Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

S17 is back on campus. He and his great boss of the last two summers had a falling out over money. The guy tried to pay him less than he had the past two summers and my son asked him about it. The guy then basically just blew him off saying he had priced himself out of the job. This is very disappointing because he really needs this guy to give him good references in the future. His work was awesome, it was just the money. He learned a big lesson. Get how much you make in writing! This guy was very loose about things like that.

So he ended up going back to campus where he felt more comfortable to work on his on-line class, study for the GRE he is taking in August, and work for a guy that does maintenance work on the fraternity and sorority houses on campus. He came back over the weekend (when I was out of town) and took all of his stuff back for the semester. I think this will be the last summer he even tries to come home. He moves back in the frat house in two or three weeks (living with friends and just paying utilities until then).

D17 is spending the summer doing what she really loves, being a camp counselor, but knows its probably her last year. When she returns in the fall she has lined up a fantastic internship though that will be for the whole school year so I really did not push her too much. S19 is heading out in less than a month and then we will be empty nesters, unless someone boomerangs back home

D has a job in a summer program for children and adolescents who are neurologically atypical, some of them facing very serious emotional and cognitive challenges. Sheā€™s learning a lot and finding the work rewarding but also draining, as you might expect. She also is participating in two faculty-led research projects in the fall, one of which will involve a conference presentation. It was great to have her home earlier in the summer. We also have a D21 so the whole college dance will gear up in earnest next year! Her school has sophomores take the PSAT and she has knocked out her SAT subject tests so the college spam has begun to flowā€¦ I would put an eye-rolling emoji here but donā€™t know where they are hiding in this new format.

Happy National Intern Day! (Itā€™s a real made-up thing, google it!) D17 got a t-shirt from her employer today, and they were taking all of the interns out for lunch.

So, I just found the ā€œnotificationsā€ since the forum changeā€¦ ? I didnā€™t even know anyone was commenting here, plus, I donā€™t look at these forums as often as I used to. Anywayā€¦

DS15 graduated and is still looking for his ā€œrealā€ job, but doing some side video work while looking. Heā€™s extremely laid back, so Iā€™m not really sure what his next steps are, but heā€™ll figure it outā€¦

DS17 likes his internship, and itā€™s solidifying his decision to apply to law school. Heā€™s still planning to graduate this year, assuming he can squeeze in his field credits this Fall. He didnā€™t do it this summer because it wouldā€™ve been EXPENSIVE since his scholarship doesnā€™t cover summer credits. He thinks he can still work part time at his internship office this Fall (they like him), so if it works out between the office & his department, heā€™s on the 3-year plan. Then heā€™ll take a gap year to internā€“either more law work or campaign work, take his LSAT and apply to law schools. At least thatā€™s the current plan. Starting Wed., heā€™s ā€œbetween apartmentsā€ for a couple of weeks. He has a place to store his stuff and a week off from his internship, so heā€™ll drop his stuff off, come home for a week, then go back and couch surf with friends until his school year apartment lease starts. He seems unconcerned about it, so Iā€™m just watching from afar. Heā€™s definitely grown inindependence and confidence in the past couple of years.

Happy rest of summer to allā€“the updates sound like these kids are really making things happen!

DS17 finished 10 week paid research internship in Europe and visited few countries over the weekends. He is at home now and will go back to campus in 2 weeks.

S17 finished his on-line English class and took the GRE. He has to finish up and submit his application for vet school as soon as the scores are in. Time has flown.

He moves in the house this week and gets ready for 29 new Freshmen to move in late next week. He will be swamped dealing with the Fraternity responsibilities and his work and classes. I will be relieved when the semester is over and his term as President ends.

I just canā€™t get used to this new format. I donā€™t like it at all. I used to really enjoy checking in, reading some posts, responding to a few, then following up. Now Iā€™m checking in less and less. Too bad.

My D17 is home after finishing internship. I donā€™t see her often, though. She is hardly at home visiting here and there re-connecting with old friends and making new connections with friendsā€™ friendsā€™ friendsā€™ā€¦ She is what Malcolm Gladwell would call ā€œconnectorā€.

She just got a call from her internship boss saying D17ā€™s immediate supervisor had just quit and they would like to offer his position to her when she comes back to school. They are even allowing her to work remotely from her dorm room.

Thatā€™s terrific news but last night she was feeling down. She was wondering if she ever finds loveā€¦ (um, you are 20 ) More and more of her girl friends have serious boyfriends, her sister has been with her boyfriend since she was 19, and one of her dorm suite mates is getting married come September.
Her biggest concern now is, oh boy, ā€œfinding LOVEā€. Please someone, help me.

@HiToWaMom I have read a number of articles about this phenomenon among todayā€™s youth. They are delaying romance and intimate relationships, not always by choice. Sheā€™s not alone, if that is any comfort. Within my D17ā€™s cohort are a number of smart, beautiful, socially confident young women who have yet to find romance.

@HiToWaMom I totally understand! S17 is one of those kids that finds a gf and stays with her for a long time. One gf 7 -9th grades, changed schools then one 10th to 12th, moved across country to school and then met his current gf the first week of college. I think it was almost exactly 2 years ago. They are compatible academically and study together all the time. Both love there is no pressure to find a SO.

