Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Thanks so much @dfbdfb! Those are great tips. D17 does have a good relationship with her adviser, who happens to be the chair of the English department. I’ll definitely suggest setting up some meetings this semester to brainstorm. That’s interesting to hear about the masters vs. Ph.D. I can see her being interested at some point in grad school. However, I’m a bit worried about that now since she will have some federal loans to pay back. There are a lot of internships available at Turner in Atlanta (CNN, HLN etc.) so I’m hoping she can find the secret sauce to getting one of those for the summer.

Check out Penguin Random House \internships also.

Thanks @momocarly !

My daughter’s break is coming to an end. I seem to recall having 2 weeks in December as a break but she has about 4 weeks. As I parent, I love that. Not sure how I would have felt about it as a college kid. LOL She has had a good time at home. Shadowing a vet this week and submitting some apps for summer positions. But she is definitely ready to go back to school and her friends (which is a good thing). Though I wouldn’t mind her hanging around a little while longer. :slight_smile:

S17 is about to go back too. He has had a long break but I have seen him almost none of it! We did have a good ski vacation in Sun Valley with him and his gf (that he broke up with just before finals but told us on the way to the airport she was coming - ok since her trip was paid for). I still am not sure if they are really back together or not! He leaves tomorrow to drive 10 hours to pick up a friend and then head to New Orleans for the National Championship game (doesn’t have tickets just going to the tailgates). Had his 21st birthday over the break.

Next semester he is going to TA for anatomy and physiology lab and has his summer internship with a vet all set up! He won’t be home before that because it starts 3 days after the semester ends. I’ll go see him for mom’s weekend in March and that will be it for awhile. Just waiting for the official letter of acceptance to vet school. We got the preliminary letter but the final isn’t until later this month.

I’m not sure where I belong. My daughter graduated high school in 2018 but due to dual enrollment credits will be graduating with her bachelors in 2021. She will be graduating with a dual degree in accounting and finance and graduating from the honors program if all goes well. If she didn’t go for the double major she could have graduated in less than 3 years.

She is finishing up her honors requirements this semester except for a capstone type class that is taken your last semester. The rest are classes in her majors. This past week she accepted a summer internship for tax work at Pricewaterhousecooper. She will live at home and commute by public transportation but I don’t think they help with summer housing. The pay sounds excellent to me.

I would love to hear updates and summer plans etc for others.

Welcome! @momtogirls2
It is impressive to graduate in 3 years with double major. Congrats to your DD! My D17 could graduate in 3.5 years with ChemE major + business minor, but she plans to stick out for the full 4 years just to enjoy college life:) She will intern at Exxon Mobile this coming summer. I think they offer airfare and some housing allowance.

Hi @momtogirls2 and welcome. My D17 will be graduating on schedule (4 years) with a double major and a minor. She will be spending the summer in ShangHai in a Chinese language intensive program and living with a host family. Her majors are Neuroscience and Molecular Genetics, and her minor is in Sociology.

@Mom2Girls2 Welcome! And congrats to your DD on the early graduation and great internship. Will she have enough credits to sit for the CPA?

My D17 is also an accounting major - she’s pursuing a dual degree in accounting and Arabic and minoring in Spanish. She has decided she doesn’t want to be an accountant, however, so won’t be sitting for the exam. She’s actually pretty much done with her undergrad degrees, but has held back 1 class for next year for scholarship reasons. Last week she was accepted to her graduate program. So next year she’ll be working on her masters in business analytics.

She hasn’t worked out all the details yet, but this summer she plans to spend 4-5 weeks in Peru (volunteer program) and then interning again with the same management consulting firm she was with last summer and with which she has already accepted a full time offer.

So your D will be a grad student or working full time? Either way, it sounds great!

My daughter doesn’t want to talk about future plan. She wants to go to grad school but she might not be able to afford it unless she gets into fully funded PhD program. If she has to work, she doesn’t know what she wants to do.

She can graduate half semester early but planning to go full four years.
She double majors in East Asian Studies and Religion.

I don’t want to stress her out with questions about future so I’m keeping my mouth shut which is difficult sometimes.

S17 got his official acceptance to veterinary college and starts in mid August! We had a tentative approval but so glad to have the formal one. (Still waiting for the paperwork to send in the deposit but it is supposed to be here by Wed.)

Congrats momocarly to you and your son. My daughter will be applying to vet schools this summer for Fall '21. Hard to believe its that time already.

My son is back in school after working his co-op in Boston last summer and Fall. He said school life is so much more relaxing than regular working life. No duh!!

He is looking into his next co-op right now, and hopes to find one specific to his major.
On the normal co-op plan, most kids graduate in 5 years vs 4 so he will be definitely be behind most of your kids in graduation dates. But he’ll have worked 3 co-ops which should prove to be beneficial in the long run.

@HiToWaMom She will be a grad student next year, receiving all 3 degrees in 4 years (2 undergrad, 1 grad). She plans to apply for some 1-yr post-grad fellowships, but already has a full time job lined up for post-graduation, which she’ll be able to defer if a fellowship comes though.

@RightCoaster My DD says the opposite and thinks working is much less stress. lol I think it’s a mindset thing. She stressed about school and grades, but not about work.

@RightCoaster mine is in the opposite column too! She loves her co-op job because she’s done after 8-9 hours each day and the evenings and weekends are completely hers. She took 18 hours last fall and felt that was more than enough and hated that her evenings and weekends weren’t really hers!

Mine will have completed a 3 semester co-op rotation too and is set for graduation 12/21 so it’s not too far off the targeted date of 5/21.

My daughter has secured a 12 month industrial placement (UK equivalent of coop) which will start in July, and will now be graduating in June 2021.

My D17 has figured out what she is cooking for dinner tonight.

My D17 got an Internship for the summer in Germany. It wasn’t her first choice but she’s happy with something abroad and it can’t hurt her Grad school apps. We have family and friends in the area so we’re going to see if we can work it out to meet up with her when she’s done and spend a couple of weeks touring about. We’ll have to see what my S23’s summer will look like.

Ok, I feel better about my S17 now! Just before Christmas (just before finals) he broke up with his gf that he had been dating since the first week he was at college. Over Thanksgiving everything was wonderful between them and we were looking forward to a ski trip together in January. Next time we talked he seemed to be a lot more interested in going out partying than doing anything else. He still ended up keeping his perfect grades but over the holidays he was back to being his not so nice self he had been for a year in hs. I was worried. He was just a better person with his gf.

Then on our way to the ski trip he told us his gf was coming. I was relieved. She came and everything seemed fine. We had a good time. Then the night we got back home he dumped her. I was furious! Not because he decided not to date her but because he was so disrespectful to her! I did not raise him like that.

Well, a couple of weeks ago in a conversation (first we had since the ski trip) he told me they were back together. Tonight he called to chat and she was studying with him like always. He sounded so much better! His gf told my daughter that when he wanted to get back together he called her father and apologized for basically being a jerk and asked him if it was ok if he dated his daughter again. I know it is old fashioned but it is how I raised him and how her parents are. I’m just glad that he owned up to his mistake (being a jerk). I hope he learned to be kind in all situations. Now he can concentrate on getting on with finishing the semester and heading to vet school!

@bigmacbeth - Ha ha! My D hasn’t even done that because she’ll just go to the dining hall. :smile: