Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

@Acersaccharum yes, that email definitely sounds more definitative.

@gpo613 Glad that my daughter just has one 11/15 deadline (the “Why Tulane?” essay) and a combined Cal State by 11/30 that are coming up. I think she is mostly done with the Cal State and Tulane is a bit of a lottery ticket so if she doesn’t make it then the world will not end. How many 11/15 deadlines?

very helpful thanks

Elon is 11/10 for EA. UNC - Asheville is her safety and is 11/15 for EA. She needs to submit RD Ursinus. I am not sure she has it in her though.

We had 2 11/15 deadlines (EA/RD) one 12/1 (EA) and one 11/1 (ED)

Still have one 11/15 to get in.

This process should just be a quick interview, show them a stats sheet, give the interviewer an essay then they notify you in a week.
It is just such a crazy process!

Question for the group:
D19 is currently taking AP Computer Programming. The class is taking an online course through Edhesive, with a math teacher babysitting the class while they each work at their own pace. The math teacher acknowledges that he knows nothing about computer programming. D seems to think this is just the way AP Computer Programming is done everywhere. Is that true? Or do most schools have an actual teacher teaching the material?

@momzilla2D do you mean AP.Comp Sci A? Our S19 took it soph year and definitely had a teacher who taught the material.

@homerdog She took the first one, AP Computer Science Principles, last year, and had an actual live teacher. This one is just called AP Computer Programming. So, I guess that’s A??

@momzilla2D Yes. That must be it. I guess it’s possible that the school does not have a teacher to teach it but decided to offer it anyway. Interesting.

@homerdog Yeah. hmmm. I was afraid of that. D19 got a C+ on her only assessment, so that goes on her 1st marking period grade. She said the assessment just came up with no warning, as she was working thru the on-line course, so she had no time to prepare. Ugh. Bad timing, since that’s what will be reported to schools.

@momzilla2D I can’t belirvr the school didn’t make clear that it’s an online course. Isn’t that something that your D would have been told when she registered for the class? I’ve never heard of an online class being given in a classroom setting in a high school! It’s not an easy class for those who don’t have programming experience. Our S didn’t take Principles. I don’t think there’s any Java in there anyway and Comp Sci A is all Java. The kids who did best in his class had self taught themselves Java already or had taken a class over the summer before the AP class. Hope your D can make it work! Maybe she can find someone in the class who has Java experience and then she can study with that student!

@homerdog, D19 may have known, but parents did not. And like I said, D seemed to think it was typical for the class to be online only — like all schools do it that way. Sigh. My husband went to that class on parents night (we have 2 kids in HS, so have to split up to see all the classes) and that’s when WE found out it was an online class. She has had some programming in middle school, besides the Principles class, but I really don’t know whether she’s had Java. She likes programming, but is not a CS kid. It’s not something she does in her spare time. And she’s never done an online class. (D20, OTOH, took Algebra & Geometry online in middle school. And even then, there were math teachers there to teach concepts. Different school. And D20 is not taking AP CS.)

I’m just disappointed that the school doesn’t have a real teacher. I think D19 is up to the class, and hopefully she’ll get her grade up, but seems like a real disadvantage wrt the AP exam.


S19 definitely had a teacher who taught the material. I am sorry, that’s really unfortunate. How can students get help in that situation?

@eandesmom I don’t know, but I have a conference with her advisor tomorrow, so I’ll ask.

All of our AP classes and all DE classes except one are online at our school. DD did one AP and said never again. The tests had to be proctored and the proctor could not be there during DD’s AP block so she had to miss another class for tests. She gets along alright with the DE classes, the tests can be taken during her block and the work is easier in general.

She has two online classes this semester and plans on three next semester. We were debating on whether she should do all three or have a free block, but decided to get more college credits. For one thing, there will be kids from HS at her college she doesn’t want to see, so we figured the fewer gen eds she takes there, the less chance of seeing them. And, ranking for selecting courses goes by number of credits you already have, so she can enter with 30+ credits now and have a little seniority to help her get in the classes she needs. And of course have more breathing room for completing major and minor.

Kids at our tiny school take a lot of online classes independently. They hang in the commons area and use headphones. There is no teacher and the GC just checks in every now and then. This format did not work very well for my girls. They wound up dropping an expensive Spanish class, but one did okay in anatomy honors. That online teacher was VERY engaged though and it felt like a real class.

D19 got her first acceptance today with what I think may be top merit!!! She burst into hysterical tears. Guess we did not see how stressful the process has been for her. She is all smiles now :slight_smile:

Congrats to your D! Which school?

We got this letter from Western Washington which turned out just to be a “we got your stuff” letter. My daughter also decided to not apply to Tulane as the cost for us would be crazy and her chances of getting in would be low (odds of merit even less). She seems pretty overwhelmed/tired/stressed.
Next up is getting Cal State app in (SDSU and CPSLO).

@JBSeattle Arcadia in PA. She applied to their 3+3 physical therapy program. They are rolling admissions but we did not expect anything so soon! The merit of $25,000 puts it almost in reach. She really likes all the schools she applied to and the decision will most likely come down to finances (and for Mom and Dad being close to extended family in Western NY and PA).
And yes to the tired and stressed thing. Hope your D gets some extra rest over the 3 day weekend.