Now his big sister D15. Oh my, she is terrified of not finding love and has let that drive her life! She has quit jobs, quit school, moved away, moved back, numerous times because of this search. Totally obsessed with it and it has paralyzed her life! Her friends are getting married having babies, etc. (she doesnā€™t notice the majority of her really nice friends that just graduated college donā€™t even have steady boyfriendā€™s yet!). Now some of those other friends are getting divorces. She is visiting one of them this week. I hope she can see that there is no rush! Donā€™t force it! My niece didnā€™t find her husband til she was 27 and they have great careers, 2 beautiful children and are totally happy! You canā€™t really tell them that at this age. They have to come to it on their own.

@momocarly Wow, a D15, that makes her ā€“ 22ish? Thatā€™s awfully young to be worried about marriage! Hope it all works out.
Most everyone here with 17s are back at school. Any news? My D17 finished her summer internship and we moved her back to Temple U a week ago for year 3 of EE. First week of classes is done, and they have a three day weekend (the only one of the fall semester). They do get the entire week of Thanksgiving off for a mid-semester break.

Have a great long weekend everybody!

My D has been back on campus for about 2 weeks now. She has a really full semester with some new leadership positions, her club sport, and a heavy course load. Sheā€™s especially excited about football season, which kicks off tomorrow with an away game, since she missed last football season while studying abroad.

She had a jam packed summer living the management consultant life, but she loved it. She absolutely loved her internship ā€” the work, the people, and social activities were fantastic ā€” and she has accepted her offer to return next summer. She returned to campus a much more confident and assertive person as a result of her internship experience. :slight_smile: So sheā€™ll be home again next summer. And hopefully Iā€™ll get to see more of her this time. lol She plans on doing a Maymester abroad before her internship next summer, somewhere in South America but sheā€™ll need to figure that out this semester.

I hope everyoneā€™s D17s and other college aged kiddos have a wonderful fall semester. And good luck to all those recruiting for 2020 fall internships!

D flew back to school directly from her CA internship Sunday. We drove up to meet her at Detroit airport and helped her settle into her rental house. She had a great internship experience, obtained a CO-OP offer but turned it down. She is a lot more confident now for her future career opportunities:). Fall semester is going to be very busy. Other than her sorority and engineering club responsibilities, she got the professor to pay her for the research work sheā€™s been doing for the past semesters. She will also get paid as a tutor for the entry level ChemE course. She is contemplating graduate school but finding a good paying job is still the top priority!

Enjoy the long weekend!

S17 went back to school for his final year 8 days ago. Today, he flew down for his grandmaā€™s 95th birthday party and heā€™ll be here till Monday. Then, we wonā€™t see him again till Thanksgiving.
He is enjoying his classes and kind of wishing heā€™d pursued a psych major instead of a minor. On the train ride home from the plane, he was more talkative than he has been for awhile, but he has no clue what he wants to do when he graduates.

I just cannot believe they are all halfway finished with undergrad! Some even three-quarters of the way. These past two years have moved quickly.

S17 spent the summer doing math research on campus. Enjoyed the experience, and now contemplating a PHD, but everything is still fluid, including the decision to pursue Math or CS PHD.

He will be working this term as a peer tutorā€“basically holding office hours for an undergrad math course. Suitemates are lovely, housing improves with each year, club responsibilities increase. All is good.

Hope everyone is out of the path of the approaching storm.

S17 moved back into the house. He is still President of the fraternity with a large live-in Freshman group. Lots of work getting them in, talking to parents, keeping them safe, and focused on classes, along with meetings and paperwork. He has a tough semester with three hard science classes and working for the physics dept. He had an interview for a research position but I havenā€™t heard anymore. He submitted his application for vet school so now we wait for the formal acceptance. This is all going too fast.

Sounds like all the kids are doing great things!!

Itā€™s been almost 2 months since the last post. Wow! I canā€™t say that Iā€™m surprised, as it was hard to even find this thread again.

Anyway, Iā€™m just popping in to provide a quick update, and hopefully it prompts those still around to do the same.

The MBB firm that my DD interned with this past summer recently gave her a full-time offer, and she accepted! She will intern with them again this summer, but the pressure is off and she is ecstatic (as are we). She also plans on completing a short study abroad program before her internship starts. Junior year is otherwise busy, but going well for her. In addition to a heavy course and EC schedule, DD is also studying for the GMAT and will be applying to grad school in January (a formality).

How is everyone elseā€™s DD/DSā€™s junior year going?

Congrats to your D on the job @itsgettingreal17 ! That definitely has to make things less stressful going forward.

Everything I hear from S17 is very positive so far this year. He still likes his internship at the law firm, his midterms and first papers from classes went well, his political group is humming along, and heā€™s captaining one of the mock trial teams. His mock trial team will actually compete in a tournament near us, so Iā€™ll finally get to see him compete with his college team. Plus, heā€™s enjoying apartment living, and is going to football and hockey games. And somehow, he doesnā€™t feel over scheduled or stressed out. His plan is still to graduate this year, and then take a year to continue interning while he takes his LSAT and applies to law schoolā€“here we go again! But heā€™s totally driving everything, so it should (?) be easier for me this time around.

Our dd has decided to pursue a 5 yr master program that was just approved by her U. She is excited about it and has been trying to figure out how to rearrange all her classes to fit all the requirements in. (Future classes will have it a lot easier since they wonā€™t be in their jr yr when creating their schedules.)