then starts his co-op at the end of June.

My son has 8 weeks left of spring quarter.

I’m not sure I’ve ever posted here as I joined a few months before D17 graduated; I’ve been more active with the threads related to S19’s search and application process. D17 doesn’t finish for five more weeks then has to take a red eye home to get home for S19’s graduation ceremony three hours later. She’s only home for about 2.5 months then heads to Madrid to study abroad for fall semester.

D17 has finals in a couple weeks, then home on 5/3. Doing research at the ‘local U’ for the summer.

MIne’s not home until third week of May. Then we have her for a month before her summer job, from which she will go directly back to college. They are growing up!

Finals start Monday at Pitt. We are driving from Tx to PA on Thursday to take her car to her and to help her move to her summer apartment. Her co-op starts on May 6th and she is there pretty much all summer.

@bigmacbeth - And I am not a fan of Bard college, but of THE Bard (I changed my profile pic to reflect this at some point).

I would say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but it was D17 that started driving the Shakespeare train many years ago – I hopped on at a later station…Now, I’m pleased to say that D17 is a proud member of her school’s resident Shakespeare theatre company, just took a class on Hamlet, and has going twice to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival on school-sponsored courses and trips!

Unlike @Dolemite’s D17, my D17 remained fairly consistent in her academic interests and pursuits – she went in intending to study art history, museum studies, and curation and that’s exactly what she is doing. She also went into school loving Shakespeare both in terms of theatre and scholarship and still does – the only thing that has shifted is that she’s become more interested in doing theatre tech, production, and stage management and has no interest in acting.

Academically, she has sharpened her focus and is now conducting research on the medieval and early modern periods, but still concentrating on art history, etc. She went in as a humanities nerd that loved old stuff and will come out a humanities nerd that loves even older stuff.

As for an update, she is currently in Oxford for a quarter (that hasn’t even started yet!!). She did a theatre binge in London where she saw Shakespeare’s Richard II and Marlowe’s Edward II, as well as a Pinter play with Tom Hiddleston! She was hoping to make it to Stratford-upon-Avon for Willy’s birthday…

As for the summer, she got a generous grant that will allow her to spend the 3 months doing art historical research throughout Europe and will end up in Venice in September for a faculty-led overseas seminar at the Venice Art Biennale.

My daughter’s internship runs through the end of June. They have rotated shifts throughout. She is working the midnight shift now. All of the interns who applied to vet school have been accepted (which is encouraging).

She has to be out of her dorm the first week of May so we will be moving her things out of the dorm and into an apartment she is sub-letting from a friend this summer. In July she has a research position at the equine research facility on campus. She will come home for a couple of weeks in August before classes start again. She has it in her mind that she will be able to graduate in 3 more semesters so some type of vet study abroad for the other semester is on her radar. Scholarship covers all of it so its nice. She will be in a furnished on campus apartment next year so move in will be easy with no furniture to bring.

Graduation for S15 is same weekend we move D17 out of her dorm. So it will be a busy weekend. He starts his job in June so we will be moving him at the end of May.

Oops - Lest there be any confusion, I didn’t mean to say that I’m not a fan of Bard College (I like Bard just fine; in fact, my D always says that I should have gone there instead of my alma mater, Georgetown, which was not a great fit for me). I meant that my name and profile pic referred to Shakespeare as the object of my affection.

For many, college is a time of exploration and I myself am thrilled that my child has explored many new interests and has been exposed to new topics not experienced in high school.

My D started out a biology major and is now a finance major!

So history has been made in our household, as our classic "just do enough to get A-/B+ student” son17 finally got straight A’s for the term, and made Dean’s List for the year. Amazing proud dad moment, LOL . I think he just found his groove sophomore year and he was proud when he showed us his grades. Maybe he can keep the streak going!! One can dream!

If he were to receive a grade for how clean his suite was for the term I’d say D+ at best. I never want to visit again.

Congratulations to your son @RightCoaster As for the room cleanliness, they do say that “D’s still get degrees!” He’s above the curve for many of his peers!!

DS is done with finals and came home on Friday. He avoided Sophomore slump! He had Orgo and Physical chem and for the first time had to sweat for grades.