Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

@gallentjill Tights. The answer is black tights.

@RightCoaster hmmm, we need good fin aid to make schools like UNH and UVM work. Sounds like Vermont would be a reach compared to UNH
but then again, being from California may help. My son is doing well this semester, so this GPA will be at least a 3.0
so we’ll see!

Another issue is airfare and coming home, if he goes to either one of these schools he would probably only be able to come home for Christmas and Summers. Thanksgiving and spring break would probably be too short and it would be too expensive to pay for all those flights back and forth. Also, I have been to New England (Maine) and it is a bit of a trek to get there from California
especially with New Hampshire and Vermont, you’d have to change planes somewhere!

@TwinMom2023 it is stressful! I also want to steer my kid away from wasting his time on schools he has little interest in or wouldn’t want to attend. But, I do know that my daughter got into some schools that we didn’t visit, so it’s hard to say. I do remember that with one she requested a brochure and called to ask some questions and another we met a rep at a college fair, so you can show your interest without visiting! Yep, we just may get a bump!

OMG. My husband is IT, but has a journalism degree from Penn State. I withdrew from the Twin A essay proofing and he is now involved. It’s like Spock trying to be engaged and helpful. This is painful and entertaining at the same time.

@natty1988 You’re right. I think there are a couple that we haven’t requested a brochure. Thank you.

Y’all it’s DONE!!! The painfully overdue Common App essay is complete. This is a huge miracle. Kudos to her dad for taking her disjointed paragraphs and helping her create a decent, finished product. The stress in the house went down about 15 notches.

Just got home from ordering cap and gown and announcements . It’s all too real!

Congrats @TwinMom2023 !

And I just can’t with that right now, @carolinamom2boys . :slight_smile:

@carolinamom2boys What??? It’s so early. Is this your youngest? I know you have a CoC kid. I won’t be emotionally ready for cap and gown until maybe April. Maybe!!!

@TwinMom2023 it is my 2019 kid. He graduates June 1 at 5:30. My CofC son won’t graduate in a cap and gown. Spring graduates wear a white dinner jacket with black pants and a red or black bow tie, the female graduates wear white dresses and carry red roses. If he were to graduate in December, he would wear a black tuxedo and the female graduates wear black dresses and carry red roses. It’s a beautiful graduation. There’s some amazing YouTube videos of it if you’re interested. My CofC son is a junior.

I would definitely run the NPC for UVM. We were interested in it for our youngest daughter, but found the OOS cost higher than any private school we have looked at.

@natty1988 did your son check into UMaine at all? If he qualifies, he would pay your instate tuition through their flagship match program. If he likes UVM and UNH, he might like UMaine.

We have looked into UMaine as OOS. To qualify for the flagship match program you must apply by 12/1 - FYI.

@RightCoaster I’m suburban Boston as well. April is the big “OMG I got no aid I need to go to UMass” month at our school as well. 2017 only 17 went to UMass (but 20 to UVM); last year it was 69 to UMass
clearly driven by its increasing reputation and $$$.

@SwimmingDad we average about high twenties to Umass, and a dozen or so to each of UVM,URI and UNH each year ( class size is 360) or so. I thought it would be higher to Umass for sure, like closer to 50, but I guess not. I just checked Naviance. The kids seem stay local, slough they are getting more spread out. It’s harder to get into Isenburg and the school of engineering, at Umass, so I think kids are looking at other options. Umass Lowell seems to get around a dozen kids a year now.

@TwinMom2023 no problem! Good luck with the application process!

@dadof2d That’s what we’re going to do. If the out of state cost is too high, then he probably won’t apply, or we’ll see what kind of aid we get.

@taverngirl hmmm, we haven’t thought of UMaine! I’ll have to look up the details of their flagship match program! Thanks for the tip!

We have a friend who went to University of Maine (she grew up in Maine and moved back there a couple of years ago, she would’ve attended the U in the late 80’s, early 90’s) and we’ll be seeing her soon when she’s back in CA for business, so we can ask her about it then

Hi everyone, want to pick the collective brain for possible schools for my daughter. She is still a junior, but I want to be prepared to start visiting schools in the Spring.

Stats: about 3.2 unweighted GPA, will have 5-6 AP and college courses, so weighted will be a bit higher.
SAT: 1210, this was the first attempt, but I don’t count on any drastic improvement.
EC: tutors Algebra, team captain of a HS sports team, worked at day camps 3 summers in a row (yes, started earning money at 14), will also work next summer.

Wants a college within 3-3.5 hrs from NYC that is not a commuter school. Intends to major in Education, so having 4+1 programs is a plus.

We have a pretty good grasp on public schools (NY state + MCLA) and NYC public and private schools, so this is a request strictly for private schools outside of NYC. The kicker is that we are full pay, so unless there is significant non-need-based aid, it doesn’t make any sense for us. I doubt that something like I described exists, but still curious to hear your thoughts. TIA.

@2more2go I think there are many schools that fit your description. Education is a pretty common major.

Going the private school route in NJ, you could look at Drew (

In PA you could look at Juniata (

I know both offer good non-need-based merit


How about Mount St.Mary’s in Newburgh NY?

My friend’s daughter is a sophomore at Mount St. Mary with a major in education and she feels it is a great school. Another friend has a daughter who graduated with a degree in education about 6 years ago and was also quite happy with the quality of education at “the Mount”.