Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

Susquehanna in PA

Merit at Providence will be hard to come by

@gitee2018 College size? Major?

Add: Clark, Wheaton (MA), Ursinus

Allegheny University, St Francis University in Loretta PA

Siena might give about 20K, Providence is pretty stingy, should do well at ECSU. UMass is reachy. Lots of high quality LACs in PA for those stats that give great merit: Allegheny, Susquehanna, Ursinus, Juniata, Washington & Jefferson, etc. You might want to check out other CTCL schools.

Allegheny, Ursinus and Goucher will all give merit at those stats with Allegheny likely being the most generous.

Muhlenberg - very pretty area.

@gitee2018 what is your D looking for in a school. Itā€™s hard to tell with that list. Itā€™s kind of a random group of schools in the northeast that are about at the level she can get into. Does she want big or small? LAC or university? City or rural? I think people donā€™t know what you are asking so they are just suggesting schools that are similar to others that you have.

Both of the college counselors at our school are at a conference for the entire week. Does this seem like awkward timing?

Roanoke College in Salem, VA. My son, who is a junior there, had very similar stats and was awarded $26K in merit money.

D19 was finally able to submit her first requests for transcripts yesterday for applications she submitted over the summer (Alabama, Auburn, Clemson, South Carolina). It will be interesting to see how long it now takes to actually get them sent out to the schools.

She is making progress on the Common App and Coalition supplemental questions and essays. It drives me crazy when she finishes 4 out 5 questions (Delaware) and then moves on and finishes 2 out of 4 for VT. Just finish one I want to say, but I am happy progress is being made.

She is still adding/dropping a few schools as she goes, which is driving me crazy. She added a reach school but it does not require any additional essays so I guess we will add one more. In exchange, I have told her she needs to apply to our state flagship (UMD), even though she is not very high on it. It is only 20 miles from home and I think she believes that is too close, me not so much.

Homecoming is all this week and weekend so not expecting much more progress.

Hard to believe this time last year she was in the midst of SAT prep and just starting to tour schools. Time is flying by.

The personal statement is finished!!! Iā€™m ecstatic.

On another note, I received a letter from D19ā€™s school about a ā€œFAFSA Completion Nightā€ at her school. They help the parents fill out the FAFSA, The letter specifically states ā€œDo not fill out the FAFSA until the school FAFSA completion nightā€ underlined and in bold. While I appreciate the help they are trying to give parents, that line annoyed me. I had planned to fill out the FAFSA on Monday night while D19 was at practice and I had 4 hours to kill.

@cinn124 - Iā€™ve seen cautions from folks saying to give it a few days to iron out kinks, especially if you were planning to use the DRTā€¦ I also put FAFSA open data on my calendar like, a year ago, but Iā€™m now thinking Iā€™ll wait a bit.

@Gatormama Iā€™ve heard the same. The completion night is Tuesday so I fully expect there to still be glitches. I donā€™t think this will end well. If the glitches do happen, Iā€™ll just wait until the weekend.

Congrats @cinn124 D finished her essay as well and I feel like Iā€™ve lost 20 lbs! What a weight that was! Common apps are now finished for 4 EA schools, just waiting on confirmation (or not) of a school club leadership post.

Has anyone else had issues with the Coalition app? D19 filled most of her information out this summer. I double checked everything (no criticism please, she has an LD that makes it vital for me to double check her) and all of her grades were entered correctly. For the past week she was unable to access her account. Yesterday she had success getting in so she updated her dual enrollment information. She created a pdf of one of the applications for me to check and at that point we discovered that every grade for every class was now listed as 88.5. She corrected all of them and I double checked them again. This morning she submitted her app to a school. I went in tonight to check something and found another grade changed to 91.5 (should have been 95). Now we have no way of knowing which grade went to the school so she will call tomorrow.

I plan to contact the website tomorrow but I am wondering if anyone else is having any issues.


Sorry. I donā€™t have any info on the common app, but Iā€™m really troubled that you felt you needed to justify your helping your daughter with her application. Personally, I donā€™t know any family that isnā€™t helping the kids in some way and proof reading is just a basic thing we can do for each other. Have parents become so judgmental that even this simple act garners criticism?

By the way, I wouldnā€™t dare have my daughter press send before I checked over her apps. I twice caught her accidently marking ED instead of EA. Conversely, I have her check over my papers for work sometimes and she catches my mistakes all the time. Sometimes others can see what you canā€™t.

+1 for double and triple checking kids applications. My D missed a short answer question on the Common App because it was ā€œoptionalā€. The question was ā€œWhy school X?ā€, and I really donā€™t think thatā€™s optional. She did not consider it optional either and was happy to answer, but the CA showed a green check on that writing section because she had done the required questions. She just overlooked it and would have been upset if sheā€™d hit send and realized it later. I got a ā€œThanks, Momā€ out of that one. :slight_smile:

Everyone can use an extra pair of eyes on any official document that they create, adult, kid, whoever. I just edited a document for a colleague who is a professional writer and managed to keep her from saying ā€˜doe snotā€™ instead of ā€˜does notā€™.

@momof3kidz My son has three coalition app schools - but hasnā€™t gotten as far as finalizing or submitting anything. Thatā€™s a really weird issue - Iā€™m sure you can get it figured out, but what a pain! My sonā€™s school does letter grades, but Iā€™ll take your post as a heads up to look out for glitches in general.

Oh, and he will definitely try to skip any question marked ā€œoptionalā€ so Iā€™ll need to be on top of that. Doubt that Iā€™ll get a ā€œThanks, Momā€ out of him though.

So, the last time I filled out a FAFSA, I think it opened in January (I only did it my D16ā€™s first year). Is it understood now that if you donā€™t file it in October (before some kids have even finalized their list of schools), you wonā€™t get aid? That doesnā€™t seem right, but there are a lot of things that donā€™t seem right about the college application process. I am planning to file since Iā€™ll have two in college for one year - I just wasnā€™t planning to do it this weekend!