Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@CT1417 I think they take Seniors too if they meet the GPA standards. I’m not going to have my son bother. He wasn’t super interested in it anyways, but I told him it was a nice thing to do and an extra thing to put on his resume. No big loss really.
The kid’s lying was bad, what was worse is that one of the kid’s parents lied for the kid. They took a trip back to their home country in S America for fun, and claimed they worked with the poor people down there for 2 weeks. I know better because I know they posted up pics showing they went to the beach, played soccer and relaxed at a winery.
Brutal. And I know these people fairly well, their kid is caught up in trying to increase his chances of going to play soccer at a pretty selective North Eastern University.


All the kids in our school with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 on an un-weighted scale are invited to apply.
At that point, you have to have at least a B in all honors classes taken and have to have at least 2 honors classes in different subject areas in 9th and 10th grade. You need to show leadership ability, have a letter of recommendation from an Honors class teacher, and write an essay. And, you need to list your activities and show active service to the school and community. The exact hours requirements are not disclosed. Once you are in, there is a community service requirement. (Tutoring, I think.)
At the ceremony, I was surprised to see only about 30 kids made it out of a class of 500ish.
While I don’t know how meaningful NHS is overall and have seen it disparaged frequently on CC, it was very meaningful to D17. She puts in a lot of time and effort to maintain her B+ average in honors classes and also puts in a lot of time volunteering and on her chosen extracurricular. D17 spents a lot of time feeling academically inferior to some of the kids at the tippy top of her classes who have no activities other than studying 24/7. This was something that awarded her for being well-rounded. It was a confidence booster and a point of pride.
Also, D17’s sport and most of her volunteering are done outside of school. With such a large class, the application and essay were the first chances for the administration/guidance to get to know what she does with her time.

@itsgettingreal17 thanks. I hope so too on the music side. I am attached to the kid, we do a lot of races together and want him to find his “spot”. It’s funny as he really isn’t a close friend of my S17, closer and a bit of a music and running mentor to my S19.

@Agentninetynine in this case I think CC would absolutely freak this mom out. It is hard to say why he is struggling as I don’t know the back history before this semester though my impression is that he’s been very mainstream class wise and fairly solid B’s but struggles in math. What I do know is that my kids went on the same band trip and it really could have derailed you if you were not on top of the HW before, during and after, especially as a junior. Amazingly, it really didn’t impact S17 very much at all outside of Pre-Calc but he was very good about being on top of things. S19 on the other hand did a bit of what this student did…not turning in things, not following up on what was missed and really riding his teachers. While he doesn’t have the disastrous situation the other child does, for him, it’s pretty bad. The difference in his case is that I know S19 has the ability, it isn’t a struggle academically, just organizationally. And if he fails in that area…then it’s on him. He knows the cons.

@2muchquan he filled it out, just never turned it in! He felt that MS JrHS was a joke so why bother. He is very much that way about everything.

@mtrosemom and @IABooks thanks

@MotherOfDragons I agree, a pox on your MIL. That is just the worst.

@carpoolingma Congrats to your daughter, that is an excellent accomplishment that she deserved.

Congratulations @carpoolingma !!

The other side of NHS:
I know of 1 kid who was originally not chosen for NHS. The parents called and spoke to the decision makers and, yes, the child was inducted in.
I think kids that have to work to support their family get penalized because they don’t have the volunteer hours in addition to their paid hours.
And, I am sure some kids embellish their qualifications which is sending the wrong message, entirely! :frowning:

@carpoolingma your daughter is the type they hope to have in the NHS!

@carpoolingma I love your schools process, what your D put into it and what she is getting out of it. They are lucky to have her!

Gone for the day and 70+ posts to catch up on!!! Go parents!

Welcome @shuttlebus and @Ldoponce happy to have you on board.

Re: PE - everyone is required to take it so everyone is in the same GPA boat

D finished with 4/5 AP tests. She is one happy camper today. Last one is Lang and no studying needed. whew.

@WhereIsMyKindle hooray for power!

@caroldanvers We are curious about the SAT too. My D took the free SAT school day in April. She had only been focusing on ACT but since it was free she said why not. She liked it but the score will tell if its better than her ACT. Scores are supposed to come out May 10th for the March, and the school day is coming out May 18th. Not much longer.

@2muchquan our NHS is the same. Doesn’t seem to be that difficult to get in and it’s a waste of time. Actually most of the honor societies seem to be a waste of time. I don’t even know why they bothered at this point.

@itsgettingreal17 congrats on your D’s summer acceptances. Sounds like she will have a busy summer

@CaucAsianDad Brag away! Always happy to hear good news about a child.

@MotherOfDragons smile and nod, smile and nod :smiley:

Here in the heart of the Bible Belt it actually counts as activity points for NHS if you are an “active member of your church youth group.”

My D hates this and thinks it isn’t fair for kids who don’t attend church. Anyone else have this?

Is it weird I look at CC more than FB? Anyway, @payn4ward, THANK YOU for those subject test links, those are great. My D is planning to cram for June Physics after next week. We’ll see how it goes. @jmek15, I am also a dance mom! (and I dance too, so I guess I’m a dancing dance mom). My D has danced for years and they usually do 4-5 competitions in the spring. I agree with everything you said. Also, the kids get used to seeing that at one competition a certain dance wins big and at another it doesn’t get into top 10. Should be good prep for the sometimes random nature of college admissions, I think! Not to mention, they know why they dance, not for judges, but because they absolutely love it. I won’t say there has never been drama, but the kids really support each other.

As for NHS, I don’t believe our HS participates. Or my D has missed info somehow. Not going to worry about it now! Sounds like it is a mixed bag for everyone, so I am going to be thankful it’s not an issue for us! :slight_smile:

@carachel2 there are certain volunteer things my kids do through their church youth group, that the director gets approved through the district for volunteer hours but that is for general service hours which is a graduation requirement. Food banks, shelters, etc.

I don’t know if it would count for NHS or not but probably. Just being “active” though…I sincerely hope not.

@carachel2: Maybe they figure the non-churchgoers would be doing other volunteer stuff on Sundays?

O:-) >:) ←(Just seemed an appropriate emoji pair, you know?)

You guys are slowing down…

^^^ I never knew this purple guy existed in the selection!! So cute!

^It’s useless comments like this that can propel you to senior member! :smiley:

Oops @HiToWaMom we cross-posted…I was referring to MY post :))

Spykid is back and reports that the APUSH test seemed to go well. Now he’s holed up in his room prepping for the SAT. If you want a chuckle google Twitter and the words AP Calc and APUSH. Kids have posted some pretty funny stuff.

D has subject tests tomorrow because she was convinced taking them in the middle of AP exams was a great idea. I think she is regretting that decision a little bit now since she is utterly exhausted. It is possible that she will change her mind and ask me to reschedule them later today.

I’m sure all our kids, even the ones who aren’t testing, wouldn’t mind a brief reprieve from the stresses of life.

@BusyNapping - For this generation there is no end to stress! college followed by career and need to save for retirement given the life expectancy :slight_smile:

@2muchquan I totally thought you were talking about me!! I have lots of useless comments! Do you know how many times I posted with one word, “Congratulations!!” (Not to gain post points but to congratulate the person of couse!)