Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@greeny8 My D is similar to yours, although we’ll see when it comes to crunch time whether she’ll want to be so far away (down south). She also likes Pitt and Case, and I am telling her they are both south compared to our town. :wink:

Some school districts partner with local community colleges (usually) or universities to offer dual-enrollment classes in the high schools themselves, or in nearby college-owned buildings with the school or district providing transportation, with the courses taught by adjunct (usually) or regular college faculty.

So this fall, for example, my oldest will be taking (instead of AP English Language) a dual-enrollment first-semester composition class located in her school (taught by one of their high school English teachers who’ll be hired as adjunct faculty so that the local college has oversight of the course). Her sorta-boyfriend, on the other hand, will be fulfilling his district-mandated foreign language requirement by taking his second year of Mandarin at the local college in the evenings, with one period of his high school schedule being a study hall to balance it (per school rules on dual enrollment).

We are in the south but her school of choice is north of us and has 4 seasons but not the brutal winters like Chicago or the northeast. She will freeze when it’s 60, so unless she goes to school in Florida (we are from here and that’s her last choice) she will be cold at some point.

My D just got back from school after taking the APES exam. She thought it went fine which is nice since she consistently refused to study in any way… Grr!

Next exam is Thursday with AP Calc AB. Friday is US History. Saturday are the SAT2s in Bio, US History, and Math 2. Monday is AP Biology and Wednesday is English Language. Then she’s done with testing for the year! It is so close yet so far.

Also, when do your kids have their last day of junior year? D will be finished on May 17. Counting down the days!

So I’m skeptical about SAT results being available by May 10. A friend that is grading the essays for extra money just told me that Collegeboard is offering bonuses for graders to work 25 or 40 hours this week claiming “overwhelming student response to the SAT” (of course due to their dishonesty regarding PSAT score percentiles). With June SAT registration deadline of May 11, if they don’t have the results available on May 10, they are going to be fielding calls from a lot of angry customers!

@greeny8: Hey, I used to live in Florida (near Orlando), and I remember it getting down into the mid-30s, so even if she stays in Florida she’ll get plenty cold!

(Says the guy who’s now thoroughly acclimated to Alaska…)

@BusyNapping D will be done on May 17 as well! Next week she has two APs and her written Arabic final on May 13, finishing up with her oral Arabic final on the 17th :slight_smile:

(And she starts Russian on May 31 but that’s a different story lol)

@itsgettingreal17 Where would I find that information at on the college websites? We are looking at Texas Tech…Texas A&M…OU…UNT…OSU. right now.

Many schools we looked at said they would take SAT plus 2-3 SAT II tests OR ACT with writing, but a few seem to want the SAT II tests even with ACT + writing. I can’t remember which ones, but DS plans to take the SAT II tests to keep his options open. I’m finding it quite annoying that there are so many different options/combinations of tests … feels like we’ll never be finished with testing.

Also, DS missed the first chance to take new SAT in March because he was on a school trip to Ecuador, and he can’t take it this coming Saturday because of math team state finals, so he’s taking SATII’s in June and has to wait until fall to take the actual SAT (which he might just skip if he is happy with his ACT score and doesn’t make national merit cutoff). I wish they offered one more summer date.

@2muchquan, my kids attend a university lab school, located on the edge of a university campus. S17 will be done with HS classes by 11 a.m. next year, freeing up the rest of his day for college classes (about a 10 minute walk from his HS). He got lucky with scheduling… the college classes he wants to take are offered in the afternoon in buildings near each other and just 10 minutes apart. We have to pay college tuition for the classes though.

Question to everyone. If your kid has only one AP test on a certain day, either in the morning or in the afternoon, does he/she go to school for regular classes before/after the testing?

My D has two morning tests and seems like not intend to go back to school afterwards. I said, “Nonsense! If you cut afternoon classes, I’m not going to call school with an excuse, so it will be marked as an unexcused absence!”
She said I was too harsh and said NOBODY go to class on AP test days.

My D13 went back to school after each morning AP tests without complaint.

What’s your opinion?

It’s interesting reading about different weighting methods around the country!

My older kids attended two different high schools with the same weighting: regular college prep 4.0 (3.0, 2.0 etc), honors with a .1 bump, and APs with a .2 bump.

I keep going back-and-forth about weighting for homeschooled D. I think I will bump her university classes, the APs, and the outsouced English classes that have an honors designation.

@dfbdfb we are in Windermere (basically Orlando - I just have to cross the street) And it does get cold here in the winter (cold for floridians :wink: ) Don’t know how any of us would survive in Alaska!

@BusyNapping My D’s last day is June 8th. However after the AP exams next week, not sure what they will be doing except watching movies or playing cards. Unfortunately her new AP Chem teacher taking over supposedly needs to prove herself to the school so she will be teaching and testing the kids through the rest of the year. Poor kids.

Thanks everyone. I found a list. My S has taken the SAT 2 x’s and the ACT with writing once. I don’t see any of the colleges he is looking at that needs the SAT2.

At their school there was paperwork sent home allowing them to leave after the morning one or come in late for the afternoon one and have it be excused. I signed it-classes during this time are useless because none of the teachers want to review with 4 kids in the class (and rightly so!). I’m fine with them going home if they’re not going to be learning anything, and I’m glad in this case the school is taking the same practical pov over the next two weeks.

@Tgirlfriend It would be on the school’s website under admissions. Also you can google common data set for each school and look under the admissions section.

We have some overlapping schools so here’s what I have for you:

OU (assuming you mean University of Oklahoma) - does not require SAT II
OSU (assuming Oklahoma State) - does not require SAT II
OSU (if you mean Ohio State) - does not require SAT II.

I’ll see about the others for you.

My S will have to attend classes on the days he has AP tests. No choice there at his school, which, by the way, ends on May 11. He has too much going on in these last two weeks of school to not go to class just because he had a test (or two)!

@HiToWaMom, my DD will be attending class when not doing AP tests. Everyone seems to have different tests they’re taking and if a teacher decides not to do much, it will end up being a study period or something. In a way, that is one nice thing about these 2 weeks!

@Tgirlfriend Texas Tech does not require SAT II. Texas A&M and UNT do not require SAT II (note: they do require essay of either ACT or SAT).

Your S is good to go.

We are done on May 19. Usually they go back to school after AP tests (or attend in the morning before), but they get a little leeway (e.g., if test ends at 12, they aren’t expected back on campus until their 1:00 class). Things are winding down in most upper level classes, though, between AP classes being essentially finished and seniors are let out a week earlier than everyone else, so S (who takes a lot of classes with seniors) will have just a few students left in his classes after May 11. Not sure what they are going to do (probably play a lot of cards… fine with me, they deserve a little fun/time to relax after working so hard all year!)

@itsgettingreal17 …Thank you for looking that up for me. I think we are good then. We have Sat with essay and ACT with essay. Things change so much over the years I can’t begin to keep up. Thank you again!!!