Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA


Check the portals, that’s what counts regardless of what Naviance says.

First acceptance in! Colorado State :slight_smile:


D19 was accepted to Dayton and Butler this week. Butler came a decent size merit award.

Congrats to your kids, @eandesmom and @DCNatFan!

Welcome @anaferreira12 and best wishes. Are you from the New England area?

Congrats @eandesmom and @DCNatFan

@eandesmom Congrats. We are all making progress.

@anaferreira12 good for you for keeping up. Ask us anything. There is so much college knowledge here!

Congrats @eandesmom and @DCNatFan

I heard that generally the 11/1 EA will not have decisions until around Xmas. Is that wrong?

Hello everyone. :-h I’m new here. So glad to find you. Sorry to say, I haven’t read thru all 168 pages, but have read the first several (before realizing that was 2017 postings) and last several.

D19 has a GPA of 3.4w/3.2uw (school does a non-standard weighting), with many honors classes and 5 APs, mostly B’s with one C+ and an occasional A. She did great on the SAT, getting a 1450 on her first try, in March. Decided not to retake and to focus on grades instead. Though EOY grades didn’t really improve, she seems to be hovering at the A-/B+ range in all classes this fall.

Extracurriculars are good. Strong in Musical Theater, some sports, leadership in clubs. And unfortunately had a disciplinary issue earlier this year…just in time for college apps, yay! She’s really a great kid and I hope the schools can see past that one incident on her record.

We visited 12-15 schools, and she’s applied EA to a few, with a good range of safety-match-reach. She has a few more on her list where she’ll likely apply, as well. She’s interested in criminal justice, with a concentration in either criminal psychology or computer forensics. She’s just fascinated by True Crime stories.

My role has been to gently remind her to work on her apps, send in her test scores, etc, etc, etc. She fits it in when she can, but I’m constantly worried that it’s either not getting done or not getting done RIGHT. I’ve asked her for the links to the school portals, just to double-check that everything is in, and she doesn’t understand why I want them. Sigh.

Anyway, just wanted to chime in. Glad to find a group who can relate.

1450 is a great score! I am sure she will have some great options!

@momzilla2D welcome! Which schools is your D interested in? The 1450 is a great score for a 3-3.4 student, and with 5 AP’s I would hope that colleges can see her potential.

Thanks @JBSeattle and @eb23282 !
She’s been at small schools her whole life and wants something different. She wants a large school, with Div 1 football — school spirit, a team to root for, a lot of options in case she wants to change her major at some point. Also interested in internships.

She applied EA to UMichigan, UMaryland, UMiami, Ohio State, Northeastern, and James Madison. And Tulane will also be EA sometime this week. She’s also looking at UMass, UConn, URichmond, and I’m hoping UDelaware. (Were in MA.)

Whoo hoo! Congrats @eandesmom and @DCNatFan !

And welcome @momzilla2D !

DD and hubby visited Roanoke and Lynchburg U this week. Both schools really rolled out the Red Carpet.

She learned of her Roanoke acceptance when she checked into the admissions office, so that was exciting! But, Roanoke didn’t really resonate with her.

Lynchburg was a Scholarship Day event. My husband loved it. After 3 kids and 25 school visits, he thought it was in the the top 2 visits (No one will ever compare to Pitt for my husband). DD texted that she LOVED it. I think this is THE school. For DD it is likely #2, because Seattle U has had her heart for years. Reality check is a school in driving distance to our PA home.

She also changed her Ursinus application from EA to Regular in order to retake ACT in December in an attempt to attain 27 for their $35k scholarship.

Meanwhile, my lazy butt keeps procrastinating the FAFSA.

Thanks for sharing @Longhaul !
What does your DD like about Seattle U? I live in Seattle. The pro of Seattle U is that it is in a vibrant neighborhood near DT Seattle. It is a bit more commute rescue than some schools. They moved to D1 in basketball a few years ago. Lynchburg and Roanoke are in very different environments!
Seattle is a cool city though and great if that is what she wants. Just be prepared because Seattle does have big city issues like homelessness.

It is funny because my daughter wants out of Seattle. She has only applied to one school in state which is a safety option.

^I meant to say it has more commuter students than an average 4 year albeit not a commuter school per se. Spellcheck, ugh!!!

@JBSeattle , i think many kids want to explore outside their home. My daughter is an introvert that loves the vibrancy of a city. Her brother did a co-op in Seattle and her Dad’s extended family are all in the Seattle area. She loves Seattle and the feel of a Jesuit school. But, of all my kids, she needs home the most and we can’t afford the cross country flights more than at the beginning and end of semester.

Lynchburg just feels perfect for her. She enjoys Community Service, loves an option for Museum Studies minor and is a type of student that would benefit from the support Lynchburg offers.

Sounds great! So, you think she will go to Lynchburg?
My daughter doesn’t really want to make a list until she has admissions/merit aid results. We probably are in for a few college visits as she has not seen several schools.

@momzilla2D , my D also aim at criminology or criminal justice, but she doesnt have the great SAT as your D, She would also hope to do criminal psychology in master degree. She addicted to all the crime TV series since a kid. However, she is worrying about the job opportunity after graduation. Being an immigrant, we have little knowledge about the job opportunity in this field. She would like to work in NY area in the future. Would you mind to share any insight about this career path. BTW, most of your D’s list of school are state Us, do they offer scholarship for B students?