Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

I had no idea there was a Mount St. Mary’s in NY. I always think of the one in MD. I googled it and there is a slight distinction in the two.
Mount Saint Mary College - Newburgh, NY
Mount St. Mary’s University - Emmitsburgh, MD

The one in MD is also called “The Mount.”

Oh pantyhose. I can’t believe we are talking about it. I do NOT miss that, at all. Definitely wore it in college and for a lot of my professional life but not in the last 20 years. I am quite sure SD14 has never worn a pair in her life. She doesn’t wear tights either for that matter. I do but probably go bare legged far more than with tights.

I was referring to “the Mount”, in Newburgh.

I applied to Mt Saint Mary’s in Newburgh back in the day! Dances with West Point were quite the draw back then!

Mount Saint Marys in Newburgh is a college; in Maryland it’s a University. But both are reasonable options here.

Though really, the difference between a college and a university is effectively meaningless, at least in the United States—consider, f’rex, that it’s Dartmouth College

Oh, I agree. But it’s an easy way to differentiate between the two.

Has anyone started with the College accepted/not accepted dreams yet ? I woke this morning from one, and after my tea hopped onto cc only to see one of the tops chats was “Parent Anxiety/Losing Sleep” ? I am hoping D19 is not experiencing the same, and if so that we both will sleep better once we send some applications.

@EENYMum Sending the apps really helps! Of course, you will spend a week second guessing everything, but that fades and you find plenty of other things to occupy your time: cap and gown orders, graduation notices, volunteer hours, midterms, capstone papers, science projects etc, etc, etc.
D19 was asked to submit a peer recommendation for a friend’s college app, and you would think she would hustle just knowing how hard it was to wait for her teacher LOR, but no. So now I’ve added it to the list of things I need to stay on top of. Every week it seems I tell her that I’ll get off her back as soon as “X” is done, but even that doesn’t seem to motivate enough. The next week there is always a new “X”. I’ve become white noise.

I have to say, Iowa State isn’t necessarily the favorite from either D19 or the parents, but dang, they do know how to market themselves really, really well to us.

The latest: A letter to the parents of admitted students (not sure if it went to all admitted-student families, just those OOS, or some other selection) suggesting ways not just that the college can help D19 succeed, but concrete actions she can take to ensure collegiate success, and some details on how to do those in the context of attending Iowa State.

And we get some little tidbit from them like that every two or three weeks (sometimes academic, sometimes social, sometimes more of a fuzzy human-interest sort of thing). It’s like this amazing drip-drip-drip keeping them in our consciousness. And they’re managing it without being annoying!

S19 got his first acceptance today from Xavier (Ohio). We have not made it out for a visit yet, but it fits all of his parameters, so it was nice to hear from them today! We are going to visit in November - I can tell he is very relieved - it has been a very stressful time in our house.

Congrats @5050100!

Thank you @eb23282 !

S just got his first scholarship offer today! Full tuition at UT Dallas plus a nice cash stipend for expenses. AND Common App is done and in for all early action colleges on the list. We are still waiting on teacher recs I think.

And, on pantyhose, thank you “Sex and the City” for driving a stake through the evil heart of that social more. I wore hose every day of my professional life until open-toed pumps and came into vogue. Expensive, uncomfortable and ridiculously delicate all at once, I am so glad they are gone.

Congrats @5050100 and @fwtxmom - Great accomplishments (and relief)!

Congratulations @5050100 that first one really does lift a weight!

@fwtxmom now that’s a nice scholarship!!! Congratulations!!!

So true about Sex and the City. That made me smile. Open toe shoes too. Those do not work well with hose!!! Nothing more frustrating then tearing hose on a limited just out of college budget.

Some progress here. 2 EA apps in, the ED one and an RD one close to final.

Still waiting on the HS to send most everything. They won’t send transcript and school profile till after the 25th. And we are waiting to hear for sure that last years GC did the counselor report before going on maternity leave so that’s mildly nerve wracking. One teacher has sent the LOR in and the other has promised to by the ED date.

But I will feel a lot better once I see it all show up!!!

Congrats to @5050100 and @fttxmom!

S19 is stalled at 5 apps in (2 to go) and hasn’t done any of his supplemental music apps. This is a really busy week with a lot of tests so it’s not happening before the weekend. He got an email from one of his schools yesterday asking him to confirm his intended major (he apparently applied to a B.S. instead of a B.M. while speed applying - I’m glad he got to change it!) Oh well, at least someone is looking at his application.

It has now been 28 days since he requested his transcripts! I should probably double check and make sure he submitted the release form with his request.

@eh1234 - My son turned in his transcript requests in mid-September and by mid-October they had not been uploaded to Naviance. In my mind it was taking way too long (GC said they get them uploaded within 10 business days), so I reached out to the GC and asked about it. Sure enough, there was a “snafu” with Naviance and documents were not uploading correctly. Several students were having the same issue. Not really sure what happened, but they were uploaded by the end of the day and all was good. You may want to check…