Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@momocarly I have not figured out this generation yet… My D17 has been dating a guy now for almost 1 1/2 years (met him fall of sophomore year). Over the winter break, we talked and it seemed like all was fine. They did not see each other over break. Then one day I come home from being out and she is heading to her Best friends house, because she and he had broken up. . I was like what? They removed each others picture as their their cover on FB. But they still texted and talked every day. I was told that they just felt like they could not give 100% in the relationship, so they were going to try to be friends instead. She gets back to school, and fast forward a month, and now things are better than ever, and they want to live together next year. (which of course I have concerns about). A lot can happen between now and when they have to put a deposit down somewhere. One thing to consider is that he graduated last year and is working already in the area. I like the guy enough . Some people meet their SO in college, and some dont. My biggest thing is that once she graduates , she might be tied to the city where she goes to school to find work. Luckily its a very large city .

Nice to find so many familiar people still on here and read how well children are doing. Amazing how fast the last three years have gone.

My S still not sure what to do in summer besides completing medical school applications. He took MCAT last month and got 100 percentile. Applying to 25-30 schools is common now a days even for high stats kids.

Dd just found out she will be part of the CLS this summer. Super, super excited for her!!

Oh my gosh I just saw my typo.

My daughter has secured a 12 month industrial placement (UK equivalent of coop) which will start in July, and will now be graduating in June 2022.

Not 2021. Because, extra year now.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek That is so wonderful! Congrats to your D!! Russia?

Yes. And she actually got a location in Russia. :slight_smile: She is so excited!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Congratulations to D! So fun!

@VickiSoCal congratulations to your D too!

S17 will be working for a veterinary hospital in WV a couple hours out of DC for the summer. He is going to actually meet his boss in a couple of weeks. He will be living with the vet’s family for the internship. Job starts 3 days after school ends and he goes straight from the job to vet school orientation mid August. I didn’t get to go to Mom’s weekend so I have no idea when I’ll get to see him.

We just paid the last installment on S17’s last semester of undergrad! Yes, he’s graduating a year early, but more importantly WE DID IT–both our boys will have debt free college degrees!! S17 may need some loans for law school, but at least we got him this far (with the help of grandparents who also generously donated to our boys’ college funds…). Feels AWESOME!

Congratulations! ??‍?

D17 is trying to get a study abroad program nailed down for summer, but not sure it will work or not.?

S17’s school will close their dorms on Sunday for the rest of the semester (their spring break starts on Monday).

They need to move out completely, so he’s now trying to arrange for storage of his stuff.

I had planned to pick up my daughter on Thursday and take her to NC State for a vet school visit Friday. Got word today that tours are canceled going forward. Bummer. Was looking forward to the road trip with her.

Her break is next week. Told her to assume she isn’t going back to campus after break for some period of time. Bring books and clothes/contacts/etc for longer stay at home. Nothing is set yet but seems like its a definite possibility. Better to be prepared for it.

Currently waiting for DS school make a final decision she said she should hear something tonight or tomorrow morning.
She just reserved a storage space should she need it. I have checked flight prices just to be prepared.
We are doing this with hope that she can remain on campus with on line learning.
She does not want to come home as she is working on a major lab research project that requires her to be in the lab.

For all kids going home for spring break, I think it would be wise to take home everything they would need to finish the semester at home via online classes.

My guess is that more schools will tell their students to go leave for spring break and not come back.

My son secured his second co-op this summer with a big E-tailer in Boston doing supply chain analytics so that’s good. The bad, he is probably going to get the boot from his dorm this week to come home for rest of semester if his school follows rest of Boston area schools move to shutter the doors. Craziness

Son’s school is on spring break now. Of course he is skiing in CO. (at least they drove) I told him to call and reserve his storage unit now even though the school has mentioned nothing about it. He has one reserved for May and I told him to move it up and we would pay for it! The school has a website and says they are monitoring, travel abroad cancelled, thinking about on-line classes but nothing else yet. We will see once everyone gets back next week. I think it would be really hard to continue his calving class online since they are sitting with the cows! How are med schools and vet schools handling this?

We have been having this talk with dd and with our high school sr. Dd lost her CLE opportunity. Her friends have lost job offers and summer internships. We are discussing what might become their hard realities. :frowning:

How are everyone’s kids doing with online classes?

Have you and your kids been thinking about what they will do this fall?

If campuses don’t open, will they keep on taking classes online, or will they take a semester or year off? Even if campuses open, will you feel comfortable sending your kids, especially if that would put them in a dorm situation where it’s difficult for anyone to isolate themselves?

if campus was open i would definitely send my kid. she has weathered Mono, flu, strep etc. I think for this age group, without a pre-existing condition it would be ok. For them to open, the risk would likely be pretty low and treatments available.

But if classes are online, she has stated that she will not take any. She is one semester away from graduating and doesnt want her last college semester to be online. She has two important classes for her major and wants to take them in person.

i will say that this semesters online classes are going good for her. She is logging into Zoom at regular class time.